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Mach Rider for SSBB *Updated Moveset*


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
Just a general topic bump, but if anyone has any interesting info on Mach Rider (parrothead?), I'd greatly appreciate it if you would post it here. I haven't really had the time to do the research myself, due to my studies (and I seem to lack the connections others seem to have...).

But at any rate, Mach Rider FTW!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2006
Drifting along
I was skeptical at first but now that ive seen a pretty decent moveset im all for this char. MORE MACH RIDER PLZ ^.^ his theme kicked *** in melee!


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
^^^ Yes, yes it did, I always wondered why they had balloon fighters and mach riders theme in melee, without them being in, same with lips stick, I heard they were in the Beta version of the game, so I believe those 3 have high chances being in grawl...


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.

Once more, does anyone have anything to contribute, like information, multimedia, comments, suggestions, criticisms, etc.?

Oh well... Any chance of seeing that moveset anytime soon Stryks?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
haha I know ive been busy school has been hell believe me, but Ill make it eventually, going to have to think hard so he wont look like a falcon clone XD...


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2006
I think Machy deserves a shot.

Sure would give Falcon a run for his money.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
I really wish that the retro characters would be better received at the polls... Mach Rider and Little Mac got just over 50%, which is actually pretty good being a fairly even score, but Takamaru isn't on track to do as well so far...


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2004
Los Angeles (310)
This seriously needs bump, people need to consider that there are rumors that mach rider was in the beta version of the game, but wasn't added due to time constrains.

A good idea of what he would've looked like in melee is shown in his trophy.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Yeah, more detail to the look would be sweet, like battle scars or something, tough I know about the rumor, guess not many of the people here like mach rider :p


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
Mach Rider Speeding to VC

According to IGN, Mach Rider is on it's way to the Wii's Virtual Console - and interestingly enough, there's an entire article (albeit a a short one) with regard to this development. Very few other games have gotten this treatment, so I wonder if this is an indication of bigger things in store for our favorite motorcycle riding vigilante of the post-apocalyptic future? (Of course, it could be just that news is slow - which it is...)

Source: http://wii.ign.com/articles/780/780309p1.html


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Im so gettin the game, Its been so many years since I last played the game, and yeah not many games get such treatment, I hope it means something :p

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Well, I'd love to read through all 23 pages here...but uh, my eyes are broken, so there'd be no point. Anyway, I was just perusing my trophy collection in Melee, and I came across the Mach Rider trophy. I think to myself "huh. This guy's coming out on VC, right?", so I jump on Wikipedia and check him out. Lo and behold, there's the 'beta character in Melee' rumor, and I already knew his theme song was in the final build...so that got me thinking.

And think I did.

I basically blew my mind with what I came up with. It's probably nothing new on this well-worn thread, but...anyway: Mach Rider rides his motorcycle in-game. Why not? It'd be awesome. I'm prepared to explain myself further, if anyone cares anymore that is (forum search for "Mach Rider", and the official thread is hidden three result pages back? Wtf?).

EDIT - Yep, mentioned before. I'll now do the only honorable thing and commit hara-kiri. I do this for the children for the children...GAH!


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Ur saying a motorcycle based moveset? dear god no, cmon fox doesnt fight in his arwing, falcon doesnt battle with his race car, besides he has all those muscles for some reason, im sure the guy can fight, he can have a pretty cool moveset...

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
But I don't want to see another C. Falcon, which he'd be: there's only so many ways a guy built like he is can move. Besides, he's not the most original character as is, and taking away the "Mach" from Mach Rider just leaves you with a generic Mad max rip.

And a motorcycle is much different from an anti-grav racing machine that can clock in at up to 1,000KM/hr, or a craft that laughs in the face of gravity, not to mention off-stage recovery.

It'd make him an awesomely unique character.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
dude cmon how can he hold on the edge, double jump, grab, crawl, and all of those other moves, for a super smash I agree, but now as a moveset, check the 1st post is has some godd mach rider moves...

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Mach Rider

A - Lifts his bike's front wheel off the ground and spins it, dealing several low-damage hits.
AA - Repeatedly spins the front wheel.


Side+A - Whips the front of his bike across in front of him.
Down+A - Lifts his front wheel up, then slams it down, damaging in front of him.
Up+A - Does a handstand on his bike seat, and thrusts both feet upwards.


