That's a pretty weak reply, considering you play SSBM, where a certain space animal has infinites...
. To me, that's just ludicrious, MvC2 is a great fighting game period, it was the most played fighting in the states for what...Four Straight Years, and even at evolution it gathers one of the highest competetions.
It should be played if 1. It's fun 2. It's competetive 3. Competetion is still strong, All of these MvC2 still has, so you are one of the small minority. Oh, and btw, if anyone knows Marvel now a days, it's not Rom's/Infinities that can kill you, for crying out loud, Cable doesn't use rom's to kill you, he uses Ahvb to kill you, Storm uses her vesatility and fly away to own you, Sentinel use fly and unfly combos to beat the snot out of you, even Magneto who has the most useful infinites, however his biggest potential comes from resets, not infinites.
Your right, in Slash, they don't have them, however to say that GG did not or does not have "spammable" attacks is just downright biased. Just remember how many games they had to make to get to Slash. Guilty Gear just doesn't cater to the players around here, I tried to get into it back during the Dustloop days, however what annoyed me the most was that there was more people who wanted to dress up as Sol and think Sol was cool, hot or whatever then actually wanting to play the game on the competetive level.
Tekken5 was horrible, not really because of Steve Fox, because if you look down memory lane, there where characters as broken as he was, and in some cases, even more so then him. In Tekken3, alot of characters where so strong, just look at the list...T3 Ogre, T3 Jin, T3 Heihachi, T3Law(Best Law ever), T3Ling(Best Ling ever), T3Paul(Imo, best Paul ever), T3Lei(Best Lei ever). Then you have TTT where if you didn't pick Mishima's, Ogres, or Changs you wouldn't place in the Top3 for sure, then you have Tekken4 where Jin Kazama is the most overpowered character in Tekken history.
It really wasn't character balance that was Tekken5's problem, it was the crush system, seriously, how in the hell does a +frame jab that I have a +frame advantage for, get stuffed out by a stupid crush attack that can literally lead to me losing 60%+ damage, for crying out loud, that's just horrible. Tekken5, even T5:DR is the ONLY Tekken game I've ever quit on the competetive level, I remember making a topic about it during the first month of Tekken5 5.0's release about how random it felt and how the crush system felt random at TZ, and I got flamed by everyone with people calling me a "scrub who didn't know anything about Tekken5", and behold...months after, even top players from not just the US but S.K. as well all started to feel the sameway...coincidence...I don't think so.
I completely agree with you Rockman, it's sad to not see more competetion for VF, and GG, however for VF it was their own fault, they didn't try to open up to the US market more, I remember VF2 it recieved alot of competetion, even I played it on the competetive level back in those days, however it just didn't get enough marketing here in the US, because after VF2, it seemed to die down alot, to me VF2 was the fighting game that seemed to have recieved the most competetion outside of Japan.
It seemed like Sega, or should I say they did just wanted to keep it's focus mainly in Japan...a big reason why only Japan seems to play VF alot and recieve the most competetion for it while other countries lack in VF.
Anyways, enough of GG, VF and Tekken, this is a MvC2 thread, and I'm tired of having to back up MvC2 because somebody has never experienced it on the high levels to understand why MvC2 is played the way it is, and just how hard it is to get to that level, I'm not even afraid to say that it's a more difficult game to learn than SSBM.
MvC2 even with it being insanely broken is by no means easy to become good at, period. Also...again,
Balance does not make a fighting game great nor does it make it recieve more competetion on high levels of play.