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Knees of Drunkeness 2: Birds Of A Feather Get Drunk Together


Game Reaper
Nov 10, 2008
Indianapolis, IN
This year, the Knees of Justice ran another tournament and had a blast. We're posting the results of this amazing event, and wishing more Brawlers would pick up this style of play and post their results as well. Entry Fee for Singles, was $2. This was also in celebration of Meta Knight being banned, as well as Luminoth's 21st Birthday this week! So, without further ado, here are the results:

Note: Keep this in mind: Anyone who played with random the entire tournament, played sober, while everyone else who used solid characters had several Jaegerbombs and Irish Car Bombs. I'm also still intoxicated while typing this. So excuse any typos or misspells, lol.
[collapse="Knees Of Drunkeness Bracket]

1. Luminoth
2. Sorasin :falco::snake: ($2)
3. Hades Blade :random:($2)
4. Sovereign :zerosuitsamus: :snake:
5. Nero :lucario:
5. Gas :random:
7. Drunk Luigi (Excel) :luigi2:
7. Romeo :random:
9. Slim :random:

This year, there were no special stipulations, like last time: [url="Knees of Drunkeness: Luminoth's Birthday Brawl]http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=288090[/url] We hit the liquor hard, and had a great time. This is a small little crew local that we try to do at least once a year, and believe that other crews that drink, should have fun sometime and do the same. Also, we had special guests:


I love KoJ and hope other smashers across the nation have fun with their crew like we do with ours. May the Smash Community live on.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
Yoooooooooo shoutouts to like 3 Jaegerbombs, some Irish Cream and 2 Newcastles.

I go harrrrrrrrd.

Dear Michael Hamilton,

You won't beat me again. Grrr...:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Also, shoutouts to the Knees for giving me the opportunity to join their crew.

Kay Oh Jay!


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
Cincinnati, Ohio
Twas a blast! XD This entire weekend has been awesome, and I couldn't have asked for more. A few members couldn't make it out for this, but we made the best of it!

Shoutouts to our new recruits, hanging with you guys this weekend was great! ESPECIALLY YOU MICHAEL HAMILTON! <3

Shoutouts to Joshkip for housing us and putting up with 15 people in your apartment. XD

Can't wait to do this again!


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
I was playing random and they had their mains :( (johns :p)

Was really really fun and way better than anything else I coulda done this weekend. Looking forward to the next one. I'm glad that Michael Hamilton guy is now a part of the God Kais Knees.

Thanks Joshkip for housing and everything. Sorry so many things went wrong (juice, tp, drinking outside of kitchen, etc) and I'm really glad that you still let us stay and hang out and have fun even when you got really stressed. If I were in your position I could see myself kicking everyone out of the apartment, and I really respect you for not doing that.

Also sov you should probably mention that the tournament started at like 2am :p
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