Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like you think "our" metagame is more aggressive out of ignorance towards defensive options but that's not the case. I think it's a matter of choice here.there is much much much more to marth's defense than the actual defensive options laid out by the game engine. and once again, this is what i was emphasizing on it not being a large part of your metagame at the moment. marth's rolls, spotdodges, and shield shouldn't even have been a part of your point @_@
And if you're implying that none of Marth's defensive options "laid out by the game engine" are decisive in his defensive game you're essentially saying that the range and quickness of his sword attacks is all you have to keep your opponent from approaching. If that's the case then I'm going to stick to my point that you might as well be the aggressor anyway.
And [this isn't directed towards Neo] I still don't see where the equation "being aggressive = jumping into the ****" is coming from. I'm not saying "Marth's defense is whack you might as well jump right into all of MKs attacks". I'm saying Marth's offensive tools are clearly more lucrative than his defensive options - unless you're dealing with an opponent who just straight-up outcamps Marth like Diddy Kong does.