Sup. I'm a Rosalina main but I've recently been enjoying Link a ton in this game. Who are the top Links to watch in terms of tournament play?
Scizor, Hyrule Hero, Requiem, Unknown, Afrotwist, Catana, Chuck, Link7, BrimeZ, Zerker and I have a generous dose of tourney matches available. KirinBlaze has attended little last few months, but he uploaded a bunch of FG replays yesterday which are worth watching.
Most relevant Links to watch for playstyle are Scizor (carried over from Brawl, very much involved with using upward bombsliding for mobility &c.,
check out this glorious brawl match first); KirinBlaze, who is very-zoning based and has excellent spacing and camping; Staticmanny and Ninjalink, who don't main Link which makes them very intuitive players with Link: very aggressive in Ninjalink's case and down to earth, collected with Staticmanny; Hyrule Hero, who uses bombs very sparingly and utilizes his basics excellently; and Cat, with her cutesy bomb trickery.
All is available in the video archive.
Thanks! I like the way he plays for sure. I really need to get comfortable tether recovering and learning the intricacies of that.
He doesn't place bombs on the ground at all though. Is that not a common tactic among Link mains for some reason?
No it's because literally all sets we have of him save on I saved from Twitch in awful quality (against Pefect_Edge's R.O.B.) are of him losing all kinds of terrible MUs, he often doesn't have the opportunity to. You can see him do it in the double games he wins here where he has room:


+ S2H

vs Larry

+ Terry

16 February 2015 Tournament

+ S2H

vs Zenyou

+ Bam

16 February 2015 Tournament