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ledge option (soemthing that should have been discuss already =_=)


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
im sure u guys realize this, but sheik is pretty bad at getting up from the ledge. Her options is very limited and punishable.

in melee, most sheik will let go and re grab the edge then eventually wavedash in and then roll instantly. It was probably the safest and best way to return with sheik. Besides that, they either vanish stall or approach with a forward air then return back to the edge.

In this game, when I'm on the ledge, and my opponent is on the stage waiting for me, I feel like I'm about to get punish. Sheik have like 7 options or something

just stand up
jump in
air dodge in

It might seem a lot but it really isn't. Sheik ledge game is so easy to punish it's sad. Rolling in I feel is less punishable but yet can be stop by a marth or something (side b). Stand up usually works best out of the ordinary option for me.

Jumping in seem predictable too. The animation make me feel like sheik can be hit every time she jumps up. Same go for air dodging in. Aerial with sheik can also be punish if they just shield due to the shield stun being so small.

I don't really know where I'm going with this, but I just feel unsafe when getting back up on the stage with sheik. I fell fine with fox or charizard due to them having more option and being able to defend themselves. Can't really say the same for sheik (and falcon) though.

I was thinking maybe air dodge in then roll instantly to create a semi effect of melee's recovery? Maybe turn into zelda for invincibility frame and hope they miss their smash?

let's just discuss something I guess.


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
Have you ever tried to use the chain when you recovering for the edge? If you get a sweet spot upon shooting it out then you just manage to recover safely onto the stage and if they shield or side step you are still able to damage/ get a sweet spot on them. Needless to say this can be easily countered if they predict you are going to do this as the start up lag of the whip it self isn't that good but it does give you another option.

Another trick I like using is the jump off ledge into a up B. Unlike letting go and using the up B the jump off ledge into up B send sheik more inward of the stage thus allow her appear farther from the edge and to land lagless(if you wish that is to go farer inward). The biggest buff though is that the attack happens on stage so you force someone into shielding or better yet get a free hit. Like always though this can be countered but so can all of the ledge options.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
Burbank, California
O_o I think i was going to say what Tristan was going to say. In some of Ankoku's vids, it shows him dropping from the ledge doing a fast dj into a vanish so that the explosion happens above the ledge level horizontal to where a standing person would be. After this, Ankoku reappears past the person and the wind effect can be used to help, but is generally unneeded.

As for me.. I drop from the ledge do an uair then use my whip to get my back to the ledge. Mix these in with a fair, roll into dsmash, drop vanishing, or pushing away from the ledge jumping somewhat away from the ledge for a retreating fair effect and then whip. All quite risky if you ask me. But mixing it up makes the opponent have lots of different areas to chose to attack.

for example... if i use uair from the ledge repeatedly, most likely the opponent will move closer to the ledge to try and punish, so once this happens i use a roll into dsmash *shrugs*

I think i just made myself confused...


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2007
I dunno, I find Drop->DJ->Fair/Nair to be a pretty safe option. Especially if you fastfall it into a grab or roll.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2008
BAY AREA, California
I always saw Sheik as a character with a pretty flexible ledge-game given what she can do on the edge.

Aside from the ones you've listed, you can edge-pop a Vanish mentioned above. This is a pretty decent option as it forces the enemy to shield, side-step, or run away from it. You aren't totally vulnerable with the landing as the wind effect can act as a small buffer from an attack. The landing lag is also much improved from its Melee predecessor.

Sheik has some good ledge-stalling too with her Chain, drop-to-regrab, drop-Vanish-regrab (just to regrab the edge and try to get the enemy to do something, not like the Melee Shino-Stall), or if you're feeling adventurous and your enemy is standing well away from the ledge expecting a roll or SH aerial back onto the stage, you can ledge-drop > jump straight up + immediate Vanish > sweetspot edge for a mind-games stall. You can also do Ankoku's edge-Vanish.

On certain stages like Final Destination and Pokemon Stadium, you can do a wall stall using Sheik's Wall Jump. On pretty much every other stage, you can wall jump from the edge > reverse needles/B-Air.

