So, I think I've figured out how Lucina should be built for each of her mothers, so I thought I'd share.
Sumia!Lucina: Is the weird middle ground Lucina, having some good DPS skills and good tank skills, but is missing some things that prohibits going the full way. However, good speed and skill stats are still nice, and can make a slightly tankier damage focused Lucina compared to Olivia!Lucina. Keep her a Great Lord or make her a Paladin for this build.
- Aether, Luna, Galeforce, Pavise, Rightful King*. You can also swap Pavise for renewal if that is your style
Olivia!Lucina: Best dps focused Lucina, so play into her strengths and out of her lack of defence. Keep her a Great Lord or make her a Paladin for this build.
- Galeforce, Aether, Luna, Swordfaire, Vantage*. Swap out Swordfaire for Aegis for more survivability or for Rightful King if you want more damage to come from her abilities.
Sully!Lucina: Tank Lucina, due to her access to both Pavise, Aegis, and Vantage. Also best defense stats of the possible mothers. Ideal class is probably Paladin for this one.
- Aether, Pavise, Aegis, Vantage, Rightful King*
Maribelle!Lucina: Support Lucina for this one, due to having access to all three dual + skills. Higher magic then strength means she probably works best as an Dark Flyer here, but her class should be chosen based on who she is supporting for idea stat bonuses
- Dual Support +, Dual Guard +, Bond, Dual Strike +*, filler skill (preferably a flat dmg boost like Tomefaire or Lancefaire, chosen by the class you give her)
I left out Robin!Lucina, since, well she can be built however you damn want her too, since she has access to every class save male specfic ones. However, do not discount the Support build here, since she can get Athema instead of the filler skill, for even more support goodness.
* replace with
Limmit Break late game if you have the DLC for it.
So, your guys thoughts on those builds? I just figured it would be a fun thing to share, since I kinda like theorycrafting about this sort of thing.