Yeah, I definitely had a lot of fun at this tournament. If it looked like I didn't, that's because I had a migraine about halfway through doubles. It did start to subside after about two Mountain Dews and some food.
Nick: Thanks for holding this! I am looking forward to the next. Also, thanks for holding on to my power strip for so long. Everybody in Pinellas County needs to get together for a smash day soon.
PolMex: You held it down for Pinellas! I enjoyed watching your matches, you need to start counterpicking with Luigi's Mansion. Also, try adding some grabbing into your game, it may help out some. I think I saw you grab twice the entire time you were there...
Monk: You did good, and I'm glad you came. We need to find somebody to get some practice in.
King of Hearts: Good seeing you again, the last was at the Dethtour, and I'm sorry I keep missing out on smashfests at your place. Those stories were freaky as hell, we gotta to that farm to see that ****. You have peaked my interest.
Afro: Good stuff in teams, sorry we couldn't get any friendlies in. I need alot of snake practice. I loved your commentary, you should get a job doing that... it'd be easy money.
Mooney: You left your hat... and I don't know who has it now...
XYZ: I'm sorry you're retiring, but I understand. School does get overwhelming and when you add work, you don't get much free time. I hope to see you in a doubles tournament in the future.
GDX: You are seriously the first Diddy I have fought. Very good spam tactic, you didn't leave anyone room to move without fear of slipping.
Seibrik: I don't know the D3 matchup, and I think you could tell. Either way, no johns on my part and they were good matches regardless.
Chops: if Colbol hadn't come, I would have spotted you the cash for your entry.
big_freddy: I know you will never see this because you never come here even though Monk and I yell at you to come here more often. Anyways, we did good in teams. We may have come dead last, but we didn't kill each other, and that's a huge step up. I think if we get some strategies going, we may have a better chance at tournies in the future. We just need practice, and this way, we won't be looking for teammates only to find out that there is nobody but us without a teammate.
If I missed anybody: Good stuff and I hope to see you again in the future.
Ok, I had fun (I know I already said this), and it was great to finally meet some SFL guys. I'd love to head down there, I just don't have the free time. Sorry I didn't get this up earlier, I had to work all day yesterday.