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Maplestory is KILLING ME!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Okay. So recently my friend got me into Maple again, and when I left the scene, I had a dexless dit lvl 51. So now, I go in and it's telling me about the cygnus. Now, my cygnus being lvl 3, I'd like to know what job is the best for it and why. They all look totally bad ***. Help me pl0xors!

Oh, and I'd like mesos too!


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
lol nah i know what it is

but like why the **** would someone want to play it?



Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2009
Orlando, Florida
I'm currently hacking on EMS with my cousin. Level 33 dawn warrior so far. I like DW's the best because they have maneuverabilty and power.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I play GMS, but don't hack. I got personally bored of hacking and quit Maple. Now I'm back and I'm here now.

I talked with my friend about it, and it looks like Dawn Warrior is my best bet. Should I raise my Special Abilities like that of a warrior? And became any other warrior, are there differences in specials? Just curious.

And Maplestory is AMAZING if you're rich.


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
What the **** man....

who the **** quits maplestory, then goes back to it?

I played that game for like 4 years till they released 2x exp cards and all the other **** that made a supposedly 'free' game free2chat pay2play

The game is ****ing garbage dude
There's absolutely no skill involved whatsoever
the ranking system only reflects how much money one has put into the game, i knew more than a few people who have dropped a few G into the game

seriously dont play that ****

the community is garbage
the gameplay is garbage
the character balance (lolwut?) is garbage, if not non existent
it promotes terrible habits

the ONLY reason it exists is to make nexon more money


holy ****, dude trust me, I had three white knights, level 76, 118 and 117
the boss fights are boring as ****, they require no skill, can range in time from a few hours to like 30 minutes depending on the party you have, the whole guild aspect is garbage, people take the **** way to seriously, it's crowded as ****, bishops own the game, seriously who gives a class a skill that 1hko's **** near the whole map????

there are wayyyyyy better games to play, get into a game that isn't a cash cow for a ****ty *** company, i'm pretty much done w/ free games as they are because the gap between players who play for free and players who dump **** tons of money into the game is so huge now a days that unless you're the former you aren't gonna get any where.

if you need any more incentive to quit;
1) the relationships you develop in that game won't bring you anything but trouble
2) you can never, ever, ever, be the best, you'll never have the best items, never be the most famous, never be the highest level anything
3) the community is comprised of people with the stereotypical mentality of 16years or younger
4) any semblance of a mark you leave will vanish and be forgotten within a few weeks
5) the people at the high end of the game take the **** way to seriously
6) you can't **** with anyone unless you're the right class to do so, and chances are if you are able to ks them decently they have a high level bishop friend who can do it better
7) the forums for the game are garbage
8) the markets are run by certain guilds, making it hard to make any money to get any kind of decent gear

it's all bull ****
don't play that ****ty game, seriously
especially not if you've already quit

when i quit i gave no second though because i realized what the game had become, the game revolves around the cash shop, that's it, that's all there is to it, you're basically playing a store, where you're the indefinite customer, you can pay money to buy what you need, or you can choose not to and be left behind

I don't get how anyone can give serious playing time to a game that requires no skill


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
Well I made it a point not to ever play the game for 'people'
my only goal ever was to be the best
when that was taken away from me *2x exp cards*
i quit that **** and never looked back

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Idk, it's pretty fun... I played straight for 8 hours when my buddy told me to play again, and I had a bunch of fun.

Think, you actually are making ALOT of sense. If they DIDN'T make things like 2x exp, than it'd be way funner. No advantages due to money. I'm REALLY hooked again, though... it's like a second life...


Smash Cadet
Dec 30, 2001
What server you on? I'm a lvl 62 Hunter on Scania... right now I'm taking a break tho, until I get a job lol.


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
You'll never be able to take satisfaction from anything you accomplish on maplestory ;|
there is no skill involve so you can't brag about anything
seriously the only props anyone gives you is on your leveling speed, and without 2x cards you get nothing
maybe your damage too, but like I said before, there are many money related factors that are gonna determine that x.x

If you play a game like WoW, you could brag about how your guild full clears ulduar (because skill is involved)
or if you play a game like Gunz, or any game with PVP or juss gameplay based off of any type of skill you can be proud or actually practice or SOMETHING
with maplestory...you buy auto pot, and hold shift...wtf?
if you wanna level fast, you buy gold and pay a bishop to leech you...seriously??


Smash Cadet
Dec 30, 2001
You'll never be able to take satisfaction from anything you accomplish on maplestory ;|
there is no skill involve so you can't brag about anything
seriously the only props anyone gives you is on your leveling speed, and without 2x cards you get nothing
maybe your damage too, but like I said before, there are many money related factors that are gonna determine that x.x

If you play a game like WoW, you could brag about how your guild full clears ulduar (because skill is involved)
or if you play a game like Gunz, or any game with PVP or juss gameplay based off of any type of skill you can be proud or actually practice or SOMETHING
with maplestory...you buy auto pot, and hold shift...wtf?
if you wanna level fast, you buy gold and pay a bishop to leech you...seriously??
It's free and a good way to waste some time. Good enough for me.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I'm a lvl 51 dexless dit, on mardia though. Scania's REALLY overpopulated, and all of my buddies are on Mardia. Have you made a cygnus knight? Cuz looking at them again from youtube vids, I can't see a clear difference between any of the cygnus knights.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.





