Great, thanks! So you don't plan to make any more icons?
Well, if i ever get bored again, I might, but for the purpose of making Icons for my own projects I'm done.
I will attach a document that helped me make them for anyone that would like to start making their own. Or copy and paste I guess..
Method using MS paint:
1.Copy paste picture of the character you want into paint.
2.Copy paste icon maker into paint.
3.Resize the icon maker to fit the facial ragion of character using transparentcy with percent increase or deacrease.
4.Remove excess bodypart pertruding from the icon maker.
5.Copy paste letters from icon maker into text box of icon maker. (optional)
6.Save picture.
7.Put picture into word are resize to fit dimentsion of icon maker again.
8. Copy paste new picture size into paint and place the icon maker again onto the picture using transparency, you should not need to resize anything.
9. Remake the name into the text box then save the final picture.
10. Final dimension should be 1.48 by 1.3cm or 1.46cm by 1.27cm (in word).
*Resizing in word saves the quality of the picture. I couldn't resize the picture in paint without distorting the pixels.