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Le Lazy Lurking Link's Listen/Laugh Lounge ♪~ (^ 。^=)


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Why not go to a movie instead, lol?

I think people are getting that games need more than graphics and I hope developers realize this soon. The bad sales and lack of hype for current gen consoles and games shows that developers need to start making great games again.
I also feel that the gaming industry has become too businesslike which has caused developers to become out of touch with with customers. I feel like there's been some dilution somewhere, whether it's with their customer base or business strategy.

I just definitely feel this way because of the movement that started in the 2000's where the market strategy was to get the family into gaming (as we can still see some of it remaining now). I feel like in the process they really just turned their back on their existing customers by making games that would "appeal to everyone" opposed to "an individual group". In the end we were presented with lackluster games because they felt the need to dumb things down to appeal to a larger scope of people. I beg to wonder how many actual gamers we have working in gaming companies in comparison to business men.

Heero Yuy

Jan 27, 2013
In your closet
I want that game, Rizen... It's what I imagined Link would do in Middle Earth's great battles between Gondor and Mordor.

Also Bomber I came home later than I thought so we may just have to play another time later this week. I'm free until mid-January. :p


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008
If you think that gaming companies don't get it, then look at what researchers say about gaming.

What's the hottest avenue for gaming right now? Mobile devices. Bigger gaming companies are, generally speaking, not getting it, but that's not to say that there aren't a whole lot of companies that absolutely 100% do and are making good games for all sorts of customers.

I've turned to PC gaming of late. There's always the occasional AAA title that I'll dig, like Skyrim (that game better be AAA or I might file papers against Bethesda for overworking their staff, ha ha) but mostly I'm loving titles like Dust: An Elysian Trail (which is a port, btw) or right now, Starbound (which is still really buggy but that's why it's essentially called an open beta right now). There's a lot of people who do get it and will do things right, but unless you turn away from systems that limit the content you do get (and I'm looking at you, gaming consoles) then you don't get all those options. If the one company is doing great, then sure, you'll get vast amounts of terrific content. Welcome to you if you weren't aware of Nintendo's glory days of the N64/NES/SNES eras. If not, then, well, there's not that content. Fortunately a PC can do everything a console can do AND it offers a wide variety of games to play, oh, and guess what, you all have PCs! Congrats, you have access to the world of gaming. All gaming, and yes, even those good games that you didn't know existed.

Fortunately for us, too, Smash 4 is coming up, and the Smash series is definitely one of those that has been a star of gamingdom ever since it was released, so we're likely to see a good quality game coming from Sakurai (even if it isn't as competitively-based as we may like). So there's at least one bright spot on the horizon for Nintendo, and we're all Nintendo fans :)
Edit: Also, Super Mario World 3D or whatever the heck it's called is out now so that's probably a big thing for most Nintendo fans right now. Or it might not be. It could just be for those who dig furry stuff. But anyways.

I'm sorry guys, I just had to do it. Mention of furries had to come into this post somewhere, it was destiny

Note: That was a stream-of-thought post, so please do be nice on it
EDIT 2: Also note that everything that I said in this post might have already been said by all of you because I half-arsed reading the last page of posts, so I might just be wasting your time with this post. BUT IT HAD TO BE SAAAAIIID


Aimin' to Misbehave
Mar 15, 2010
Spartanburg, South Carolina
What's this? We're talking about gaming going down the tubes? Sorry, I'm still playing through Fire Emblem Awakening and its awesome replay value for like the 15th time, I didn't catch all that (for reals, what a fantastic game). I've never cared that much for graphics personally. As long as the graphics don't look BAD and detract from the game. I'd rather have a good storyline and pedestrian graphics than vice versa.

SNES (and also the N64 to a lesser extent) were definitely the golden era of gaming though. Nowadays the massive budgets and business people picking the direction of games rather than gamers hurts a lot of the game market and squashes a lot of creativity. There's more money in making a guaranteed financial success/mediocre game like Call of Duty 95 versus trying to make a new game that may flop, so that's why that's what we get. Computer gaming and indie games often tend to be very fun and cheap too (Bastion, anyone?)


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
People ruin games! Back then no one was familiar with how games were suppose to be made. Now that people do, they 'try' to make it better. You can never be better than the old. Old is wiser and more experienced towards having a great time. This new generation man... don't get me started..
I don't think they're trying to make games better very much. I see it as trying to make them marketable as the problem. IMO.

