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LSU Monthly #2

Guzzler Guzzler

Melee Elitist
Oct 6, 2013
Baton Rouge, LA
For brackets and pictures of the event go to this album


1: Can :kirby64:
2: Jnig :falcon64:
3: Ross :pikachu64::ness64:
4: Steven Li:kirby64:
5: Nitez:kirby64:
5: Tyler
7: Jay
7: Kaleb
9: Cory
9: Logz
9: Coleman
9: Kenny
13: David Adams
13: Hunter
13: John C
13: William
17: Kyle
17: Matthew K
17: William M
17: Adrian
17: Andrew
17: Nick W
17: Nic
17: Colin
25: Willy

1: Jnig :warioc:
2: Nitez :diddy:
3: BSP :sonic::mario2:
4: Chocolate Giddyup:dk2:
5: Astro:toonlink:
5: Can:metaknight:
7: John C
7: Ice
9: Clown:snake::falco:
9: Jay
9: Hunter
9: Mason
13: Adrian
13: David Adams
13: Tyler
13: Logan
17: Ty
17: William
17: Nick W
17: Sean
25: Cory

Project M
1: Jnig:sheik:
2: Magi_:link2:
3: Hunter
4: Tyler
5: Pops:marth::falco:
5: Sudai:ivysaur:
7: Gabe
7: Quin
9: Mark
9: Eli
9: Nathaniel:lucario:
9: John C
13: Ryan Zeringue
13: Kenny:fox:
13: Brizz
13: Trey :fox:
17: Brandon
17: Christian Coreil
17: Astro
17: Logan:mario2:
17: Gotis
17: Matthew W
17: Cory
17: Flux
25: Qasim
25: Turtle
25: Jay
25: Jorge
25: S Ryu
25: Clown:ganondorf::charizard::falcon:
25: William
25: Sean
33: Dylan

1: Owl:foxmelee:
2: Jnig:sheikmelee:
3: Dylan:foxmelee:
4: Tim:drmario:
5: Brizz
5: Taylor:foxmelee:(Forfeit)
7: Hunter :marthmelee:
7: Pops:marthmelee:
9: Diego:falcomelee::marthmelee::sheikmelee:
9: Trey
9: Morgan
9: Eli
13: Kenny :foxmelee:
13: Brandon
13: Tyler:sheikmelee:
13: Gabe :falcomelee:
17: Quin:falconmelee:
17: Jay
17: Turtle
17: Gotis
17: Dylan Hitt :ganondorfmelee::drmario:
17: Steven Li:sheikmelee:
17: Logan:drmario:
25: Qasim
25: Clown:marthmelee::falcomelee::ganondorfmelee:
25: Cory
25: Loyalsol:marthmelee:
26: Sudai/S Ryu (Forfeit)
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Deleted member

Hooray for my first Top 3!...

...at a tournament with no prize for top 3 ;_;

dont be too upset about the prizes, if it had been for money i know a few good people that would have actually played

but i do support entry fees and pay outs. and a more efficiently run tournament. i give it a 6/10. most of the points came from the sweet venue
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2011
Baton rouge, la
Fun stuff. Good job on getting the results up so fast. I think the tourney ran pretty well considering the number of people that showed which I'm sure the TOs didn't anticipate. Then again, a lot of people had to leave which sped up the process. A $2 entry fee would be cool. All in all, it's good what you guys are doing for the community (getting people interested and experience in smash). Now to other matters...JNig, you are my new rival...every game is always so damn close. You're a horrible horrible person :)


Smash Cadet
Feb 17, 2014
Baton Rouge, LA
Fun stuff. Good job on getting the results up so fast. I think the tourney ran pretty well considering the number of people that showed which I'm sure the TOs didn't anticipate. Then again, a lot of people had to leave which sped up the process. A $2 entry fee would be cool. All in all, it's good what you guys are doing for the community (getting people interested and experience in smash). Now to other matters...JNig, you are my new rival...every game is always so damn close. You're a horrible horrible person :)
Well, we anticipated having more people than we did for the first LSU Monthly. That being said, I'm glad we got 40ish people to come out. There were still some people from the last monthly that didn't show up, which means we could have had almost 50 including them. Pretty impressive if you ask me.

Regarding the entrance fee: Not sure how LSU would feel about that since we use their dorm building for a venue. I would like to have an entree fee, but I'm not exactly sure if it's okay or not.

