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(LOL) TETRIS! For Smash Bros.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2018
I first thought of this idea, as a joke, when I heard Duck Hunt Dog was going to be a playable character. (Though I now realize he's there so you can beat the crap out of him and vent all the anger you had lingering from childhood) I thought, "Wow DUCK HUNT somehow got into Smash? What's next a Tetris block?"

Then I got to thinking and I realized it was actually a viable idea. The way I dream it up is...the Tetris block combos hover together to make up a humanoid shape. The legs are 2 straight-shaped pieces, the pelvis is a T-shaped piece, the torso is two L-shaped pieces with the bent parts at the top to form shoulders, the arms are made of the pieces that resemble x^3 functions and -x^3 functions (I guess you could call them s-shaped or lightning bolt shaped), and lastly the head is made of a square piece. So each kind of piece is used in the build of his body. His moves would take advantage of the fact that he's made of pieces by giving extra reach like Dhalsim from Street Fighter. Maybe with his down-B move, you could even turn him upside down to change his stance (like the crazily complex Voldo), and have him walk on his hands with his legs up, giving him extended melee reach.

What do you think? Am I nuts for even thinking of this?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2013
Right Behind You
Switch FC
I used to think that this idea was completely and utterly impossible and ridiculous.

Then I saw this video, and realized that, while still ridiculous, it's not as impossible or crazy as I once thought.

So nah, you're probably not nuts. A teeny bit bonkers, but not nuts.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2018
I recently decided to alter the arrangement of pieces that Tetris Man should be comprised of. I think the squiggle pieces (or S-shaped or lightning bolt shaped or x^3 function shape...whatever you'd call them) should make up the torso while the L-shaped pieces should be the arms.

Brother AJ

Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2014
Fort Worth, Tx
I mean it’s such a vastly recognizeable and successful game. I wish we would at least get an assist trophy. A playable character would probably be a good WTF moment like Wii Fit Trainer. That video posted actually made it look fun!


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2010
Wasn't Tetris a humongous part in the original Game Boy's success? Just on that merit alone (and of course Tetris being well known around the world), why not? It's not likely, but I'd love to see something so crazy.

Sean Wheeler

Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2013
Well, if this Tetris block would be shaped like a man, wouldn't it remind people of Steve from Minecraft? Honestly, I think it should be a 2-D square that turns into different shapes when it attacks. Is this a better use of the word "it" than Pokémon?


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012

Despite being technically third party, I think that Tee from Puyo Puyo Tetris could be a good "mascot" for the Tetris games. He's the first character you see on the Tetris side, and I could see him being used as a central avatar to represent the games. He could use various blocks to attack with and incorporate the T spin in some way, as it's his signature ability. The main issue with this is his third party status.


Smash Cadet
Mar 25, 2018
The Tetris block being a playable character in Smash would be ridiculous and hilarious for sure. The moves proposed in that video did make the idea seem possible. It is still a stretch for sure but I would be opposed to the idea lol. Although I think a stage or assist trophy is far more likely.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
If have to be honest, I've barely played Tetris when I was a kid. But, I'm planning on getting Tetris Effect for my PS4. I support!

Door Key Pig

Smash Lord
Apr 10, 2010
Would be a great surprise character choice that'd also be Nintendo history-relevant! I'd just wonder if the Tetris company would sign off on such a particular usage of its game. There's also Mike Jones from Startropics that had collecting Tetrads in the second game, so maybe he could use them?


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I used to think that this idea was completely and utterly impossible and ridiculous.

Then I saw this video, and realized that, while still ridiculous, it's not as impossible or crazy as I once thought.

So nah, you're probably not nuts. A teeny bit bonkers, but not nuts.
That's actually... a good-ish description.

I do think it lacks the "multi-piece falling" sense. I dunno, I feel there needs to be more to the gimmick.

To me, Tetris is the one "character" (like Duck Hunt) that is a huge part of Nintendo history the community can't solve.

Though unlike Duck Hunt's community ideas I read (aside from kind of 1), this one seems to be close to "the answer."

I have personally always been fascinated by the idea. I think this is something literally everyone who has been a part of the Smash Bros character development team has thought of as a playable character concept. Whomever finally cracks it will likely be hailed a genius.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2018
Full support for this idea! With a few tweaks, that video's take on Tetris would be a great character. This is a widely recognized series and would be extremely creative.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2009
Thanks to the video of someone making a theoretical video on tetromino animation as a smash character, it helps make the tetromino the most iconic and out of left field smasher it could be.

