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Data Kirby Tournament Data


Smash Journeyman
Dec 22, 2014
So in case you all missed the news, I want to give shoutouts to MikeKirby MikeKirby for placing 5th a KTAR XIV out of 176 entrants with a solo run on the pink puffball, and in the process, actually being able to take freaking Nairo to game 3!!! As if beating Larry Lurr multiple times wasn't impressive enough.


I couldn't find the match amongst the broadcasts on the Rush Hour Smash twitch channel which probably means that it wasn't streamed or the stream was down which sucks. But in any case I want to once again say congrats Mike.

You know, I don't want to be overzealous and overpraise, but as time goes on, I am increasingly starting to think that MikeKirby's situation with :4kirby: parallels what Ryo went through with :4myfriends: before the big buffs. Mike Kirby pretty much has all the skill needed to play at the top level. It's just that Kirby himself is still too underpowered to do everything Mike needs him to do. But just like Ike, Kirby's crippling flaws could easily be fixed with proper buffs. It's just a matter of if they'll buff the correct things or not. And I really hope they do. I want to see Mike get properly rewarded for his dedication just like Ryo did.

Mike pretty much gets the same placings as Ryo, though. (And in a better region.) Are people here just predisposed to calling Kirby bad at every opportunity?

I guess it still stands that he would get better results if his character were better, though.


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2015
Mike pretty much gets the same placings as Ryo, though. (And in a better region.) Are people here just predisposed to calling Kirby bad at every opportunity?

I guess it still stands that he would get better results if his character were better, though.
I hear ya. I personally don't think Kirby is bad. I just know he could be so much better. It's kind of like of like getting a promotion at work. You know you'll get by with your current salarly, but that still doesn't stop you from pushing to get that pay raise, you know what I mean? I think Kirby is far from bad, but he has some flaws that he really shouldn't have at this point I and just don't want to be complacent about it. I personally am not gloomy. Just aggressive and unsatisfied.

But again, all this just keeps raising my hopes for the little guy and all the more proves that Kirby's innate design is perfectly workable IMO.


OTL Winrar
Jun 6, 2006
Brooklyn, New York
Not just game 3; game 3, last hit and that was after I lost my first stock at 40% from an early spike. We were both over 100% when I landed an OoS b-air that would have KO'ed anywhere else but the stage we were playing on; Battlefield. I probably should have banned that stage instead of T&C? I think so. Oh well, it's more to learn~

In loser's bracket I made a run through a G&W/Mewtwo, a Yoshi, a Fox and a Sonic/Mewtwo before meeting my fate to DKWill.


While I'm here I might as well give my tournaments placings.

Here ya go.
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Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2015
Not just game 3; game 3, last hit and that was after I lost my first stock at 40% from an early spike. We were both over 100% when I landed an OoS b-air that would have KO'ed anywhere else but the stage we were playing on; Battlefield. I probably should have banned that stage instead of T&C? I think so. Oh well, it's more to learn~

In loser's bracket I made a run through a G&W/Mewtwo, a Yoshi, a Fox and a Sonic/Mewtwo before meeting my fate to DKWill.


While I'm here I might as well give my tournaments placings.

Here ya go.
Omg, 5th!

Do you plan on going to Genenis 3 or Apex 2016 at all? You could probably do really good, probably around where Scatt or Ryo would get.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2015
Probably not very important to anyone here but I recently got 9th at the Nouyons NGP international from around 98 entrants or something in my country (Paraguay) Wich had the presence of Brazil's number one player DASH l Player 7 and Chile's Top Link Player Drigo Toes! It was an awesome experience and I actually lost to both foreigners(P7 in winners and Drigo in Losers)

I'm also currently ranked 8th at my country's PR while mostly being a Kirby main. (seconding Rosaluma and Villager)

So I'm doing my best to become a good Kirby player but still have a long way to go haha. There's a couple tourneys away in the next 2 months so that will be hype!
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Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2015

Hello my Kirby brethren. I took part in a little tournament my college (which is also my 2nd one overall) had to end the semester for Greyhound Gamers and got 2nd place out of 13.

Round 1:
I played :4megaman: vs. a :4ness: and won 2-0.

Round 2:

I played :4metaknight: and :4kirby: vs. a tough :4pikachu: and won 2-1. Loss with Meta Knight but brought it back with Kirby. Guess my MK needs work.