Side Smash+A - A short, forward thrusting wheelie.
Down Smash+A - Lifts up the front of his bike. Before that part hits ground, his back goes up. His front and back ends land consectively, creating strong shockwaves on both sides.
Up Smash+A - Uber-wheelie! A full backflip, bike and all.


Nair - Does a lateral spin with his bike.
Fair - Front wheel spin.
Bair - Kicks out with one foot behind him.
Uair - Gripping the handlebars, he whips the bike out above him, then pulls it back under himself.
Dair - Swings the front of his bike across in front of him, spiking the opponent (think Samus' Dair, only with a motorcycle).


Grab - Turns his bike sideways, then reaches out with one hand. A running grab would produce a sliding effect, with Yoshi-esque lag.

F Throw - Grips the enemy's collar, then winds up with this other arm and delivers a straight to the jaw that sends the opponent sailing forwards.
B Throw - Tosses the enemy over and behind him, then, gripping the handlebars, double kicks behind him, hitting the enemy.
U Throw - Tosses the enemy with both hands lightly upwards, then backflips his bike. The front wheel does a few points of damage, then the back wheel sends them flying upwards.
D Throw - Drops the enemy to the ground, then places the front wheel on top of them and revs the engine.


B: Backfire - His engine pops, sending him forward in a short burst. At the end, he turns around. If you press B again right after he switches directions, the move goes off again, leading to an endless chain of backfires.
Side+B: Ripcord - Revs his engine, then releases his bike. It crashes forwards, then u-turns back into his waiting hands. The danger here is that he doesn't move while his bike isn't in his hands.
Up+B: Up In Smoke - In a burst of smoke, he separates into five or six shards, then reforms above his original position. Enemies caught by the shards take damage. (Obviously ripped from Deathborne's set)
Down+B: Spin Out - His engine bursts into flame, and his bike does a series of close, repeated circles, ending in a small explosion of fire (Mario Tornado-esque move).


Brawl Attack: Gunblaze - For a short time, Mach Rider's machineguns fire an endless stream of bullets (or lasers...whatever), no matter what he's doing. The rounds have a limited range, and do less damage than Sheik's needles, but they're endless, and when used in conjunction with Spin Out or his Dair, can create some very heavy damage totals.


So there you go, an awesome moveset for an awesome character, that would bring a whole other dimension to the Smash Bros. universe. Tell me again why this is a bad idea?

EDIT - Oh, hold on. Looks like I missed some stuff.

Edge grab: he'd hold the edge with one hand, while his other hand gripped the back wheel of his bike. His recovery attack writes itself on that! (Hint: Whips the bike in an overhead arch, then jumps onto it. The bike deals the damage.)

Double jump: His first jump is created by him quickly slamming his front tire into the ground, creating a flipping jump. His second comes from a burst of energy out of his exhaust. It should be noted that he'd have Bowser-quality jump height.

Crawl: Eh, he couldn't do this one. But hey, they only gave us walljumping with like, three characters in Melee. I don't think crawling's going to be an incredibly necessary technique.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Not bad I admit, still I rather see him in smash by himself, and no cycle, he would be like a falcon rival, not to mention it would take a long time to program and make such a character...

Not to mention i just can c him double jumping, grabin oponent/edge, and how in the world would he crawl?

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
I know it'd take slightly more time to program...but **** would that kick ***!

EDIT - Read my edited moveset, plz.

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
Ok, I see an argument here so I just couldn't help but put my 2 cents in...

First off, Mach Rider wouldn't use his motorcycle in the game unless, like Lord Deathborne said, it is his Super Smash Move. His chances of making it into the game are low to begin with, let alone with a motorcycle-based move set.

Now, since Mach Rider doesn't have his bike, all you clone nazis are gonna pop out of your holes like little meerkats and shout "He's just gonna be a Captain Falcon clone!". Lord Deathborne just based his moves on the 64 Falcon to give you a visual idea of what he might play/look like. I'm sure that if he made it into the game, that he would have his own unique move set. Sakurai and his team would make sure of that. But, even if he did fight similar to Cap, Mach Rider would be, at the very least, an awesome-looking ba*****ized version of Captain Falcon. And even then, he'd have a HUGE fan base because the reason that so many people dislike Captain Falcon is because he's a little on the fruity side.