I pray for your eternal soul. Hoping that you don't go to MMO Hell.

I play WoW, and Combat Arms(Better than Gunz, IMHO), as well as play DOTA at my friend's place, and Starcraft(fun!)


Also, everyone needs to play Aion when it comes out. Beasty.


Smash Cadet
Dec 30, 2001
I'm a lvl 51 dexless dit, on mardia though. Scania's REALLY overpopulated, and all of my buddies are on Mardia. Have you made a cygnus knight? Cuz looking at them again from youtube vids, I can't see a clear difference between any of the cygnus knights.
What the hell is a Cygnus Knight? Is that a recent thing that came out? I haven't played in the last month or so... are they like Dark Knights in WoW?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I never played WoW, but cygnus knights are like your child in Maple. They're like a subspecies of classes. When you log on, you'll be greeted by a video. After the video, press accept, and you'll make a cygnus knight just like making a character at the beginning of Maple. You log out, go to ur new cygnus knight (if you had 3 characters prior, there will be an arrow). You auto assign your stats and at lvl 10 choose your job. I picked dawn warrior, and for that you lvl up ur specials like that of a warrior.


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
It's free and a good way to waste some time. Good enough for me.
'good way to waste some time'


Listen, I understand that you can have fun playing maplestory and what not
And I understand that what I'm about to say isn't going to effect anything
But when you do decide to quit remember this;
You can, and would, have way more constructive fun with a plethora of other games/activities.

In comparison to all the other games and activities I've participated in my life, maplestory was probably the least constructive thing I've wasted time on that I can remember.

I liked it's chat system
I liked when it didn't revolve around cash shop
I liked when it wasn't over popularized
I liked when the community wasn't (as) ****ty
I liked when being the best actually took more than a credit card

When ALLLLLLLL of that changed (sans the chat system)
I quit the game
Tried other games
Had way more fun

Don't play maplestory because you have friends in the game, that's the worst reason to play a game
Don't play it because you're already somewhat established in the game, also a really bad reason
Don't play it because you have hopes of being famous amongst the community, it won't happen, and if you ever do get somewhat recognized, it'll fade within a few weeks

It's a garbage game with a garbage community and a garbage premise

Seriously, if you wanna play every now and then because you enjoy it fine, but don't start playing for any of those reasons above, and don't put too much time/effort into it, because it won't amount to anything


Smash Cadet
Dec 30, 2001
Listen, I understand that you can have fun playing maplestory and what not
And I understand that what I'm about to say isn't going to effect anything
But when you do decide to quit remember this;
You can, and would, have way more constructive fun with a plethora of other games/activities.
Well I'm glad you understand that what your saying isn't going to affect my opinion. I respect your opinion though; there are many better games I could play or things I can do to pass time, I'll give you that. I choose this game because I like it.


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
here's an example of annoyance i've seen while playing maple story for 1 hour before uninstalling the game

person: ERJEOWRWQO@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

me (playing) ....

and it's typical korean grinding... do u freaking realize how boring it is?

i played wow for 3-4 years now and gotten bored already (i quit when death knights got the nerf balls). I played FFXI for 2 years and it was nothing but grinding the same **** crabs MMO's are **** boring unless they're action related (which is promising to what Champions online and DC universe online is hoping to be)


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009


everything out there currently is GARBAGE

champions could be good but....... prolly not

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
OMG yummynbeffy TF2... is beast. I had recently sold my copy of Orange Box by accident, (thanks Georgie -_-) when I had I played all of the time. Scout, spy and engineer on 2fort was just about all I did xD! You play L4D?


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
maplestory is worse than runescape, imo.
there's a lot more to do and quests are actually worthwhile
and it also isn't hiding behind a cutesy facade
I mean
as soon as you see the game you know it's gonna be ****
with maplestory you gotta invest some time in before you realize that

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I liked Runescape until there were weighted trades. The Grand Exchange helped that issue, and now you can't overprice. At least in Maplestory, I can trade willy nilly.

Maplestory's mad addicting. I really like it, but I'm currently broke : (! If you get rich, or you're funded, it's way funner. That's how it is in any way.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
i played wow for 3-4 years now and gotten bored already (i quit when death knights got the nerf balls). I played FFXI for 2 years and it was nothing but grinding the same **** crabs MMO's are **** boring unless they're action related (which is promising to what Champions online and DC universe online is hoping to be)
The death knights needed those. Otherwise they'd be like MK would in an MMO. FFXI was fun IF AND ONLY IF you had friends to play it with, whom you knew in real life, and knew when they were online.

or DOTA sonnnn
Listen to this man. He knows what he's talking about.

maplestory is worse than runescape, imo.
Oshi-that's the game that cannot be named.


Doesn't even deserve to be called an MMO...


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
The death knights needed those. Otherwise they'd be like MK would in an MMO. FFXI was fun IF AND ONLY IF you had friends to play it with, whom you knew in real life, and knew when they were online.
i didn't play pvp that much (especially living on a pvp server). and my complaint was on pve DPS lol. FFXI I'd spend nights randomly playing japanese players to grind levels, and the game was mostly relied on 50% of the classes and **** the rest, and the accessibility content was atrocious

pretty much i'm officially done with MMORPG's unless it's a **** good one with action and on a console
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