Ummm... I'm not sure why you put me there, I like Izaw just fine and have been subbed for some time, his videos were what got me into competitive Sm4sh. The only thing I disagree with him about is naming the video as "hypest", but I am rather picky with word choice. I see nothing wrong with Izaw's character and know he is a good Link, look at my posts right after the whole Izaw vs Cat fiasco. I support any Link who does well. What I do not care for are the people who don't understand where Rizen and Elessar and all the other "haters" are coming from. From what I have seen, being a Link main in the past has been tough and learning to deal with it makes people tough. I support their rough attitude towards people who come on in thinking they know what's what when really they are just small fish in a big sea.Elessar
Stryker95 yea you guys call us fanboys but to me it looks like jealousy, and you guys sound arrogant and cocky just because you been around the thread longer then us,
Unless your putting in the work and getting the results you have no room to talk, he wasn't being cocky, before he posted the hype video people were posting about it, so he gave the people what they wanted and that's the vid.
And believe me you don't know cocky yet, once I get first place at a local or place good at a tourney believe me I will brag about it and I will get cocky on this thread.
Oh and one more thing, with esports and the comptetive scene growing bigger and bigger, this thread will also get more popular, If you don't like change well you don't have to stay.
Y'all need to quit drinking that haterade.
I myself am a scrub who sucks and probably couldn't even win against FG scubs (don't know, can't even get on FG). I am new here as well as you are, but I respect my elders (RIP Chillin), that means all those who know way more than me, ranging from the Rizen to Izaw. What I don't respect are those who come in talking smack towards those who have earned respect through time (maybe I am just to old-school though).