Round 3:

I played :4megaman: and :4kirby: vs. a :4peach: who happens to be the top PR on my campus. Lost 0-2. Sadly Megaman didn't work out well, so I was forced to go Kirby game 2. It was close, but I still lost. I need practice Megaman's movement in neutral.

Loser Round 4:

I played :4mario: against a :4yoshi: and :4falco: and won 2-0. I think I'll go Mario vs. Yoshi from now on and drop Marth. Seems even and the less secondaries I have to juggle the better. Plus Mario plays a lot like Kirby so he feels great.

Losers Round 5:

I played :4kirby: and :4mario: vs. the same :4pikachu: from before and won 2-1. I won with Kirby game 1, but he got me in game 2 so I decided to mix it up with Mario and it worked out.

Losers Round 6:

I played :4kirby: vs. a :4pit: and won 2-0. It was insanely close but I just managed to pull through.

Grand Finals R1:

I played :4kirby: vs. the Peach player's :4rob: and won 2-0. I don't why he went R.O.B all of a sudden. I guess it's because his match against my Kirby was pretty stressful for him so he wanted to mix it up, just like me. Lucky for me, he wasn't aware that R.O.B is combo food for Kirby. lol

Grand Finals R2:

I played :4kirby: vs. the dude's :4peach: again and lost 0-2. Both games were super close but in the end he got the better of me.

*Sigh*. Man, the Peach matchup is so annoying for Kirby. You have to give Peach's float approaches so much respect because B-Air is Kirby's only aerial that comes out sooner than Frame stinking 10. But you know, I've played this Peach dude in a tournament before and friendlies, but never with Kirby, and comparing how my secondaries did with my main, I feel like it's far from impossible for Kirby. I think if Kirby's aerials and Final Cutter were better, this matchup would be even or possibly favorable. Oh well. I had been nervous about this tournament for while so I am pretty satisfied with how I did.

PS: Could we get a mod to sticky this thread on top? I think it's more appropriate up there.
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Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
In loser's bracket I made a run through a G&W/Mewtwo, a Yoshi, a Fox and a Sonic/Mewtwo before meeting my fate to DKWill.
I <3 Will, but I always root super-hard for you bro. That match-up became ridiculous ever since the Ding-Dong patch. T_T


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2014
Been a while since I posted tourney results since it's been a while since I entered singles.

Bracket: http://brackets.godlikecombo.com/#!/sm4sh22

In NorCal we have a weekly tournament series that is stacked with PR and notable players with usually 25 or more entrants. Ended up beating 2 people on the NorCal PR in my losers run. I beat a ZSS main named BatShark who is ranked 19th and I beat a Peach main named Parasite (aka Not Last for those in SoCal) who is ranked 15th. In winners I lost to a GnW named KOSSisMOSS (he's named dreamdreams in the bracket) who is ranked 4th and in losers I lost to a Toon Link named 3xA who is ranked 6th. Placed 7th, but at least I was in the top 8.

For anyone wondering, we have a top 20 PR in NorCal since we have a lot of players. Here's the PR if you're interested.

I'm going to be entering singles a lot more since I started my new job, so whenever I do somewhat well I'll post my results here.


OTL Winrar
Jun 6, 2006
Brooklyn, New York
I <3 Will, but I always root super-hard for you bro. That match-up became ridiculous ever since the Ding-Dong patch. T_T
Will is the best! How could you not root for him! :laugh:

I used to be scared of almost any DK because I had no idea what to expect but, after playing Will a ton when we went to Hawaii, I feel more confident going against other DK's. I know what to expect and my death %'s (roughly) from a grab; air stall or land on platforms and keep moving! It's still an uphill battle though. >.<


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2015
Mike what do you think of the buffs Kirby has gotten? The Uthrow buff should for sure help in the long run right?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 7, 2014
Ended up going into my first out-of-state tournament today towards Tennessee, and through my first time being in Loser's, ended up going from hell and back to get the W for Kirby. Smash Time @ Turks 4 was its name, and it was a registered tournament here at the Boards. My experiences and the bracket are in the Spoiler tag.


