See if you can explain the Shuttle Loop better than i can tenki.
This is sorta related to the "Shuttle Loop" tech that i have talked to tenki about before. if you didn't know:
"Shuttle Loop" in Sonic terms is what we call a series of movements that involve the Spin Dash/Charge specials and the footstool jump. When connecting a spin charge , it is possible to jump cancel then footstool the opponent on knockback. this causes the opponent to fall back down. Sonic Shield cancels an ASC in order to repeat the process. This movement takes a LOT of practice and is relatively situational, but can be done multiple times in a row as well as set up tech chasing.
basically if someone mastered this, you'd have the closest thing to a semi-infinite for sonic. the problem was to see if that was possible. I think I may have found something interesting to study and work at for all sonic mainers. This is serious, and I need you help. theoritically if this can be done, this may be what gets sonic out of low/bottom tier. I do this randomly as part of my mindgame, and I've gotten it at least 3 times in a row at times, but never practiced it much until now.
I was playing with it this week and found something interesting. if you use side b, and space it so that the opponent get hit during the hop, if you hold forward and tap jump immediatly after, sonic will do the footstool just above the floor. instaed of doing this some distance in the air, he seems to be able to keep the opponent within a Short hops height. he landed on the other side, then I repeated.
granted, i was in training mode, but i managed to get the computer past 100 percent before i messed up. then i wanted to see it % would prevent furthur use, and found out that even after 200% the technique still works.