I'm not going get angry at you or talk down to you, or say that you should take my word for it. I'm sure some people would, but I mean, realistically, I don't think you're likely to have any extensive psychological or medical expertise or experience with victims, and I'm sure as a smasher and a dude who loves Smash you're more able to relate and empathize with Hyuga, so that wouldn't be fair. Plus, I like Hyuga too. He's of the strongest clan and his Tink is fun to watch. That's what it is, and I don't think lesser of you for your feelings on the matter, but if you'll let me, I'll share some situations I've come across as someone who does have some medical and psychological expertise, and maybe you can take it into consideration intellectually if not emotionally.
If you've ever seen someone practically have their entire life ruined, who has become unable to fully love or trust or enjoy the company of others, to lose something integral and innate to human existence as a social creature because of **** and molestation, who can never feel at ease or fully relaxed in the because of the terrifying lingering thought that they could, for no reason, end up powerless and violated without any warning, that is having your life ruined.
I've talked to them, I've been friends with them, I've worked with them, and I've seen others try to help them professionally to varying degrees of success. I've seen guys and girls who can never be intimate with their lovers and had their relationships ruined for it, because the affections of the people they love take them back to their traumatic moments. I know there are victims who sometimes can't even sleep in the same room as anyone else, or who dedicate their lives to self defence seminars, sleep fully clothed or with running shoes, and invest in all manner of weapons and home security systems and live their entire lives on edge. I knew of one woman who told me she stalked her own daughter to see if she would notice she was being followed, because this was something she now felt she had to do to prevent her child from suffering like she did, and wake her up to the terrors of the world. Knowing this, I still can't imagine or process what it would be like to never be able to have sex with a gentle kind supportive waifu who loves me dearly because I'm terrified of her for no rational reason, or to lose the ability to fall asleep on my couch watching Netflix because of involuntary terror, or any of the other things I've mentioned. My mind actually goes blank trying to process this, because it's too far outside the scope of what I can relate to - what most people can relate to, and at times I've questioned if what I'm hearing and seeing can even be real, (the same as if you study exotic diseases and conditions) before being reminded that it is real, and I've had to accept that.
So as an experiment, ask yourself if you'd rather live like any of the above people, or if you'd rather lose Smash 4 as a career option or your visa to play in another country. Quick disclaimer, this isn't every case, because every person is a little bit different, but the average outcomes aren't good, and this is some of the potential of this kind of offence, and there's no way to know exactly how someone will react and which way they will cope until it happens to them. That's why penalties are strict, and I'd like to think that's why Hyuga is okay with whatever legal or social penalties are laid on him, and understands how hard he has to work to make amends even after that. If you took the time read this, thank you for your time and efforts, and I hope it was of some value to you. I don't like drama and I don't really want to get involved in it, so I'll leave it at this.