I was thinking more about the tetromino, and it lacked one essential element - tetromino rotation

What if Tetromino is the only character that never turns around when switching movement, but relies on manual rotation as special moves plus morphing the mino into 5 possible forms (I L [J] O S [Z] T) since you can flip horizontally and vertically. All it has to be is a simple tetromino that changes shape based on the 5 base forms in 3d space, because J/L and Z/S have same base forms, but flipped horizontally.

I - long piece that can spike the best, but very easy to miss; also longest hitbox -> easy to be tackled
L / J - shorter than I, longer than O, the tip of L would be more spiky than the long base
O - most balanced form with all around attacks with average damage
S / Z - can do decent spike at the sides but faster // weaker attacks than O
T - tip is at the center, deals weakest spike at tip of T, but base damage is slightly better than S but hitbox is as wide as L and S


Neutral - change form (I -> L -> O -> S -> T -> I) instantly

Side - Horizontal flip, swings nearby victims to the opposite direction being spun

Down - Vertical flip, same as horizontal, but vertical

Up - Tetromino Warp - Move the piece by length of 4 times its overall length depending on any 8 possible directions based on quick joystick direction after command, but require warp to connect on side or corner of tetromino


Neutral (ground and air) - Rotate piece 90 degree clock wise, but if flipped horizontally, counter clockwise; and 3rd tap of jab spin 360 degrees

Down air - hard drop - fast, pierces through any player in the air, but leaves strong shockwave when touching ground,

All other attacks can be coreographed with a holographic to represent attack location

The more narrow the attack tip, the more powerful the blow, but can easily miss

Conversely, the more surface area, less damage for more hit on contact

Tetromino would act as a glass cannon, light weight, but is prone to attacks depending on size of tetromino - wider size means more exposure, but best payoff if done properly

Tetromino demonstrates that an abstract character can be balanced based on geometry, timing, and physics alone, without any art put in.

Final smash will obviously trap the opponents into a game field, but quickly fill up the board, and then perform rows of tetris clears to cause near-instant KO's.

I do not know what else to think of to make ti more of a character that relies on rotation as the main mechanic of tetromino.

I do hope that tetromino would be the final character of the Mystery Five fighter set.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2018
I still think Tetris would have been a better wild-card choice than Piranha Plant. But I probably ruined the chances of it happening simply by making this thread. I believe Sakurai only did Piranha Plant of all people because NOBODY on Smashboards predicted it. If only we'd been less thorough with our support threads we might have gotten a better WTF selection.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2018
Center of the Zero Point
Switch FC
I was originally against this idea until I thought of an idea for it to work, along with an unfinished trailer idea. It would appear as a strange relic that fell onto the stage like a meteor. It then came out of the ground and started floating by using ancient energy. It started to glow different colors and shift itself into its signature forms. As the nearby fighters were confused about it, it started to shift itself into its "I" form and perform a smash attack.


It fills the role of a retro and a joke character at the same time. I thought of a moveset for it to somehow work as a fighter.

Neutral: Tetris rain
Tetromino will spawn a reticle that will move further by holding B. Let go, and it will drop a Tetromino from the sky to hit the target area.
15-20% damage

Side: Block cannon
Tetromino will shift into its Z form and fire a piece of itself at the opponent. The piece will grow back right after using it.
8% damage

Up: Hold
Tetromino will activate the hold function found in most Tetris games, and disappear. It will then come out and teleport a good distance above where it activated the move. The teleport will deal slight damage.

Down: O Counter
When attacked, Tetromino will shift into its square shaped "O" form and explode, launching its 4 blocks to attack enemies before reforming. (Think of the Waffle miniboss from Cuphead.)
Explosion: 12%
Block: 7%

Final Smash: Marathon
Tetromino will temporarily activate the stage morph feature and change it to a Tetris themed stage. Tetromino will then trap all players in a game of Tetris where the player controls all of the Tetrominoes that fall. Players must dodge the falling blocks to avoid taking damage. After time runs out, the stage will morph back to its previous stage.
Each block does about 15%

That Tetris stage will also come with the fighter, and blocks will slowly fall occasionally. When the Final Smash is used on that stage, the stage will not morph.

Alternate colors:
Tetromino will use 8 different styles from the game Tetris Friends.
1- Default
2- Atari
3- Neon
4- Kooler
5- Gumdrop
6- Chisel
7- Ghost
8- Monochrome

What do you think?
Add me to the supporters list if you have one.
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Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
I would support a Tetris character in Smash but I DESPISE the idea of it being a bunch of blocks arranged in the shape of a humanoid. This sort of fan-concept character idea doesn't sit will with me. "Tetrisman" is not a thing that exists in the games and making it into a humanoid shape would take the fun out of it.

