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Social Link checked the thread. Wow! This is a nice thread!


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
You guys ready to Make America Great Again? WOOOOOOO
I'm so excited I want to kill myself (not really, jk).

In lighter news I bought a PS4 with Uncharted 4 and Darksouls 3. I've only played darksouls and keep reverting back to monster hunter style controls, so I've died a billion times. But it's a lot of fun.


Sex? Yes, I'm familiar with the theory
Oct 31, 2009
The Netherlands
So I know this guy IRL. You boys want to help me scare him?
pretty low-grade trolling from him there, but at least takes some balls. pretty sure he's just coming out strong, so not gonna make a federal case out of it. but if he want any of those foreign bright-eyed and bushy-tailed peppers at his college he's gonna have to cut the corral dust. also if it goes wrong he's gonna have to face the music, cause he might be getting a straight ride to cement city LOL


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Dark Souls 3 is fun, I'm on the boss who gives you frostbite (#2 I think). How do I use things like firebombs?
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Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2013
Steilacoom, Washington
pretty low-grade trolling from him there, but at least takes some balls. pretty sure he's just coming out strong, so not gonna make a federal case out of it. but if he want any of those foreign bright-eyed and bushy-tailed peppers at his college he's gonna have to cut the corral dust. also if it goes wrong he's gonna have to face the music, cause he might be getting a straight ride to cement city LOL
I love calling him out for stuff he has said in the student lounge. Freaks him out. My idea is that one of you boys tweets him something only he thinks he knows.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I found a nice axe from a mimic and that made the 2nd boss much easier. Dark Souls 3 is really fun :)


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
My aunt and cousins visited my grandma yesterday. Her roommate at the care center started yelling really racist things and threw her water glass at them. My aunt is 1st generation American and her parents are from Cuba. The roommate is being moved to another room. People don't get how bad it's become. It's going to get worse before it gets better too.

You guys might find this political comedy funny.

In lighter news I got to the poison swamp in Dark Souls 3.
In this game EVERYTHING tries to kill you. In the castle area a freaking dragon comes down and shoots fire all over. Then in the town freaking caged masses of bones attack and a giant oak is a boss. Fat ladies light themselves on fire and try to hug you. The swamp has giant crabs and some brutal enemies. I haven't beat the Crystal sage or Oak yet but got to the place where you have to extinguish 3 flames.
I'm glad it's hard for a change. It's really fun.
My character is an assassin so she's well balanced. I got a dragon shield and have a good setup but my axe is getting outdated. The spook spell is useful. My build is versatile so I use heavy soul arrows, axe and shield dueling, and sneaking up on enemies fairly even. Sniping with a long bow is fun too. I probably will include miracles and pyromancy once my faith stat is leveled up.
I'm playing blind so please no spoilers past ^this point.

I finally uploaded pictures of my cat and will post them once they're sorted.

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Smash Apprentice
Apr 13, 2015
IDK why I bother talking to people sometimes. You have someone post about hate crimes get infracted and you have the SOB who calls the people who took the pictures "trash" and they get nothing but likes. Why the hell do we bother teaching history? It repeats its self and the most despicable sociopaths rule, then people rationalize and defend them. I don't know why we teach science, people think they can choose how the world works. I am so ****ing sick of people.
See this is why we can't have nice things. I feel your pain and i like many others were truly upset that this carrot colored slop of a human being rose to power. But we must remain strong. it's okay to be upset. but dont become like some folks who literally lashed out violently in public. who knows perhaps in 2020 we will survive long enough to witness as i like to call it ''Bernie Sanders Uprising"

Himura Kenshin

Smash Journeyman
Feb 2, 2015
I started to see right-wing death squads led by the infamous Ben Garrison yesterday. I got tf out of there when they started chating "Drown the browns"


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I started to see right-wing death squads led by the infamous Ben Garrison yesterday. I got tf out of there when they started chating "Drown the browns"
Stay safe. It's crazy what's going on. I've heard from people there were gunmen at polling places on the 8th.

Do you guys remember me saying Arwen had a ridgeback when she gets scared? Here are pictures of it:

I've never seen a cat do that before. ^She got scared by something out the window there. Here she's scared of her reflection in the TV:

Himura Kenshin

Smash Journeyman
Feb 2, 2015
Stay safe. It's crazy what's going on. I've heard from people there were gunmen at polling places on the 8th
It got worse today. They were out and were chanting "Pull the trigger on over ******" and I'm pretty sure I saw Sam Hyde out there, too. He's a former cop that was outed for racism and excessive force. This is just disgusting, tbh.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I started the Profaned Capital area in DS3.
The only boss that gave me a ton of trouble was Pontiff whatever. Finally I looked up a strategy of staying close with my shield up and beat him in 2 tries with it.
The Cathedral of the Deep goes full troll on the player. It's frustrating but also fun; opening shortcuts helps immensely. The Deacons boss was very original and an awesome concept. It's my favorite area so far.
A few places scared me a bit. The dark area in the settlement and jumpscares in the prison. It's not a scary game by nature but has good atmosphere and startles. **** the little imp guys with the thrall hats!