And Lord Deathborne, I love the move set (with the exeption of the down-B and neutral-B moves, they're just too laggy and almost useless on the competetive level of play).

I hope I help cleared things up a bit, but I probably just p***ed a bunch of people off (well at least it'll be fun reading from here on out). :laugh: Mach Rider for Brawl!

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007

To clarify something, I assume you're talking about a stage like Battlefield when you talk about lengths. Is Mach Rider's bike really that long? Even if it is (which it's not), they can just crop it down so it's as long as Boswer or something.

A motorcycle-wielding fighter is about as innovative as it gets, even in a game like Smash.

EDIT - Nick and I aren't talking right now, and I'd prefer if you left our relationship out of this...*sniff*.

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
LOL, the funny thing is, I am in quite the bad mood today. I unintentionally flamed this other guy (I think it was angelsandairwaveslee or something, dunno check my posts) who I guess didn't know what he was doing.

Even if they did make the bike smaller, they'd have to make Mach Rider smaller, therefore he would possibly end up smaller than he should.

P.S. I didn't know about you and Nick, I'm sorry to hear that. You got alot of friends here at SmashBoards, and we're going to help you through this.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
LOL, the funny thing is, I am in quite the bad mood today. I unintentionally flamed this other guy (I think it was angelsandairwaveslee or something, dunno check my posts) who I guess didn't know what he was doing.

I'm not PO'd about your "motor-rider" idea, I was mad because you were putting down everyone else's ideas. And even if they did make the bike smaller, they'd have to make Mach Rider smaller, therefore he would possibly end up smaller than he should.

P.S. I didn't know about you and Nick, I'm sorry to hear that. You got alot of friends here at SmashBoards, and we're going to help you through this.
It's just been so difficult...these last few weeks, I mean. One day he's perfectly normal, the next he comes home raging drunk...I'm trying, but...oh God I just don't know how much I can take anymore.

I know the guy you're talking about (not personally), and he desreves it. The one thing I can say about him is that he must have kahunas the size of wrecking balls to traverse these hallowed grounds with such a loose grip on the Engrish language.

Anyway, "everyone else's ideas"? I've only posted 7 times on this thread, and I never shot down anyone's ideas (i.e. "that idea sucks", "NO"), I just really, really think a motorcylce-riding fighter would rock.

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
*re-reads thread over again*

tsk...yeah, sorry about flaming you all this time for no good reason other than being in a crappy mood...

So, I apologize, and I've decided that the most appropriate course of action is to edit our previous posts and remove all the derogatory statements about eachother. Leaving only the part about your relationship with Phoenix Wright because that was just plain funny. That might scare away everyone, but it looks like we already did that so what the heck...

*edits posts*

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Yay, forgiveness! If only Nick could understand me like you do...

Look at this picture and tell me his bike's too long.

His bike's model would be different from his Melee trophy for sure, but they wouldn't use that model anyway

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
The bike looks small because it's far away. (Well not really far away, but you know what I mean.) In the game, he leans over on his motorcycle almost to the point of laying down, just like on the Melee trophy. So the two bikes have to be around the same size.

*light bulb tings*

I got an idea. We could shrink the bike, and make Mach Rider a jockey. You know, those 4 foot tall horse riders with funny proportions. Problem solved. J/K


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
Wow... Since when did this topic get so popular? :eek:

At any rate, first off Chief Mendez - I must say that has to be the best vehicle-based Mach Rider moveset I've seen thus far. Still... I don't see why he has to be confined to his vehicle. C. Falcon and Fox managed alright without theirs, didn't they? And seeing how Mach Rider is likely a duel tribute to the Kamen Rider series of Japan and the Mad Max movies, it'd just seem like a crime to me not to implement him as a full-fledged brawler, but hey - that's just me...

Secondly, thank you ReaperVine for interpreting my suggested moveset correctly - so many people have equated it (probably by reading a few lines or key words and just assuming the rest) as a C. Falcon clone moveset it's not even funny! And thanks for the compliments as well as the critique of my suggested moveset. The two moves you mentioned are a bit laggy, but I intended them to be carefully timed power moves, ala Falcon Punch. Still, if you have any suggestions for improvement, feel free to drop a line.