Finally, shout out to the TOs, The Butt Pirate (Diego) and Matthew W. You both did a very good job handling all of the people that came today. I am very optimistic for the turnout rate we will have at the next LSU Monthly, as we will hopefully have a lot more people getting involved. For you guys who didn't know already, like LSUSmash on FaceBook through this link: https://www.facebook.com/LSUSmash. We have around 70 likes now and are beginning to become more popular. It will help with informing people as to when/where our next tournaments and friendlies will be held.

Edit: Also, forgot to mention this: Thanks a lot to everyone who brought a set-up today. It helped a lot with speeding up the brackets and as a result it helped make the tournament run very smoothly.

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GOL | 482 | JSalt

The Folse Deity
Feb 28, 2009
Metairie, LA
When I had my tournies back in the day at LSU, I had no trouble with an entry fee. Shouldnt be too big of a deal. Jake, I have loved the sets we've had, and agree on our rivalry.

Thats all for now, I'm tired.

Guzzler Guzzler

Melee Elitist
Oct 6, 2013
Baton Rouge, LA
Was fun. Sorry I left before I could finish P:M, but had other things that needed taking care of.
No problem man just glad you could make it

Fun stuff. Good job on getting the results up so fast. I think the tourney ran pretty well considering the number of people that showed which I'm sure the TOs didn't anticipate. Then again, a lot of people had to leave which sped up the process. A $2 entry fee would be cool. All in all, it's good what you guys are doing for the community (getting people interested and experience in smash). Now to other matters...JNig, you are my new rival...every game is always so damn close. You're a horrible horrible person :)
I really want to make entrance fees/pay outs a thing but I need to find out what LSU's policies regarding the matter are but I will definitely do more research on the subject before the next monthly because I'm only going off of what the people at Tiger Uppercut told me a few months ago.

All in all I think the tournament was a big success. Loved the turn out, met a lot of nice people and best of all got more people interested in the community. Thanks to everyone who came out

Guzzler Guzzler

Melee Elitist
Oct 6, 2013
Baton Rouge, LA

dont be too upset about the prizes, if it had been for money i know a few good people that would have actually played

but i do support entry fees and pay outs. and a more efficiently run tournament. i give it a 6/10. most of the points came from the sweet venue
6/10... Shout outs to Taylor for being salty that he lost a dollar to his new apprentice ;)

Deleted member

bad TO who plays friendlies over running tournament matches. then you let the people who should be playing their tournament match go get food for 20 mins. this is why i left. and youre a ***** if you stand on your chair and stunt about winning but dont give me a run back. i am a very busy man and i dont have time to wait 20 mins in between every game to **** noobs. my time is worth more than that. either have it for money, or run the tournament smooth as glass with very little down time. ggs noobs. 4 stock mm up to $100 any time you want it diego.
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Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2005
New Orleans
When I ran tournaments on campus at UNF back in the day my policy on entry fees was to do it quietly and discreetly. Worked out well enough for us.

Guzzler Guzzler

Melee Elitist
Oct 6, 2013
Baton Rouge, LA
bad TO who plays friendlies over running tournament matches. then you let the people who should be playing their tournament match go get food for 20 mins. this is why i left. and youre a ***** if you stand on your chair and stunt about winning but dont give me a run back. i am a very busy man and i dont have time to wait 20 mins in between every game to **** noobs. my time is worth more than that. either have it for money, or run the tournament smooth as glass with very little down time. ggs noobs. 4 stock mm up to $100 any time you want it diego.
Eh the tournament went fine for all I care. The chair thing was a joke lmao you're obviously better than me what's there to be so angry about?
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Deleted member

theres no question whether im better than you. it was a 4 stock match. but if you dont give someone a run back you act humble about your victory. and a tournament for no money, with big wait times, to play noobs, no one is going to come to in the future. except freddy because he doesnt have **** else to do.

Guzzler Guzzler

Melee Elitist
Oct 6, 2013
Baton Rouge, LA
theres no question whether im better than you. it was a 4 stock match. but if you dont give someone a run back you act humble about your victory. and a tournament for no money, with big wait times, to play noobs, no one is going to come to in the future. except freddy because he doesnt have **** else to do.
Why does everyone get so damn salty when I beat them in a MM? I was joking. I apologize if it offended you.

