At my apartment, i have the fastest possible connection available to me (15 MB D/L i believe) because i have 3 others living with me. I have been playing all day, and no one else has been home, and i get lag during appx 15-20% of the matches. The strange thing is that for about the first 10-15 people ive played against, I didnt see a single person with lag, and now im seeing about one in every 5 will lag me so bad that i lose to bad people, or sometimes even win against good people... although normally good poeple dont have bad internet :-P
waiting 10-15 seconds before accepting the match is a good idea.
It is clear that this is not like Counter Strike. Each person has their own character screen, whereas with this, the character screen is the same, so if 1 person lags, then the other person lags. In CS, even if your computer has perfect internet connection, you will still see other people lagging, even if you arent lagging.
PLEASE, if you have a bad internet, dont play brawl online, dont play Strikers online. it sucks for those of us who arent the problem.