This is how I picture it:

The character would be a simple I-Block in its default shape, but it would be able to move its segments around to turn into the other blocks and perform various techniques based on what those blocks do.

I-Block: Flashes and shoots a beam from itself as tall as itself from top to bottom, referencing the effect that happens when you get a Tetris (I call this move the "Tetribeam").
T-Block: Performs a really rapid top spin while the button is mashed, referencing the T-spin in Tetris.
S/-Z Block: Projectile attack, Tosses these shapes like shurikens to either sides of itself.
O-Block: Similar to Kirby's stone. Blocks all incoming hits while in this state. Can explode and reassemble itself.
L/J-Block: Takes on the properties of a hammer/crowbar. Topples over and smashes down with its broad side, creating a shockwave.
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Giga Man

Smash Journeyman
Jul 22, 2012
I 100% support Tetris as a fighter. I wish more people did. The #1 best-selling video game of all time deserves more presence in the greatest cross-over in entertainment than two music tracks (that don't even play in the stage they were remixed for anymore). I think we should have gotten a Tetris stage forever ago, but I'm ready for a fighter now.

Some of the ideas in this thread sound really compelling. I used to think a humanoid made up of Tetriminos was a good idea, but it's actually a much better and more faithful idea to make it a single Tetrimino that shapeshifts into the other Minos.
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Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
User was warned for this post; censor dodging
Yeah, if Sakurai's gonna be doing wacky "joke" bonus characters, why wouldn't you do Tetris? Pardon my french but **** Pirahna Plant. Tetris is both historic and would be delightfully outlandish.
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
If he made it work I'd enjoy it. I cant see many real ways as to how (just did a quick skim) but it would be fun for sure! Tetris is one of the only games everyone knows.


No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
I have faith that Sakurai could make a character out of a Tetrimino, even if it would be better suited for an AT. I support!

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I'd love another Mr. Game & Watch-esque character. Tetrinomino is definitely iconic on its own. Regardless of which piece. Though I can see how it could work well as an AT too, not unlike Pong Color Game-15.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311

Despite being technically third party, I think that Tee from Puyo Puyo Tetris could be a good "mascot" for the Tetris games. He's the first character you see on the Tetris side, and I could see him being used as a central avatar to represent the games. He could use various blocks to attack with and incorporate the T spin in some way, as it's his signature ability. The main issue with this is his third party status.
Any Tetris representation would still be third party, so I dont see your point.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Though I'd easily take Steve before Tetris block(I have a feeling it'd be a combination of blocks overall as a character, just like how they did Mr. Game & Watch), they're both rather iconic beings. Though I admit Steve is definitely easier to transition into Smash overall, having a better bodyshape for it. Tetrinomino can work, obviously, but it's not so much a matter of animating moves as finding a way to balance the moveset and make it flow well in some way. A central theme, if you will. Those who have limbs/somewhat more natural bodyshapes have an easier time to making a moveset for.

Either way, both definitely earned their spot in Smash.


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
but Steve is a true chad alongside L-Block..
Literally no one believes this except Steve fanboys.

Someone really needs to say this, so I will: PLEASE stop bringing this crap up in other threads. Nobody cares. You're not going to win supporters this way. You've been doing this over and over again in multiple threads on this board and it's becoming really annoying. There's a reason why the Steve thread has only 15 supporters despite being 12 pages long (hell, my Earthworm Jim thread has almost twice the supporters and it only has 2 pages). If fans of any other character acted the way you do the moderators would've dropped a train on them a long time ago. I don't get what makes you Steve fanboys think you have free reign to act as insufferable as possible and drag him into completely unrelated threads. You think just because you have Chinderblock on your side you can arbitrarily enforce things in your favor?
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
If we do get a Tetris character in Smash, it would be named "Tetris".

As for alternate colors.… Tetris could have moves where it changes shapes... so whenever Tetris changes its shape, it changes colors.

Recolor ideas
Default colors - standardized colors + Tetris 99 (Switch)
I - cyan
O - yellow
T - purple
J - blue
L - orange
S - green
Z - red


Alt 1 - Tetris (Game Boy)
I - light gray
O - black
T - light gray
J - light gray
L - dark gray
S - dark gray
Z - light gray


Alt 2 - Tetris (NES)
Note: colors based on A-Type Level 00
I - white
O - white
T - white
J - blue
L - cyan
S - blue
Z - cyan


Alt 3 - Tetris 2 (NES)
Note: multicolor blocks with random colors
I - red, yellow, green
O - red, yellow, green
T - red, yellow, green
J - red, yellow, green
L - red, yellow, green
S - red, yellow, green
Z - red, yellow, green


Note: O blocks were not in Tetris 2.