And as to the matter of attendance you're literally the only person complaining about the tournament. Everyone else I've heard from has had nothing but good things to say about it. Sorry if it didn't meet your lofty standards, but me and Matthew did the best we could. Seriously the first time we ever ran a tournament of that size and all you can do is come in here and complain about petty things.

Deleted member

perhaps im the only person that knows how to run a tournament. "the best you could" isnt playing friendlies during your tournament bracket when matches could be played. i personally kicked 2 different friendly matches off so tournament matches could be played. i understand youre new at this, im not expecting perfection. im only expecting effort and not neglect.


Smash Rookie
Jan 16, 2010
Kenny here, for being the first big tournament at lsu everything went great. No buy-in is not the best but everyone who came knew what they were getting in to. The problem with a buy-in tournament is the advertising, if we put it on flyers then there's the chance of some school official seeing, and if we don't put it on flyers then many people who show up will leave. Our previous solution was to have a secondary tournament with a buyin on top of the freebie. Obviously we couldn't do that with a tourney this size. This is really the second tournament we've hosted ever and first of this size, so we're still testing the waters. All in all it ran pretty damn smoothly. From what I could tell the majority of players enjoyed themselves.

Taylor and diego, you guys need to make amends. There's a 7 year age gap between you two, Taylor you need to realize that and not get so goddamn offended by some not so serious ****. Honestly it feels pretty good to win against someone league's ahead of you, no matter the circumstances. All you're trying to prove is that Diego is that much worse than you, which is not really disputable and doesn't matter much at all. These tournaments are not for the top players, you got plenty other tournaments for that. These tournaments are for us noobs wanting to get into the scene and improve. We appreciate you guys coming and showing us how to actually play this game, but if you only care about your own ego then just don't come.
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Guzzler Guzzler

Melee Elitist
Oct 6, 2013
Baton Rouge, LA
perhaps im the only person that knows how to run a tournament. "the best you could" isnt playing friendlies during your tournament bracket when matches could be played. i personally kicked 2 different friendly matches off so tournament matches could be played. i understand youre new at this, im not expecting perfection. im only expecting effort and not neglect.
You weren't around to witness the first three tournaments however which ran pretty damn smoothly, and after about 6 or so straight hours of TOing I decided to let Matthew take over things for a little while since things were winding down and I wanted to play melee for the first time that day. You're focusing on only the negative aspects when honestly this whole thing we have set up here at LSU could end up vastly improving the local smash scene.

Deleted member

i have no problem with a free tournament. i really want everyone to understand that. i also have no problem with going out of my way to play people who are much worse than me, and hopefully teach them and extend the community. i also understand the potential problem with advertising a money tournament. although it is possible that it wouldnt be a problem, but like i said i dont care about that part (assuming all other things run properly). obviously im poor and this is a thing im good at and who doesnt like free money, but a free tournament didnt stop me from coming today and it wouldnt stop me in the future.

i dont have the luxury to play melee for 8 hours unless its for real money. planing a potential money tournament after isnt efficient. i know others have a lot more free time and they can play smash all day, but unfortunately for me, unless its for a good deal of money or a good deal of experience against good players i cant justify doing it.

i only was there for melee so idk what happened the rest of the day, but from what i observed, the bracket was neglected, friendlies were encouraged by yourself and diego, and no one was kicked off tvs for tourney matches to be held. this can increase the tournament my ridiculous amounts of time (obviously) and make for a very ineffecient tournament. after waiting 20 minutes for my match in winners semis, i left. that is just silly.

im glad that everyone enjoyed themselves. dont get me wrong. i think its really awesome that you guys are creating a community and getting people into the game, but for someone like me, the only thing i get from an event like this is showing people high level melee. but when i dont get to play but a few sets in an hour, against people i have no fun playing (like i said, im just doing it for their sake. and if i didnt have to wait 15-20 mins between each match, or god forbid how long between WF and GF, i would be more than happy to help players see the serious side of melee.), it makes for a very frustrating event for me. especially when the TO doesnt care about moving matches along quickly. i am only there to help the community. i get 0 practice out of it. i live with a top 4 player in the state and i can play serious games any time i want. being there is just to help people. but when the tournament gets neglected, i get frustrated and leave.

