Anon Dedication
Though my vote list hasn't been finalized, I want to get my creative juices flowing before I add Billy's stage and (most likely) some SSE stuff. So, as a dedication to Anonymous, my #1 choice for SSB (lol, spoilers), I give you my just-for-fun character, written using Kirby MD's "style", which made Anon all the more enjoyable.
Sean Connery enters the fray! Though he may not have the moves he had in his movies, he's got the massive content of YTMND in the palm of his hand!
*DISCLAIMER* Be warned, YTMND contains some profanity, nudity, and offensive material. If you only see the sites I cite for you, with a few exceptions, you should be able to avoid such material. You can go exploring if you want, just don't b**** about seeing something you’d rather haven't. Common sense, people. You have been warned.*DISCLAIMER*
Power: ****
Speed: **
Jump: **
Weight: ****
Range: *****
Fall Speed: ****
Traction: **
Sean's vastly limited by his speed, as he has all of those fads to carry around! But beware his range, for he will reach out at you no matter where you are....
Sean stands and walks like Solid Snake, a little hunched and very slow.
Standard Moves:
A: Lazy Town:
What the... Sean Connery takes out a piece of cake...and thrusts it forward! I've never seen such a crazy use of a piece of cake! I hope the recipe wasn't too messy.... (A decently fast punch, with extended range thanks to the cake. 2%-3%)
A, A: unclephilTMND:
Oh my God...pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes. Sean Connery takes a bowl of mashed potatoes and stretches it to the heavens! Uncle Phil would be proud. (Works like an uppercut. 4%-5%, low knbk)
A, A, A: Tech Support is NOT the answer:
Well, whatever Sean saw, he clearly wasn't too happy about it. He whips out his keyboard and begins to rapidly smack the area in front of him! Such rage! Such fury! Such disrespect! (Think Jiggly's infinite fan combo. You can DI out of it, though. 2% first hit 1% after that. )
Dash Attack: Don't Tase Me Bro! :
Sean's opponent is resisting defeat. Looks like it's time for unnecessary brutality! Sean takes out a small taser as he slides across the floor. It stops pretty quickly, though. (Massively small hit box. However, if it hits at all, it'll sweet spot and send the opponent flying, and crying in pain! 3%-4%)
Ftilt: Conan Is... :
Sean Connery Raises a hand above his head and below his waste, and brings them together, snapping like an alligator! My, what silliness! ( Relatively fast, and hits above Sean, but the main damage is when the hands close together. 15% in snap, 8% otherwise).
UTilt: NEDM:
W-What in the name of... Sean pulls out a flaming cat from his pocket and waves it above him! I'm pretty sure that cat isn't too happy about being used like that. And my, what a quick and powerful attack too...not even Dedede's mallet can compare to this. (Waves a cat above him once, starting from the direction he's facing to behind him. Big range. Hits at about a 50 degree angle to a 130 degree angle. Good for air comboing. 8%-12%)
Dtilt: Moskau:
Sean is a master of dance! He gets down on the floor and, facing the camera, kicks once on one side and again on the other. The speed...the flair...the legs! ( Quick attack that attacks on both sides. Low knockback, and decent damage. 10%-11%)
FSmash: You're the Man Now Dog:
It's Sean's signature move! He points a finger forward and says "You're the man now, dog!" Truly epic. (Quite fast, and powerful. Range is relatively small. 20%-50% if charged)
Sean looks to the heavens and let's loose a bloodcurdling yell! It looks as if the very air is vibrating with the sound of a death, starring Vader's voice, of course. (Giant hitbox above Sean. It is triangular shaped, and stretches above Sean by about the same height as Sean himself! Huge start-up lag, but quick after lag. Impossible to DI out of. 15%-35% when charged.)