And lastly, um... not much else to say except for jockey Mach Rider FTL. :chuckle:

But yeah - Thanks again for the comments guys. :grin:

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
The bike looks small because it's far away. (Well not really far away, but you know what I mean.) In the game, he leans over on his motorcycle almost to the point of laying down, just like on the Melee trophy. So the two bikes have to be around the same size.

*light bulb tings*

I got an idea. We could shrink the bike, and make Mach Rider a jockey. You know, those 4 foot tall horse riders with funny proportions. Problem solved.

Oh, and can you delete or update those quotes of me from your last posts please. They kind of defeat the purpose of me editing my posts.
Yeah, anything like that'd work. Most Brawl owners won't know who he is, or at least won't have played his game, so a little remodeling surgery in the interest of better gameplay won't hurt anyone.

Just...keep him at a normal height.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Wow... Since when did this topic get so popular? :eek:

At any rate, first off Chief Mendez - I must say that has to be the best vehicle-based Mach Rider moveset I've seen thus far. Still... I don't see why he has to be confined to his vehicle. C. Falcon and Fox managed alright without theirs, didn't they? And seeing how Mach Rider is likely a duel tribute to the Kamen Rider series of Japan and the Mad Max movies, it'd just seem like a crime to me not to implement him as a full-fledged brawler, but hey - that's just me...
I take full credit for searching back through the forum for it. You're welcome.:lick:

Anyway...I hate Kamen Rider. Casshern/Kikaida ftw.

I understand where you're coming from, but as I've said before, Fox's Arwing and C. Falcon's Blue Falcon aren't anywhere near as feasible as Mach Rider's bike is (as I've shown). More importantly, which do you think would be more fun to play with? Think about it...

EDIT - A double post is me. As penance, I've exiled myself to a remote region of the Himalayas, where an ancient group of ninjas dedicated to bringing about the destruction of any society that grows too corrupt will teach me how to supress the urge to post consecutively, saving the world by proxy.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
I take full credit for searching back through the forum for it. You're welcome.:lick:
Plagiarism is bad, mmm'kay?

At any rate, while I agree that Mach Rider's motorcycle is more feasible than the Blue Faclon or Arwing, it still seems really out of place if you ask me... And as far as which would be more fun, personally I'd have more fun with him more or less as I suggested him to be - but yeah... that's just me...

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
At any rate, while I agree that Mach Rider's motorcycle is more feasible than the Blue Faclon or Arwing, it still seems really out of place if you ask me...
Well, as Iwata says: "innovate or die".

I'd love to see Sakurai stretch the boundaries of fighting games by making Mach Rider like I suggest. It's not a necessity, since the Smash Bros. games have never (in their admittedly limited history) been short on inagination, but I think it's always best to go that extra mile and do something really fun and unique rather than taking the easier path and just creating moves that fit with a tall, strong biker dude.

And hey, a NASCAR's been a fighting game character...and that game was awesome.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
Well, as Iwata says: "innovate or die".

I'd love to see Sakurai stretch the boundaries of fighting games by making Mach Rider like I suggest. It's not a necessity, since the Smash Bros. games have never (in their admittedly limited history) been short on inagination, but I think it's always best to go that extra mile and do something really fun and unique rather than taking the easier path and just creating moves that fit with a tall, strong biker dude.

And hey, a NASCAR's been a fighting game character...and that game was awesome.
Now I'm all for a vehicle-based character making the cut, it's just that I think that Drill Dozer's Jill would fill that role better than Mach Rider. But yeah - just my take on the issue. But who knows? If that's the route Sakurai and Co. take, I'm sure they'll still manage to have a winner on their hands.

At any rate, the game your referring to is Fighters Megamix, right? I never played the game, but I'm sure playing as a Daytona USA stock car was quite a trip... :grin:

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
You bet your sweet bippy it was.

I honestly can't say I had even thought of Jill, probably because I never played Drill Dozer. But yeah...I could see that working out.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Brilliant moveset. It could almost work ( besides difficult stuff like "What happens when he's attacked while he's not in contact with his bike like in one of the b moves" ).
Except *braces for flaming* that Mach Rider is still just a muscular guy on a bike.
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