Round 1: Sabre :4kirby: vs. St. Lime :4peach:/:4villager: (2-1 W)

Peach was an interesting MU that I had no experience with, but I have heard from friends it can get rather tedious. I managed to win the first MU by patiently finding openings that I could tackle. He switched to Villager, which I lost the second match before finally going to Duck Hunt and outcamping the ever-living Christ out of him with use of Kirby's duck, which mostly blocks F/B-Air. Won the third match handily.

Round 2: Sabre :4kirby: vs. Hoodie :4sonic: (0-2 L)

I just couldn't find the right opportunities to catch that blasted hedgehog, and I pulled in to get B-Aired too much. Was a last stock-last hit scenario both matches, but it was OK.

Loser's Round 2: Sabre :4kirby: vs. Squirrel :4cloud:/:4myfriends: (2-0 W)

I've been training the MU against Cloud for a while, so I simply took advantage of things Cloud did with reckless abandon, soon forcing him to go to Ike, an MU that I have experience thanks to my locals at the college. Quick 2-0.

Loser's Round 3: Sabre :4kirby: vs. JXP :4kirby: (2-0 W)

I was told that the opponent was the best Kirby in Tennessee from their standpoint. Being from Kentucky, I had to do something about it. Footstools and full-charged Hammer Flips, anybody?

Loser's Quarterfinals: Sabre :4kirby: vs. DEM :4mario: (2-0 W)

Had experience thanks to college. Yay college!

Loser's Semifinals: Sabre :4wario:/:4kirby: vs. Hoodie :4sonic:/:4mario: (2-1 W)

THIS MATCH. I lost the first match, Kirby/Sonic. At that point, I knew I had to pull out someone else because that MU just wasn't working out. Went Wario and shieldbroke my opponent twice within the last two matches, and managed to survive a max rage Mario U-Smash at 120% with Wario, and run him over with the Bike as punishment. A thriller of a match, and the only match where I pulled out the elusive, useful fat man of the hour.

Loser's Finals: Sabre :4kirby: vs. Gunwhales :rosalina: (3-1 W)

Essentially two defensive players playing it out as safe as they could. The MU got so much lighter thanks to removing or pestering Luma. It got to the point where he was attempting to space me out, only for me to F-Smash the wall or PS it to get in. Tried to get Luma Shot, but only got it once with relatively no effect, sadly.

Grand Finals: Sabre :4kirby: vs. Shello :4cloud:/:4fox: (3-1, 3-0 W)

The only loss in GFs came from the first match his Cloud came into play, as it caught me off guard a bit. Afterwards that, though, I figured out how to approach and address the Materia Man's shenanigans and quickly made him switch back to Fox (used in Match 1, Set 1; Matches 2 and 3, Set 2). Wish there was video because I managed to finish the tournament with a Final Cutter spike, as well as causing an untechable Final Cutter stage spike under Smashville. Wordy, I know...but the ending was so thrilling and satisfying, especially with what all had happened.
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Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2015
Hello everyone. For those of you dieing to know how MikeKirby MikeKirby stacks up in his region, I just found that New York (not Tri-State. Can someone PLEASE update that?) had its PR updated since the end of December. Here it is:

Updated: 12/31/15
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/43ybyz/new_york_pr_for_the_fall_season/

1. Dabuz :rosalina:
2. iQHQ | Vinnie :4sheik:
3. Ho3K | John Numbers :4wiifit:
4. SS | Mr. E :4marth:
5. Ho3K | MikeKirby :4kirby:
6. iQHQ | Ribs :4ness:
7. iQHQ | Raptor :4yoshi:
8. iQHQ | DKwill :4dk:
9. DTN8 | DA | Jtails :4diddy:
10. Ho3K | HelpR :4lucario::4diddy:
HM. DA | Sinji :4pacman:

And as a bonus note, Mike placed #2 at Shaolin Dynasty 3 where he got notable wins over Raptor (a :4yoshi:), Mr. E (a :4marth:), and John Numbers (who many know has been using :4luigi: specifically to deal with Kirby).


Unfortunately, while Mike seems to be becoming a master of the Luigi matchup, Dill seems to be the master of the Kirby matchup amongst Sheiks. I think it's clear that Kirby's long term success in that matchup will hinge on how efficent/proactive we get when it comes to taking her needles.

He also got 7th at Nebulous Prime #26.

