That's an uncomfortably turned-around question.
I asked you who your second pick was after Swiss, and you said me, and you now clarify that I'm actually your first pick. Is Swiss your second pick, then, and is he my partner? Question still stands.
YesterDay I'd have said Swiss' partner would be Zen. That's only after a D1 read though -- I'm taking a look at D2 at the moment. Fact is, Gheb/Swiss is still looking as unlikely as I previously thought.
Oh, no. Sorry, let me clarify. Swiss is my first pick for scum. You are my first pick for Swiss' scumbuddy. You know, as opposed to Gova or J.
I can understand why you would be uncomfortable with the question, but that doesn't mean it doesn't deserve an answer. You copped out with that Zen answer, as far as I'm concerned.
An odd thing that becomes slightly stranger on reread: Scum's kill of OS. It's very plausible that they had a cop read on him, but why did they sacrifice Gheb, knowing full well they could roleblock OS and keep Gheb as a question mark? DH claimed roleblocked, that turned up in my reading now, so they've got an RB.
Would it have been just too hard to deal with OS for another Day? On the contrary, I'd think that scum would enjoy having a talking point re: Gheb/OS to phone in content about and waste time over. So again, I think there's motive surrounding the quicklynch of Gheb on D3 that needs examination.
Circus, how extensively have you looked at D2 and D3? D1 wasn't too vital, I don't really care about that. But have you examined those Days at all?
I haven't re-read D2 or D3 to any great extent recently, but I read through both of those Days fully before I made my first post. It's entirely possible that I could benefit from looking over them again.
I believe you've said something similar about the OS kill before, but you've never really elaborated on what you personally think it could mean. You say the motive needs some examination, but you don't examine it yourself (at least not to the point of reaching a conclusion). Pointing out something that looks fishy is all well and good, but it's not enough to persuade people on it's own.
To me, it still seems apparent that the mafia had a clear shot at the cop and took it. The way I see it, their options for N2 were as follows:
1) Shoot cop (OS); block watcher (DH)
2) Shoot watcher (DH); block cop (OS)
They chose option one, and I don't blame them. Sure, they could have left Gheb a question mark a little while longer, but ultimately I think OS was just a thorn in their side that they wanted removed. DH wasn't being nearly as much of a nuisance as OS was, and they seemed to think that they might be able to get away with calling OS' sanity into question, even after he flipped. And Gheb tried to throw out that taylor/framer possibility. So it seems to me that Gheb was still trying to be a question mark, if he could get away with it, but had Swiss bus him just in case. Ultimately, I think it came down to the fact that OS, as a player, was giving Gheb too much hell.