I'm playing blind, except for checking Pontiff strats and seeing how each stat and some system things work. My build is well balanced assassin with a fire/bleeding sword, the shield of want for extra souls, sorceries like spook, hidden body and heavy soul arrows, and some bow sniping. Faith and luck are my only lacking stats. Pyromancies and minor miracles like status healing tears are swapped in and out. I'm not using a sword that scales with stats because none stick out. I tried great swords and crossbows but disliked their slow, clunky nature. Small weapons like sword/axe and shield or staff and shield are what I'm best with and good for adapting to various situations. The only problem is I'm undertuned for bosses without a single strong option to abuse.
I also have to deal with 'kitten RNG'. She likes to climb on me and get into trouble.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2014
o - o now stay ******

also Rizen Rizen yeah thats kinda the first boss with a real difficulity in the game. too bad you had to win the scrub way. ):
you're also not right in your head if deacons is your fav boss so far. its like the most simple and worst in the game. the area is very underwhelming compared to irithyll as well..
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Deacons are easy but the concept behind the fight was cool. Abyss watchers was my favorite boss in terms of gameplay. The cathedral was more challenging than Irithyll for me, relative to when it was in the game. I did it before the fort area so that might be why. Every turn trolls the heck out of you with all the traps and hidden enemies.
I like the level design in the Cathedral, you navigate inside and out of a huge, beautiful building. Lots of variety and cool concepts. It's a pretty area too.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2014
the concept behind the fight what theres way bigger concepts behind fights youve already done


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Dark Souls has a lot of cool concepts.
In DS3, using hidden body, sneaking up on jailers for the kill and saying "who's scary now?" is the best feeling in the world. Iron Flesh is a great spell too.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Is there anyway to pause DS3 for long periods of time? I've tried the PS and share buttons but both make me return to the bonfire. My kitten likes to climb up and get pets and the most inopportune times and I lose a lot of progress.

How does the storm great sword I found in the boss room help defeat the giant boss exactly? I tried normal attacks and the skill but it seems like a pos.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2014
no you cant pause, but you're safe at a bonfire, defeated boss room or firelink

keep charging the skill until it becomes bright, then attack. you keep the charge after it becomes bright so you can let go of it then, but you still need to be in the stance in order to do the attack. now expose him as the easiest boss in the game
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Yeah that boss was stupidly easy with the GS. Before using that strat, I got him down to about 1/4 health by shooting his face with great heavy soul arrows and stabbing when he collapsed. That works alright but after I ran out of magic his feet take so little damage and the fight lasts forever. Shields are effective and it was an endurance match.
The next boss made up for the giant being so easy. It took me a long time to get his patterns and weird movements down. The command grab that practically instantly kills is a huge pain. I ended up tanking the last phase of the fight with iron skin since he has a 2nd sword.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2014
you're a link main rizen what happened to taking beatings till you get good instead of abusing cheap ****


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving or the equivalent for your country everyone.

I beat the consumed king in DS3. He was easy but idk what the hell he was muttering about. Lothloric Castle is a fun area.
My PS4 can connect to the internet but keeps getting an error when it tries to update or connect to the PS network. I've tried a few online solutions but nothing's worked.
I don't get soul dart spells. They do practically no damage. A lot of spells look cool but are overshadowed by more practical and simple ones. Soul arrow and heavy soul arrow are the only attack sorceries that seem useful at int lv 30. Soul spear at 32 is looking good however. The same goes for most attack pyromancies when you have fire orb/chaos fire orb that gets the job done for less FP. I only have 12 faith and haven't done much with miracles aside from status healing tears.

PS sniping enemies with great bows is awesome.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia
Yall are a month late for thanksgiving, but happy Yanksgiving or your equivalent.

So I've finished up OOT and am in need of a new Zelda to play through. Any suggestions?


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Yall are a month late for thanksgiving, but happy Yanksgiving or your equivalent.

So I've finished up OOT and am in need of a new Zelda to play through. Any suggestions?
Majora's Mask.


Smash Rookie
Apr 12, 2016
The Netherlands
Yall are a month late for thanksgiving, but happy Yanksgiving or your equivalent.

So I've finished up OOT and am in need of a new Zelda to play through. Any suggestions?
Have you finished all the 2D Zelda's? I recently went on an old skool tour with my brother. We finished the first Zelda for NES and I am currently trying to beat Zelda II (goddamn that **** is hard to beat). And we finished A Link to the Past last weekend.

I also decided to revisit Oracle of Ages since that game if very vague in my memory. I lost the cartridge soon after I beat it, so I never played it again after that. It's so long ago... I have almost no memory of the game. So that will be fun ^^

Also yes... Majora's mask. For sure. My favourite of all 3D zelda's.

I'm currently getting ready for Avalon. Hope I make it a bit farther agin this time.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2014
I beat the consumed king in DS3. He was easy but idk what the hell he was muttering about. Lothloric Castle is a fun area.
yeah hes easy when you got a shield to hide behind so you wont have to worry about his 1frame dash that takes away about half your HP (:
also ''lothloric''
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
yeah hes easy when you got a shield to hide behind so you wont have to worry about his 1frame dash that takes away about half your HP (:
also ''lothloric''
I pyromanced him from behind my shield.
Lol, I couldn't remember the name. I think in Lord of the Rings there's a place named Lothloria that I mashed in there.

I beat the Untended Graves and Dragon Slayer Armour. The Archives are awesome; they might be my new favorite area. Playing cat and mouse with the Crystal Sage there was fun.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Champion Gundyr was a pain in the butt. I had to rely on the sword master summon and hurl soul spears.

White supremacists had a meeting in the (president) Reagan center and were chanting "heil Trump". I'm absolutely disgusted with the American Right wing. People are inconceivably stupid.
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