I just can't see lines for Brawl. it just seems weird! I can imagine like a few people, but not a line. But hey, I could definitely be wrong.
But yeah... 68 days tacked unto the initial date was pretty effed up. I had my "game plan" (lol. That was literal.) set up, too, like all of you college students. Get brawl, have a month to do nothing but play Brawl, and then the next semester starts.
But hey... at least we get it on a Sunday, now.
You might not have been around with Melee, but there were lines to play the demo/actual game. I forget if the game was out or not yet (I remember everyone in it, except I'm not sure about Marth or Roy; they were originally only going to be in the Japanese version), but the line was HUGGGGGEEE! There were like 30-40 people in the lines, talking about how awsome Melee was. Honestly, Brawl will be twice as big come the release date. Now we know it's potential, and it's about time.
With the roster we made along with Sakurai's randomness, it's simply going to be the next Halo 3 over time, especially since it's the biggest system this generation's biggest game. Simply put, there will be lines, and I'll be in front of ALL OF THEM! EVERYWHERE! MWYAHAHAHAHA!
My friends are about to never see me again, aside from Brawls, my online taunts, and me 5-stocking me.
O, and thinking how I'd be playing Brawl now depresses me.
SKRAIIIIIIII!!!!!! You better beat that Nate for us. Real men don't need items, real men aren't Peach mains, and real men aren't women!