neither of you know me, and you should both learn very quickly that i am a very up front person. any problem i have with you i will tell you, straight up. and anything i say on the internet i will say in person in an even more mean way. these arent good qualities for me to have, dont get me wrong. i just thrive ion efficiency and perfection. i understand that it feels good to win against me under any circumstances. but if you are so proud of your victory you want to show off in front of the audience, you should at least give me a chance to redeem myself. i have no reason to shame diego. im not trying to destroy his ego. im trying to challenge myself. i take ridiculous stake money matches all the time, to test myself. i have a decent win ratio for sure, but its not without playing my ass off. its a normal thing to feel upset about a loss and want a run back. who knows, maybe he could have won more money. but mostly, its frustrating to not be given the opportunity to redeem myself.

i also know that these tournaments are not for top players. i dont have a problem coming just to play you guys in friendlies and helping to show you the game. but spending the whole day waiting to play for 5 mins is not my idea of fun. it also isnt worth the time im putting in to the amount of help im giving.

if all i cared about was my ego, then i wouldn't play you guys. i dont have anything to "prove" against you, i assure you. but when anyone loses a match they think they should have won they will always want a run back. either the opponent should respectfully bow out like "nah i know i shouldn't have won that" or accept. you cant stunt on your victory and not accept. if you look at it properly, its a logical fallacy. i came to play you guys in friendlies 2 weeks ago to try and show people how to really play the game. and i fully support that. i just hope you both understand that i have 1 free night a week. its saturday night. and waiting 20 mins between each match to play noobs while theres no prize money isnt fun. ill play friendlies for days if there isnt a bracket to be run. ill also deal with a slow run tournament if i get to win something out of it. but spending 4 hours waiting on 6 matches is silly.
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Deleted member

well i typically money match people with their pick of my character, or certain stock money matches. like today if i lost a stock, i lost the game. sometimes both stipulations.
this tournament was 4 minutes away from my job.

i am considering CEO im just very busy. if you want to donate $20 im a mm im 5% more likely to go
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Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
well i typically money match people with their pick of my character, or certain stock money matches. like today if i lost a stock, i lost the game. sometimes both stipulations.
this tournament was 4 minutes away from my job.

i am considering CEO im just very busy. if you want to donate $20 im a mm im 5% more likely to go
i'd understand getting frustrated over scrubby TOing if you drove more than 20 to 30 minutes to come out. 4 minutes is pretty close, though. but hey.

also, i don't donate, but you can see it that way if it makes you more likely to attend. ;)

Deleted member

mming me will be donating. so if you agree, then im 5% more likely to go.

and yes, it was indeed close. but it also was for no money. like i said, im just there to help the community. so spending my whole day waiting to play scrubs is not very fun for me.

and btw i played you a million years ago and i played one game with you at apex lol
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Deleted member

perhaps it was lee, but i did go to winterfest. im thinking of a tournament way before that, when you were a kid and all of florida trolled you. (cash mooney)

and to be fair, the one game we played a apex you won
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Deleted member

lost to you, beat bluigi, bowed out because you did the same, then they turned off the tvs for like 10 mins to get more power strips and i went to smoke.

Deleted member

we shall see. just depends on work, school, money ect. if i come, im going to pick up rice on the way and make him come.

i ended up getting 3rd in my pool barely losing to v3ctorman. pretty sad. hoping to do better in nationals this year but i dont think ill be back at apex. we drove and it was ********.

Deleted member

weird. the results says you got 7th? unless you entered under a random name and someone else entered as EikelmannRUS

Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
oh man. now i'm just depressed hahaha guess i confused gmoney with smokey bluntz or crush. i remember being further in the bracket. oh well.

holy ****tttt so many good people didn't make it out of pools. what a ridiculous tournament. had no idea.
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Smash Rookie
Jan 16, 2010
Fair enough Taylor, no idea you were pressed for time. The other games did run very efficiently, and we simply got a good bit relaxed once melee started. I don't want to sound ungrateful about you coming out of your way to support us, I think we all really appreciate it. We'll try to get events like these go quicker next time regardless.

Guzzler Guzzler

Melee Elitist
Oct 6, 2013
Baton Rouge, LA
Smash 64 is what made the tournament so long, melee only took about an hour or so. 64 was run without a single friendly being allowed (until losers finals), I kicked off countless people for friendlies for Brawl/PM. Like Kenny said by the time Melee rolled around and people had begun to leave we let up a little bit.

Thanks for your feedback anyway, we'll take that into account at our next meeting and try to improve the tournament for next month. We have a lot of ideas to help improve the tournament, and hopefully we can make the next one run even more smoothly
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