Alt 4 - Tetris & Dr. Mario (SNES)
Note: colors based on A-Type Level 00
I - red
O - yellow
T - yellow
J - green
L - blue
S - blue
Z - green


Alt 5 - Panel de Pon (SNES) + Tetris Attack (SNES)
Note: choice of colors and shapes based on standardized colors
I - cyan triangles
O - yellow stars
T - purple diamonds
J - blue upside-down triangles
L - gray exclamation points
S - green circles
Z - red hearts


Alt 6 - Tetris DX (Game Boy Color)
Note: same patterns as the Game Boy alt but with colors (obviously)
I - orange
O - yellow
T - green
J - cyan
L - red
S - magneta
Z - amber


Alt 7 - Tetris (Electronika 60)
Note: this is the original version
I - green brackets
O - green brackets
T - green brackets
J - green brackets
L - green brackets
S - green brackets
Z - green brackets


Note: I mistakenly identified the color and shape as white squares. According to Wikipedia, the color and shape was actually green brackets.
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Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Literally no one believes this except Steve fanboys.

Someone really needs to say this, so I will: PLEASE stop bringing this crap up in other threads. Nobody cares. You're not going to win supporters this way. You've been doing this over and over again in multiple threads on this board and it's becoming really annoying. There's a reason why the Steve thread has only 15 supporters despite being 12 pages long (hell, my Earthworm Jim thread has almost twice the supporters and it only has 2 pages). If fans of any other character acted the way you do the moderators would've dropped a train on them a long time ago. I don't get what makes you Steve fanboys think you have free reign to act as insufferable as possible and drag him into completely unrelated threads. You think just because you have Chinderblock on your side you can arbitrarily enforce things in your favor?
I've literally only brought him up in 3 or so threads or when offering how he could fit into Smash, when not just being silly with the character.

I brought up Minecraft here, as they're both blocks...and people who give excuses to shrug off Steve give excuses that a Tetris block shares in common, so admittedly it kinda bugs me even if I'd love a Tetris block as well...

"Insufferable" I hardly see anyone else post positively about Steve outside of the Ultimate Social thread, unless they're being fair to the genuine Steve fans; it's fine to hate Steve, but if you're wondering why I got mad before, it's because I felt like you weren't even reading my points and you seemed to lie about caring about Steve fans getting let down; all you seemed to want was to bug them...I'm also a little mad because whenever someone does bring up a character someone else dislikes, sometimes the other person acts rudely when sharing their dislike of the character instead of being normal about it...but honestly, in regards to Steve, I hardly see this anymore until I see you...

It was also bugging me in the B-K thread because nearly everyone bashed him and I was really uncomfortable since I'm also a B-K fan...and I'm tired of Steve fans/Minecraft fans in general being generalized as immature people, when I can say the same crap about this fanbase and a bunch of others...

But I don't want to derail this thread; if you want to continue this discussion, just send a PM, though I'd rather drop this as it's getting rather irritating...
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
If we do get a Tetris character in Smash, it would be named "Tetris".

As for alternate colors.… Tetris could have moves where it changes shapes... so whenever Tetris changes its shape, it changes colors.

Recolor ideas
Default colors - standardized colors + Tetris 99 (Switch)
I - cyan
O - yellow
T - purple
J - blue
L - orange
S - green
Z - red

View attachment 196880

Alt 1 - Tetris (Game Boy)
I - light gray
O - black
T - light gray
J - light gray
L - dark gray
S - dark gray
Z - light gray

View attachment 196869

Alt 2 - Tetris (NES)
Note: colors based on A-Type Level 00
I - white
O - white
T - white
J - blue
L - cyan
S - blue
Z - cyan

View attachment 196841

Alt 3 - Tetris 2 (NES)
Note: multicolor blocks with random colors
I - red, yellow, green
O - red, yellow, green
T - red, yellow, green
J - red, yellow, green
L - red, yellow, green
S - red, yellow, green
Z - red, yellow, green

View attachment 196890

Note: O blocks were not in Tetris 2.