While not his highest placement every (he actually normally gets at least 5th!) he had to go up against the mighty Anti and his :4mario: in bracket who is easily one of the Top 5 Marios out there. Yet while he didn't win, he was able to get a game off him. Just further proof of why I feel that top Kirbies can certainly keep up with the rest.

Nevertheless, it was a pretty good placing for Kirby. Would've loved to see how you could do at a KTAR.
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Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2014
Hey y'all, took awhile, but I finally got some posted results, I placed 5th out of 25th at a recent monthly in Mobile, Alabama, which had players from Alabama, NW Florida, and Mississippi's PR. I lost to Mississippi's #5 PR player (Jordicus, a Luigi main) in Loser's Semis after making a strong run through loser's, and even though I got 2-0'd, I'm convinced this MU isn't as terrible as we think it is given game 2 ended up being really close, I just misread a ledge getup and got punished for it. x.x

Anyways, here's the bracket!
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Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2015

Before spring break, my gaming club told me that we were gonna have tournament with an actual prize at our campus's fitness center. Determined to win, I decided to dig up my Smash Ladder account and put in a tone of hours of practice to get as much matchup experience as possible. (I wanted to get Gold but I only had enough time to make Silver I. Next time though). Up to this tournament, I was anticipating my biggest threat being our campus's #1 PR, the:4peach: player. This time, I was prepared to just go full Kirby as between the buffs and some friendlies I played with him at a canceled tournament, I felt much more confident about the matchup. But wouldn't you know it, he told me that this time he wouldn't partake to make sure our tournament ran as quickly as possible. It was then that I knew that if there was any time to get my first tourney win, this was the time. Now even without him in the fray, the tournament still had some solid players present. So I put my improved tech and matchup knowledge from the ladder to good use and was able to get my first Smash 4 tourney win as well as a nice little W for our pink friend and solo Kirby run at that.

1st out of 20

Round 1:

TimG57867 :4kirby: vs. Smithsonian_era :4luigi:/:4sheik: (2-0)
Stages: Town & City, Battlefield

Yeah not much to say here. Clearly no top player although he did seem to know a thing or two with Sheik. Pretty quick match.

Round 2:

TimG57867 :4kirby: vs. puppet :4mario:/:4darkpit: (2-0)
Stages: Dreamland, Final Destination

Now this one caught me off guard. I am well aware of what Mario can do, but I didn't know what expect from this guy. I knew wasn't some total scrub because I see him playing friendlies with the guys in our CS Lab all the time and I never fought him in a 1-on-1. The first game against him started off surprisingly rocky for me. Even after taking the power, it was tough to find opportunities to get solid damage as he played SUPER cautiously. But after I got the first stock with a top platform Up Throw things became straightforward. He went Dark Pit next game, but I think he should have stayed Mario. Probably did it for the sword, hoping to juggle me but it didn't pan out for him.

Round 3:

TimG57867 :4kirby: vs. CheezyNutzPlz :4yoshi: (2-0)
Stages: Dreamland, Battlefield

I'll admit, I actually felt kinda bad about winning this set. This dude is actually one of our most solid players that I have only faced in doubles while playing Mario. I was expecting an intense fight yet, he dropped the spaghetti hard in game 1, getting pinapple'd TWICE. The second game was much better, but I still was able to get the better of it. Simply respected Yoshi's range and air speed and didn't force anything.

Winners Finals:

TimG57867 :4kirby: vs. PPMan :4yoshi:/:4dedede: (2-1)
Stages: Battlefield, Dreamland, Final Destination

OMG, THIS SET. Now when the tournament began, I surveyed the potential threats but this guy was not one of them in my eyes. He wasn't on our PR and I didn't know him very well. I believe I did watch him one time at a previous tourney though he didn't seem super good at the time. But I was wrong. I was prepared to face the Pit player I beat the last time on tourney, especially after watching him practice on the Wii U all week in the lab and his PR ranking on our campus. Yet this guy double eliminated him! And this Pit beat the Yoshi I beat in this tourney and the last one too! Once I saw him beat ATP, I knew I was in for an uphill battle. Game 1 was rough. It became last hit, but I lost. He kept me out with jabs well, did tricky grab release, got me with throw mixups, and kept catching my rolls. I won game 2 but it was WAY too close. I hadn't quite adapted to all his tricks yet and still kept making the rolling mistake. I was able to win thanks to an Up Throw kill on the top platform and diamond-hard read at the ledge. I knocked him off stage and new I had to make something big happen to win so I charged an F-Smash and got him before he could snap. Now in Game 3 things really got interesting as he decided to try out his Dedede which I have watched before. Generally the Dedede was way easier to fight than the Yoshi as I combo him hard. I was winning solidly at first but then the dumbest thing happened. He rolled around one of my moves and began charging an F-Smash. I saw it coming and wanted to shield and punish, but the shield never came out! I ended up dying at 50 while he was at 139. I had to quickly even the stocks and play super on point as my chance to be in Grands on winners side was on the line. It became last hit but I was able to kill him with an F-Smash punish on his missed D-Smash. I was SO relieved to win that.