@Ano, I might look into computer games but I already have the wii u and no money for games atm :/ My hands sometimes have a tremor that rarely affects controller inputs but affects typing more so IDK.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
^Yeah but some other thyme. I'm kind of stressed/fatigued and my mind's not working at optimal opacity. I died vs Dire Mirilas (shame), grabbed my keys to get my laundry changed instead of quartets, couldn't think of the title of Middletown Dreams, and these proportions are wrong but I can't place them :/
Also my jokes are really obscure and full of inside references and misstitched wordage.


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008
As well as spelling errors. (In Hermione voice) It's Dire Miralis, not Dire Mirilas.

Rizen, you don't understand--I'm such a klutz with my hands. Like, I drop everything that I hold onto for more than fifteen seconds and have mistype every third or fourth word, but you put a game in front of me and a controller or keyboard in my hands and I'll be reaching across my keyboard with my left hand to hit that 'P' key like a true pro.
So, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. Still.

When it comes to money, sign up for Steam or G.O.G and watch for their daily sales. I bough The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim for seven bucks off of Steam. How about DoTa 2? Free. You'll find more free to play games that you'll enjoy playing than you'll have time to play all of them. Money ain't no excuse for a gamer, son. You just haven't been exposed to the wonderful world of good, free (or at least cheap) games.

Also, GYK: I'm down to play anytime (assuming that you're still up of course :p)


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008
I'm Anonano. It could potentially have me listed as Anonanoo, with two o's at the end, but my current profile name is just Anonano. So it should be easy to add me :D

Heero Yuy

Jan 27, 2013
In your closet
(Double post, sorry...)

Being a Link player in any Smash game is quite a stressful job. Despite the fact that he's far improved in Project M, he still requires an incredible spacing game and mind game ability in order to place high. Heck, recovering with him is already a huge burden.

In spite of the fact I only secondary him in all the Smash games, it's still quite the curse. Saw this initially in Melee, you guys proved it in Brawl, but now I see it again in Project M that Link has a much, much higher learning curve than most people think he does.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Which is why he's SOOOOOO FUN!


Evoland is a combination between Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy. They pretty much shove it in your face. Don't beleive me? Main Character's name is Clink (Cloud + Link). Wears a green tunic like Link but it also has some features of Cloud's outfit. You start off with a Kokori sword like Link but eventually get to use Claud's (what it's called in game) Sword, which is Cloud's sword. When in minor areas like towns and some dungeons, it plays like Zelda where you fight in that style. In major dungeons and in open world you play like final fantasy with turn based battle. I'm still waiting to see how I can equip stuff I've bought. I might have missed that part of the game. By that I mean, you find random chests throughout the game which add something new or change it. It can be graphics quality, going from hearts to HP bar, etc. It's so good. I love it.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
^I've not heard of that can you post a link?

Link is, by far, the hardest character to play right. And as a low tier the payoff isn't great when people do :urg:. It still bugs me when people say 'Link can't do anything, -4' when they've never played a good Link then some people john about it when Link does do well.

Sorry, I'm kind of negative when I'm depressed.

The activity here is nice :)


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
It's been out for a while now, probably a year or so. I've just been waiting for the Steam Christmas sale to happen so I could get it cheap. Got it for 50% off. I just beat it. It wasn't bad. I have to say, the final boss music.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsTp4RfT3l8

I just couldn't contain the awesome in me. I fought like a hero like I've never done before. I unleashed my inner power and won.


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008
i have beaten skyward sword like a 1000000000000000000000000000000000 times
OCD wants me to tell you that this actually isn't possible to have done in the amount of time that Skyward Sword has been out.

But to the true Zelda fan, all things are possible


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2013
Rives Junction, MI
I learned them, which is why I wasn't sure of your use of the word. I'm just wondering what beating Skyward Sword over a quadrillion times would be a metaphor for.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2013
Rives Junction, MI
Haha, I wouldn't go that far, I guess. I've been playing Skyward sword myself, lately. I am finding more and more things in the game that are just absolutely delightful, but the controls can be a bit frustrating at times if I am being honest. Don't get me wrong, it's very accurate, it just seems to get...off... a little too easy.

This has been my first real Zelda experience since I played the GC Twilight Princess when it first came out. I kind of feel like I am regaining a part of myself.

link and ike lover

Smash Lord
Oct 15, 2013
Haha, I wouldn't go that far, I guess. I've been playing Skyward sword myself, lately. I am finding more and more things in the game that are just absolutely delightful, but the controls can be a bit frustrating at times if I am being honest. Don't get me wrong, it's very accurate, it just seems to get...off... a little too easy.

This has been my first real Zelda experience since I played the GC Twilight Princess when it first came out. I kind of feel like I am regaining a part of myself.
yeah it is very frustrating
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