While all the options might have risks associated with each of them, there's a good variety that can reduce the possibilities of being punished. The airdodge back onto stage seems like a solid option that I like to use. I typically follow it up with an immediate side-step.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Just ledgestall until the opponent leaves an opening and then ledgehop fair/uair.


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
u guys make it sound so easy. I must be doing something wrong


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Just mix it up.....one of my favorite is the roll into dsmash, it comes out so quickly a lot of times you can pull it off before your opponent can get an attack off. Ledge stall drives some people nuts, it forces them to either wait or try to come get you *shrug* just mix it up and use a lot of mindgames.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2008
Mrs.sauga, Canada
wall jump bair or just keep wall jumping until they move then roll onto the stage and do u smash or d smash

Like many people suggested, mix it up. fair, uair, needles, roll>dsmash or ledgejump airdodge are all useable. stall with chain and dj to help mindgame your opponent

I don't think you're doing anything wrong, maybe just fighting better opponents..


If you're on smashville, you can wait for the platform to float over your head, then ledge jump airdodge onto that.

The Great Leon

Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2007
ledge jump -> double jump is also a viable option, assuming they are close enough for you to be able to get some distance, but not close enough to hit you out of your ledge jump.

or you can stand up, walk off, and double jump back on with a back air or whatnot.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2007
You can also ledge jump attack or immediately air dodge. There are IASA frames at the beginning of the ledge jump, so if you get them, you get a rising nair or a very safe high rising air dodge.

I like to ledge hop fair swipes and fall back onto the edge until they go away if I can.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
i agree with ankoku

champ i think i felt the same way as you before, but that's always because i would try to always get back right away, and sometimes it would be predictable and i'd get hit. but i think if you just calm down, be patient and ledge stall for a bit to scope out your opponent's position and what he's trying to predict, then you can find the correct choice.

if you're on a platform stage like battlefield, i REALLY like using jump recovery and double jumping up to the top platform. not a lot of chars or players react fast enough to punish this cuz u can just shield or jump again. basically just do your best to not get hit and make it back to the ground where sheik works best.

ledge aerials are still great, just make sure BEFORE you do it that your opponent won't shield it. if your opponent is really hugging close to your ledge, then use roll recovery and try to shield/roll away if your opponent is trying to attack you after the ledge roll.

i always find myself pressured on the edge, and yeah i agree with champ that her options aren't the best (unlike ddd, mk, or rob who have AMAZING ledge options) but sometimes if you just calm down and even improvise sometimes on the edge, the main thing is to just not get hit

edit: oh, before i forget, if you're on fd, smashville, battlefield, or yoshi's, using wall jump and DIing back on the stage with air dodge or aerial is an AMAZING option. one of the best. my toon link friend did it to me and i was like "hm i wonder why i dont do that with sheik!" and it worked very well

just watch out if you get hit, you won't have your double jump anymore (neither will you have it if you just do a ledge hop aerial and get shield countered, so i think wall jumping is the even better option)


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
I airdoge into a roll or any quick move.

Kinda feels like wavelanding on the stage from Melee since airdodges only have 2 frames landing lag.

I also like how Sheik can ledge hop, do a full needle set, then regrab the edge right afterwards.


Smash Rookie
Aug 13, 2008
In my house.
I've always thought that Sheik's edge options were pretty varied, though I usually use a quick ^B next to the opponent to drive them back/hit them before landing. There's also the option of chaingrabbing, which then increases the size of her edge recovery arsenal temporarily. Airdodging is a good idea when coming level with the opponent, as the lag time is short enough for quick recovery and the attack can be avoided.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2008
Use the chain i find it funny for example when im fighting ikes they are usually waiting for me to to appear right next to them so they can smash me , i just tether recover and nair them be creative shiek doesnt have limited options just be creative fool people into thinking your doing something you are not mindgames are important.


Smash Journeyman
May 14, 2008
Erm...I do recall one of these threads mentioning that a chain can break through attacks on the way down-I'd recommend all of these suggestions first, but if you're going to jump and you anticipate the attack...perhaps you could chain it? I suppose you'd really prefer something more safe, though.
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