Grand Finals:

TimG57867 :4kirby: vs. PPMan :4yoshi: (2-0)
Stages: Final Destination, Smashville

This was my first time ever being in Grands on the winners side. It felt good not having to put up with Loser's Finals and the burden of winning two sets. Now as I said before, this guy was able to beat the decisively Pit player I was expecting to fight and while watching their set I noticed something. He made the same mistake I was making. He kept rolling back to get some distance and kept getting called out on it. Therefore, I decided like a good player to take my experience and make the proper adjustments. This time, I rolled way less. Instead, I jump more and punish with D-Air's and N-Airs and played more patiently. It was tough, but I was able to win soundly. But game 2 is where I really stepped it up. One of the techniques for a long time that I hard time implementing in my gameplay was pivot grabbing. Not so much because I couldn't do it but more because I didn't understand the applications of it, especially on a relatively slow character like Kirby. But over time I practiced it more on CPUs (Which I REALLY need to be more careful training with. I think they gave me the rollback habit.) and got it a couple times on For Glory. Now in this game I was more on top of it. I was respecting his jab more and rolling way less, kept my shield up until his D-Air's were fully done, and getting the punishes right. I also used F-Smash less as punish and used D-Throw more for racking percent to avoid staling it. And as I saw him coming in with aerials it clicked. Pivot grabbing is a great answer to aerial approaches. As he tried landing on me with F-Air and N-Air, I was able to pivot grab him 2 times! It kept me from having to shield and being forced to try and run in or back off. I was able to end it with a well timed F-Smash on the ledge and took it the win!

I was so nervous up to this tourney so it felt great to be able to take and it has motivated me to improve my Kirby and Corrin. Sure it wasn't a regional or anything but there were some decent and good people there and I learned a lot. I am especially happy with how much progress I've made in the Yoshi matchup which I used to utterly dread. And my final sets got on stream so I'll upload them when they go on Youtube.
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Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2015
Fantastic man, This for sure won't be something you will ever forget.
So what are some things that you considered yourself to improve on? Like you said you did more pivot grabbing, which helped a lot.
Anything else that you improved on? Did your opinion on anything about the character change?


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2015
Fantastic man, This for sure won't be something you will ever forget.
So what are some things that you considered yourself to improve on? Like you said you did more pivot grabbing, which helped a lot.
Anything else that you improved on? Did your opinion on anything about the character change?
Congratz, dude!
Gee thanks guys. Well I said, pivot grabbing made for an effective answer against Yoshi landing with aerials. I also learned that rolling can be a good option but you got to use it wisely or else your opponent will catch on. Another thing I am beginning to see is that I should avoid overusing my Smashes for low percent punishes because Kirby will often need them to kill in good time. Especially against heavies. As for my opinion on Kirby? It didn't really change. He's got flaws but he has strengths too that I think don't get enough credit and getting this win has made more determined to improve with him.

But right now, we should be crossing our fingers for MikeKirby. This is the first big tourney he's participated outside his locals since KTAR XIV if I am not mistaken. A lot of low, mid, and bottom tiers like :4link::4dedede: :4greninja:and :4duckhunt: have been able to get rather good placings at nationals like BEAST 6 so we don't want Kirby to get left behind.
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Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
I did a tourney at a local event about comics and anime called Cartoomics (Milan, Italy, close to the place where the EXPO was).
Unfortunatelly there wasn't a well organized chart so the informations are very confused, and it was hard to hear what the staff said so I can't precisely say what was the number of people fighting in the tourney (I'm unsure between 32 and 36, but probably 36 was the number).
This is the site of the people who organized the tourney:

Rules (Italian :( ):

Primo premio Giorno 2: n°1 Sonic Boom (Wii U)
It says that the first prize for the second day (no prizes for second and third, and the second day is the day I played the tourney) was Sonic Boom for WiiU XD It's not like I missed anything important!