DSmash: Brian, NO! :
Sean crosses his arm and...he looks confident. I guess he's not going to attack for thi-OMG, IT'S BRIAN PEPPERS! Brian blasts out of the ground and sends any opponents he intercepts flying. Well, you always seemed to do that, Brian. (Insane knockback, though the damage is nothing to laugh about, either. A bit of start-up lag when Sean crosses his arms. 10%-30% when charged)
Aerial Attacks:
Nair: Gravity Cat:
Gravity is reversed! Sean is suddenly flung upwards, feet first, and he sure doesn’t look amused by it! But after a short distance, gravity returns normal, and Sean Connery is amused once again.( A double kick upwards, also pushing Sean upwards into the air. Great knockback, but mediocre damage. 8%-10%)
Fair: Razor Gator:
Sean lashes out quickly with a downward swipe of his Razor Gator! Now that's promotion that ISN'T shameless! ( Pretty good damage, but not much knockback. 10%-12%)
Sean Connery takes out a shoe and puts it on his head. Yeah. It's that awesome. (Damage is dealt above Sean's head. The heel of shoe (very small hitbox) has insane knockback and can KO at 40%. 5%-7%, 20% if heel)
Sean yells "KHAAAAAN" at the top of his voice, with such force that propels himself backwards! This is an example of how old rivalries can get the better of you. ( Sean becomes one big hitbox. Good knockback. 5%-7%)
Dair: I believe you have my stapler.:
A red stapler appears below's Sean's stapler! Sean plummets down in order to retrieve it, extending a hand to grab his precious office tool. (Stapler does no actual damage, but as Sean drops down to get it, his hand becomes a sweetspot, and sends enemys sideways. If you use it above open air, Sean will plunge to his death. Great knockback. 10%-11%)
Attack: But I Poop From There!: (not linking this. Don't want to risk it, even if there is no actual nudity)
Not right now you don't. Sean pelvic thrusts his body into his Quite nasty. (2%)
Up: Ridin' Spinaz:
Sean begins to spin his opponent in a circle, faster and faster, then releases upwards! Incredible! The elegance! The glory! The spinaz! Also, c***s. (Sean spins his victim round and round 3 times, and then throws upwards. Fast, but not very powerful. 5%)
What's this??? Electricity is coursing through Connery's veins! He's zapping his opponent with this attack! Such power! He can surely defeat Scientology with this attack...or maybe even Oprah. (Pretty laggy, but good knockback. Others who get too close will also take minor damage. 10%)
Sean drops his foe on the floor, jumps out of the way and-OUCH! Crushed by a thwomp! How unexpected!( Thwomp comes from directly above, so other enemies can get hit even if they weren't grab. Strong attack launches opponent far sideways. 7%)
Back: Gay Fuel:
Sean tosses his enemy backwards and whips out a good ol' can of gay fuel. He tosses it at his opponent, and then disappears. Remarkable. (Not much knockback. 14%)
Special Moves:
B: Future Conan:
Surreal...Sean begins to hit his fists together in a clap-like motion, and all of a sudden, people are drawn to obey him! Even I feel…a bit drowsy...yes master Sean...yes.... (Incredibly small range; you'll need to be right next to Sean in order for this to work. Sean takes control of the minds of the opponent and is able to move them around at will for 5 seconds. Doesn't count as a kill if you make them suicide, though. Bit of start-up lag. No actual damage.)
Side B: NSMB: (contains racial terms)
Oh my! It appears that a man of African descent has taken Sean's bike! He chases after him, but ultimately does not succeed. What a shame. (Dam, this move is weird @_@ The bike keeps on going in a straight line, passing through walls and ignoring gravity at a mediocre speed. Sean chases him, and will stop running if he reaches a ledge or wall. Only the "n****" does damage, but boy is it strong! Good knockback. 10%)
Up B: lol, internet:
Sean jumps into a special blue car! He pauses, aims for the direction he wants to go, then BOOM! He's sent flying! And boy, does he go far! The speed of the internet is his secret. (Think Fox's Up-B but farther and less knockback and damage. Direction cannot be changed after release. 6-8%)
What in the name of... Sean Connery! He's transforming! Into, into....
Sean Connery?
No, this is a different Connery! His looks may be the same, but his moveset has changed! Some remain the same, while others are parallel copies of their YTMND counter-parts. It’s a whole new game! (Transformation takes about 1 second, and there are no visual displays to show you've transformed. No damage.)
PTKFGS Sean Connery
Power: ***
Speed: ***
Jump: **
Weight: ***
Range: *****
Fall Speed: ***
Traction: **
He's a bit lax in terms of power, but he's quicker than he was before.
Standard Moves:
Ftilt: Leno is...:
The same basic move, but faster and less powerful. (10%, 3% otherwise)
Waves a seal above his head. Seal is longer than the cat, and hits from 0 degrees to 180 degrees. A bit slower, and less powerful. (6%-9%)
DTilt- Rasputin-
Sean does a sort of jig, bending down a little (not as much as his Moskau counterpart) and hits with the knees. Better damage and knockback, but poor range. (14%-15%)
FSmash- Punch the Keys for God’s Sake!:
Alike in every way, except YTMND does more damage while PTKFGS has more knockback. And, of course, the audio for this one is "Punch the Keys for God's sake!" (15%-40% if charged)
Not as wide, but has a higher reach. Also a bit shorter (in terms of length, I mean) same damage and knockback. (15%-35% when charged.)
