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Lafayette, LA's LOST 5 Results


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Lafayette, LA
LOST 5 - 7/24/10
Lafayette, LA
31 Entrants

1: Lee Martian ($102) - Peach / Diddy / C. Falcon / Lucario
2: HyRo ($51) - Toon Link
3: FakeGeorge ($17) - Game & Watch
4: ChKn - Marth
5: rOni - Marth / Falco / MK
5: Arcadia15x - Falco
7: Curlz - MK / Olimar / D3 / Zero Suit
7: Jiovanni - Kirby / Lucario
9: Antonio - Shiek
9: MasterMajora - DK
9: Oathkeeper - Pit
9: Steven Hanson - Fox
13: Braiton - Ganon / Lucas
13: Carlo - C. Falcon / Lucas
13: Trint - Marth / Diddy / Falco
13: Garrett - Kirby
17: Round - Lucario

Shoutouts please! :]



Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2009
I'll give short and sweet shoutouts to those that will actually see them on the site. We had a pretty strong showing for doubles.

1: Lee Martian - Thanks for helping me out learning a couple of MUs. I'm still a loooooooooong way from getting you to one stock. ;-; Capt Falcon lol wtf. Put that on the character rankings.
2: HyRo - I got *****. I'll learn the MU and get closer to beating you. <3
3: FakeGeorge - Thanks for helping run the pool and ggs. I'll have to learn the GaW MU and make sure I recognize my options.
4: ChKn - Haha 4th. Wish I got money though...
5: rOni - I wish we got to play some matches. You need to come to play some friendlies.
5: Arcadia15x - Getting used to japes was a pain in the ***. Don't go MK; you can be a beast with Falco.
7: Curlz - "You used Meta Knight, so what's your john?" jk<3 Great job on getting the local peeps and focus on the next 6 months at hand.
7: Jiovanni - I'm glad that we finally got to play. You continue with Kirby. We'll get some Kirby dittos down the road.
9: MasterMajora - We'll get back to work on some more ****.
9: Oathkeeper - Welcome back stranger. Close set vs. Jio
17: Round - GJ on making it to the brackets. Keep working on that Luc.
Fang - Work on that TL. Become Hyro Jr.
Nickels - Don't worry about doing badly. I was terrible when I first started. You'll improve in time, but make sure you stick with a character that's gonna work for you down the road.


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
Dang, ChKn finishing above rOni and Arcadia?

Good stuff, man.

GOL | 482 | JSalt

The Folse Deity
Feb 28, 2009
Metairie, LA
Curlz, could you post the bracket please?

Lee: Too bad you missed out on Austin. At least you didn't have work like me.
John: Cmon, you can beat at least ONE of Lee's non-low-tier characters... can you?
Randall: Woah 3rd place? Chill out with the offseason practice! lol jk but really didnt expect you to get this high. Good job.
ChKn: Nice performance. Next week you will experience the saltiness of revenge for my fallen comrades. PREPARE FOR A SODIUM OVERDOSE!!!!!1!
Roni: Shoopdoopbop I know you can do better. Prove it!
Arcadia: Do I have to tell you after EVERY tourney "you know what u did wrong," or should I just coach you to camp from now on?
Curlz: Developing those TO skills, I like what I'm seeing. Why so many characters this time?
Jio: We must go into the hyperbolic time chamber once again. This time we shall eliminate your bad habits!
Nickels: What was the surprise?

Yay laffy players coming to tourneys consistently! Hope to see most of you at NOM 3!


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Lafayette, LA
Which color olimar did you use?
White. :]

1: Lee Martian - You need to be more decisive on your video games. Lol.
2: HyRo - Nice glasses. I didn't get to play you this time. Hopefully we'll get a set at NOM.
3: FakeGeorge - It was good to see you again. Welcome back to LA Smash. :D
4: ChKn - GOOD ****ING ****, FLOUNDA! Placing 4th above Roni and beating Jio and Arcadia in bracket. I'm so proud of you!
5: rOni - I didn't see you play today. We need to get a set in soon.
5: Arcadia15x - Our games were too close. I'm gonna beat you one day.
7: Curlz - </3
7: Jiovanni - I still owe you $5. You're the top of my bounty list right now. Be prepared at NOM.
9: MasterMajora - I didn't even realized how Bracket screwed you got. You deserve a higher placing for sure!
9: Oathkeeper - That match against Jio was yours. Work on your timing.
13: Trint - Probably not gonna see this, but thanks for coming out. You really are a legit player. I hope to see you again soon.
Fang + Nickels: <3

Curlz, could you post the bracket please?

Curlz: Developing those TO skills, I like what I'm seeing. Why so many characters this time?
I'll post the bracket once I'm in New Orleans. I'm not at my home still, I only got to post those because I went home to pack up real quick.

I've been playing around with characters alot recently, which is why my MK has been slacking recently (at least, I think that's why), but I really enjoy playing other characters. Olimar, D3, and ZSS are too much fun.
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