I used Kirby all the time and I ended 4th (well, we haven't done the loosers match so there isn't any 3rd place, just two 4th places).

Rules: 2 stock 5 min, any stage (omega and not) chosen by the players, best of 3.

First match:
Me (Kirby) vs Little Mac and Greeninja:
In both matches I completely destroyed the opponent, without giving him the time to react.

Second match:
My opponent gave up and I passed the turn without fighting :(

Third match:
Me (Kirby) vs Shulk
The opponent was very strong but he missed some strategy, and I tricked him very easily with grabs and dodging his attacks. I also managed to meteor kill him once and since I won the second match at the sudden death (not lucky, it was a legit down smash after dodging a couple of his attacks/grabs) and since I won the previous match without fighting, we decided to do a third match, and I won that as well.

Rules change: 3 stock 5 min, any stage, best of 3

Fourht match:
Me (Kirby) vs Sonic and Fox
I lost here. The opponent was slighty stronger than me (not really stronger, simply more experienced) but we fought at a very close level of skills anyway.
I lost the first match vs Sonic becouse of a suicide. I copied the Homing Attack, but for some reason I triggered it in the wrong place and it launched me in the wrong direction... I was like "What the..." and I got the wrong timing with B+up while Sonic launced me a spring in the face. I was very confused and I suicided myself but I could have recovered if only I was more calm.
This happend while I was like 30% at my first stock, and I recovered the advantage, we were close at the end of the match, but the opponent was very good, and well, he got me.
vs Fox the fight was very balanced and we ended very close, but I lost at the end; it was still a good match.

I decided to only use Kirby because I wanted to test myself and the character, and I knew that Kirby was in disadvantage against most of the characters but I didn't care (as well as I didn't care of the prize XD).

Still, I'm a bit sad for the matches I lost, really the opponent was on my level, I just got too much nervous and I started doing some stupid errors, if I was a bit more calm I would have won against him as well (I fought against people like him online and sometimes I won, so it was possible).
But Anyway, I had a lot of fun, and I'm happy with the result.


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2015
And that concludes Glitch guys and it would appear things worked out relatively well for :4kirby:!

269 entrants

Deven3000 - 33rd
MikeKirby - 13th

For a surprise, @Devenator actually got in Top 48 on Losers side which meant if he won one more game he would have gotten Top 32. (Two Kirby's in Top 32. Can you imagine!?! :awesome:) But it was not meant to be as he lost to llod. Still great job. 33rd out 269 at a stacked national is nothing to sneeze at. He definitely deserves more credit.

The big one though was MikeKirby MikeKirby . Our boy was able to get out of pools on Winners side. Unfortunately he got matched up immediately with Mr. R. In losers, he was able to avenge Deven by taking out llod only to have his run ended by MVD, finishing with a 13th placement. But at least he only got beaten by top international threats. And honestly, given how the community's been viewing Kirby lately and his results for the past few months, this was a wonderful placement for the little guy. With other low and mid tiers pulling off good things lately, I was worried Kirby was going to fall behind but this should keep him on the map.


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2015
Hey everybody. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have just been pretty busy with college and other things. I am posting here because when I decided to browse Pound 2016's bracket I was pleasantly surprised.

4/2/16 - 4/3/16
Pound 2016
49th SmashGOD


@Smash G 0 D got 49th with a pair of :4kirby::4corrin:. And the fact that Kirby's icon was put there first must mean he likely used Kirby more. I was almost certain he dropped Kirby after Corrin came out so it's nice to see he still uses him.

As far as the meta is concerned it's not the most spectacular achievement but Pound 2016 had 513 entrants with plenty of potent players so it's nothing to sneeze at. And if nothing else, it at least shows that Kirby does in fact exist in the meta.


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2015
Couple of results I stumbled upon:

UMN March Monthly


120 entrants

Triple R - 3rd

Kawaii Kon 2016 Main Event


128 entrants


MikeKirby's tourney was particularly stacked as people like Ninjalink, Larry Lurr, 6WX, and Void were in attendence.