DSmash- Marvin, NO! :
Faster, better width range and less height range. Less knockback. Same in terms of damage. (10%-30% when charged)
Aerial Attacks:
Nair: Gravity Dog :
Whoa, freefall! Sean suddenly loses control and spins in the air in a jumbled mess. But boy he sure is having fun! (Hitbox all around Sean. Poor knockback and damage, but it's quick. 5%-7%)
Fair: Headblade:
Sean pulls out his trusty Headblade(its about the size of a ring) and swipes upward! Simply devastating. (If this hits at all, it's pretty much an auto-KO. The ring's hitbox is even smaller than the shoe's, and you need to get the timing just right. Can KO as low as 10%. 30%)
What? No, Sean's stapler isn't blue. He tosses it above his head, and it keeps on going and going and going.... (Minimal damage and knockback, but great range. 2%-4%)

Sean flips himself upside-down and puts his head on top of a shoe. inorite. Exact same thing as its Uair YTMND counterpart, except it attacks down and the shoe tip can spike. (5%-7%, 20% is tip)
Up: You Spin Me Right Round
No difference aside from the name.
The same, except it is a Whomp and it appears out of nowhere. Does more damage but less knockback. (18%)
Back: Lesbian Energy: (contains some profanity)
The same as Gay Fuel, but this one has (a lot) more knockback and less damage. (3%)
Special Moves:
B: Future Leno:
This one has a much wider range, but it only puts your opponent into a confused state, and briefly. Again, no damage.
Side B: STMB: (racial terms used)
The bike is faster and does more damage, but has absolutely no knockback. All other principles apply. ( 18%)
Up B- omg, internet:
Sean hops in a golf cart, this time. Has less distance covered than the YTMND version, but does more damage. It's also a bit bigger. No other differences. (13%-16%)
YTMND Sean Connery: Extra Info AKA Random mess of fads that wouldn’t work as actual moves
Up Taunt: NINTENDO 64:
A Nintendo 64 appears next to Sean…he looks down at it…AND JUMPS FOR JOY! He’s so happy he got a Nintendo 64, there’s only one way to express his giddiness: screaming the name of his beloved entertainment system!
Side Taunt: Yiddish Cup:
W-What’s this? Sean has managed to find the Yiddish cup, the thing previously thought to have never existed! This is true lunacy! He pulls it out and drinks it, Young Link style. You deserve each drop for finding it, Sean.
Down Taunt: Medieval:
Sean becomes a medieval tapestry and writing appears above him, saying "Thou art the man henceforth, dog." This will be horribly abused.
Victory Poses:
Victory Pose 1: YOU LOSE! :
Sean looks angrily at the camera and yells “YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!” then smiles, and crosses his arms. This must be devastating for his enemies…
Victory Pose 2: Ualuealuealeuale:
Sean is seen standing alongside Batman, tardin’ out to a crazy song… when all of a sudden, something blocks out the entire screen! What something? Well, see for yourself:
Victory Pose 3: What is Sean Connery:
…It’s the above link. I really can’t describe it better than that.
Victory Song: Only Victory Pose 1 has a victory song, as all the other victory poses have the songs included in their respective sites. Victory Pose 1 Song:
Final Smash: Katamari YTMNDamacy:
Sean has obtained the smash ball! The King of the Cosmos smiles upon him and gives him his ultimate attack, the Katamari YTMNDamacy! And just like the rock, he can’t be stopped! It’s a giant ball a bit taller than Sean, twice as wide, that’s all of YTMND’s fads rolled into one! Sean gains a bit of a speed boost and can no longer do anything but jump. He has gained unlimited jumps now, and if any opponent were to touch his Katamari YTMNDamacy, that would stick to it! After 15 seconds, the King of the Cosmos will inspect the ball, and then lift it up into the sky, transforming it, and all enemies attached to it, into a star! What an epic maneuver!
Stage: Blue Ball Machine:
You bet the entire thing is a stage! The balls, the lasers, the men in trench coats, the stick figures, almost EVERYTHING does damage. You better watch your back when you take a spin here!
Music: 363 songs. Eat that, brawl.
lol, done