Alt 4 - Tetris & Dr. Mario (SNES)
Note: colors based on A-Type Level 00
I - red
O - yellow
T - yellow
J - green
L - blue
S - blue
Z - green

View attachment 196842

Alt 5 - Panel de Pon (SNES) + Tetris Attack (SNES)
Note: choice of colors and shapes based on standardized colors
I - cyan triangles
O - yellow stars
T - purple diamonds
J - blue upside-down triangles
L - gray exclamation points
S - green circles
Z - red hearts

View attachment 196899

Alt 6 - Tetris DX (Game Boy Color)
Note: same patterns as the Game Boy alt but with colors (obviously)
I - orange
O - yellow
T - green
J - cyan
L - red
S - magneta
Z - amber

View attachment 196868

Alt 7 - Tetris (Electronika 60)
Note: this is the original version
I - white
O - white
T - white
J - white
L - white
S - white
Z - white

View attachment 196909
But what would its basic costumes be if it always changed color? Are they going to be patterns like Pac-Man has for his gloves or something? Or is that what I'm literally seeing with these pictures and it's going over my head? That said, I do like that idea. It captures the options better.

TheCJBrine TheCJBrine I think the issue is the games aren't that much alike other than the fact you can put blocks on top of each other. Doesn't make the games less iconic or anything, but they're only tangibly similar. That said, I agree with your point. The bashing is ridiculous(never mind against the rules of this forum anyway) and never called for. Which is all the more reason why it wouldn't surprise me if Steve is playable with no issues(since the issues brought up would make sense... if Smash didn't already get around those time and time again, making them flawed points, quite heavily so)).

That said, the only major difference otherwise is Steve is an established regular character design(a humanoid with limbs that easily move) and Tetrinomino is a non-standard(but perfectly feasible character by all means, though only if you're pulling a Mr. Game & Watch. Each piece is pretty much a separate character within the game as is, so putting 'em together is the best way to make a neat playable character).


Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
But what would its basic costumes be if it always changed color? Are they going to be patterns like Pac-Man has for his gloves or something? Or is that what I'm literally seeing with these pictures and it's going over my head? That said, I do like that idea. It captures the options better.

TheCJBrine TheCJBrine I think the issue is the games aren't that much alike other than the fact you can put blocks on top of each other. Doesn't make the games less iconic or anything, but they're only tangibly similar. That said, I agree with your point. The bashing is ridiculous(never mind against the rules of this forum anyway) and never called for. Which is all the more reason why it wouldn't surprise me if Steve is playable with no issues(since the issues brought up would make sense... if Smash didn't already get around those time and time again, making them flawed points, quite heavily so)).

That said, the only major difference otherwise is Steve is an established regular character design(a humanoid with limbs that easily move) and Tetrinomino is a non-standard(but perfectly feasible character by all means, though only if you're pulling a Mr. Game & Watch. Each piece is pretty much a separate character within the game as is, so putting 'em together is the best way to make a neat playable character).
Yeah, the bashing is annoying, and I think Steve could just work just fine because of the humanoid thing among other reasons. I just gave the comparison to Tetris because I've seen reasons like "emotionless" and "stiff" given for why Steve shouldn't be in, so I just wondered if said people were fine with a playable Tetris block despite that...

That being said, I'd welcome a Tetris block (or a character made out of blocks) with open arms, it just bugged me when I recalled those things said about Steve...
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Yeah, I think Steve could just work just fine. I just gave the comparison to Tetris because I've seen reasons like "emotionless" and "stiff" given for why Steve shouldn't be in, so I just wondered if said people were fine with a playable Tetris block despite that...

That being said, I'd welcome a Tetris block (or a character made out of blocks) with open arms, it just bugged me when I recalled those things said about Steve...
Steve simply doesn't have those issues anyway. Tetris Block actually does have it by design, but it's not like the idea would be for all about emotion either. Having a pretty blank character can be fine. If anything, just figuring out some good Taunts would take a bit more effort than the moveset anyway.


Sith Archivist
Aug 4, 2009
The Farthest Shore
Guys, this is a thread about Tetris block. Try to stay on the subject of that character.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
But what would its basic costumes be if it always changed color? Are they going to be patterns like Pac-Man has for his gloves or something? Or is that what I'm literally seeing with these pictures and it's going over my head? That said, I do like that idea. It captures the options better.
Basic costumes? Each costume comes with 7 colors. I guess they are like patterns on Pac-Man’s gloves.

For example, you are playing as Tetris and you choose the standardized colors. You start the match as the cyan I block. This block changes colors (only the standardized colors) whenever it changes its shape. Best analogy I can think of is Mr. Game & Watch changing his form whenever he uses a move and Piranha Plant changing its color whenever it uses its Side Special move.
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