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Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
Woot, been here 2 days and I feel like I've made tons of progress by your answers to my pleas.

Question at hand; At what percents do you normaly get killed at? I normaly last until between 130-150. Is that too short of a lifespan? Is this just because Shiek is lighter? As falco i generaly lived till around 170ish considering I'm not sweetspoted/smashed.

Secondary Question; I hate final destinations lip. Help on what do do if stuck there please??

Oh and thanks in advance from your favorite pro golfer.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2008
BAY AREA, California
Glad to see you've been making progress with Sheik :D

Typically, Sheik can last to around 130%. After that, I hope you have really good DI to keep lasting longer. So the percent you're getting killed at is the norm; Sheik is quite light-- hell even Zelda is heavier :( Luckily, its hard to gimp Sheik as compared to Falco; so consider that is "living" longer :D

For Final Destination's lip, you should be careful about when and where you initiate your Vanish. A poorly timed/spaced vanish will land you in the lip area, where you'll suffer a humiliating and degrading death. Sheik deserves better :) Use the Chain when you can, but if you Vanish, make sure you got plenty of room. If you are underneath the lip and trying to recover, you can use your second jump and wall jump off the lip and have an instant sweetspot on the ledge. I'll link you to the thread I made about that little trick:


When underneath the lip of death, instead of doing a Vanish that will more likely leave you open, utilize her Wall Jump / Wall Cling to survive.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2008
Mrs.sauga, Canada
it is possible to di intial jump of vanish in one direction, then finish in different direction. so if you get stuck under the lip, you can di to the side with the initial jump, then up for the finish. or you can just DI (without vanish) towards the side, then vanish straight up.

I rarely ever get into a situation when I would be stuck under the lip...I can't even think of a situation, can someone give me an example?

also, save your second jump, and ALWAYS use chain over vanish when possible, unless you are planning to attack your opponent or something..


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
@ demodemo
yeah, i never get down there either, although i've wanted to utilize wallcling, since it's nifty. The only situation that can cause it is an offstage edgeguarder knocking you back towards the stage and down some.... something like that. And i just realized what your avatar has to do with Sheik.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
Burbank, California
i think the topic question should be a little more specific... like who you are playing against etc, if i'm playing against a ganondorf... its possible for me to die at 80% quite easily >.< and against my friend's samus i get spiked at extremely low percents XD
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