His notable wins were over Zigsta, a :4bowser::4littlemac: player and NinjaLink, a :4megaman::4greninja: player and both used Little Mac and Greninja specifically. The Greninja was particularly an uphill battle and it's those types of matchups that make me wish Kirby's air speed and aerials were faster. Ness can have a tough time with the shurikens too but at least he can command the air with his air speed and N-Air. He was beaten in WF by Larry Lurr who used :4mario: and :4dk:. It was a 0-3. (Guess that confirms we win Fox matchup. Kek.) In Losers Finals, he went 2-3 against Void. Honestly, he had the set in the bag, but he was way to cautious when recovery at that last part. At the low percent he was at, I think he could have afforded to recovery high and land on stage as he probably wouldn't be sent very far. It would have beaten using Final Cutter below the stage and getting BF'd from behind. But regardless it was a pretty strong performance.

Also, I noticed the Roy mains compiled their results into a spread sheat. I feel like doing that just so we have quick reference for anyone who questions Kirby's tourney performance.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 5, 2015
Saint Paul, Minnesota
MikeKirby also scored second in the items-on free-for-all, losing 3-2 to LarryLurr. All-in-all a fantastic day by our boy Mike.


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
Couple of results I stumbled upon:

UMN March Monthly


120 entrants

Triple R - 3rd

Kawaii Kon 2016 Main Event


128 entrants


MikeKirby's tourney was particularly stacked as people like Ninjalink, Larry Lurr, 6WX, and Void were in attendence.

His notable wins were over Zigsta, a :4bowser::4littlemac: player and NinjaLink, a :4megaman::4greninja: player and both used Little Mac and Greninja specifically. The Greninja was particularly an uphill battle and it's those types of matchups that make me wish Kirby's air speed and aerials were faster. Ness can have a tough time with the shurikens too but at least he can command the air with his air speed and N-Air. He was beaten in WF by Larry Lurr who used :4mario: and :4dk:. It was a 0-3. (Guess that confirms we win Fox matchup. Kek.) In Losers Finals, he went 2-3 against Void. Honestly, he had the set in the bag, but he was way to cautious when recovery at that last part. At the low percent he was at, I think he could have afforded to recovery high and land on stage as he probably wouldn't be sent very far. It would have beaten using Final Cutter below the stage and getting BF'd from behind. But regardless it was a pretty strong performance.

Also, I noticed the Roy mains compiled their results into a spread sheat. I feel like doing that just so we have quick reference for anyone who questions Kirby's tourney performance.
Mike and I actually didn't play at KKon. He beat ZekkenB (who entered as Wigsta), who mains Little Mac. He came SOOOO close to beating Void!!


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2015
Mike and I actually didn't play at KKon. He beat ZekkenB (who entered as Wigsta), who mains Little Mac. He came SOOOO close to beating Void!!
Oh. Well that's weird. Sorry for the mixup!

EDIT: WOW! It was Wigsta with DOULBE U. NOT A Z...how did I miss that?
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Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2015
So Kirby is getting some(rather unnoticeable) results, were there any other well known players at these tourneys as well? Even if there weren't, this is still quite good.


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2015
Yo! TimG here with a few results from @Triple R and MikeKirby MikeKirby .

If you watch VGBootcamp a lot, you'll see that Triple R showed up at Combo Breaker.

Triple R
Combo Breaker 2016
180+ entrants

He also got 4th in doubles alongside Jibca.


As for MikeKirby he was able to win a rather stacked local, Xenothirteen.

50 entrants
1st place

Here he was able to emerge victorious against Mr. E's :4marth:, John Numbers's :4corrin:, beat a solid :4luigi: with his :4metaknight:, and won two rounds of GF against deskillsage's :4sheik: (even if the ending was anticlimatic).



Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2014
Delete this post please
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Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2014
Do we still use this thread? Anyhoo, I placed 7th out of 41 people at L-Cancel your Plans 7 going all solo Kirby, a monthly over in Navarre, Florida. Here's the bracket:

Ask me if you need details on the opponents I played.

Made a ridiculous as hell loser's run after chocking in Winner's Round 1. lol
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Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2015
Wow. I never realized how dead this thread is without me...Anyway, given how rare it is for Kirby to get notable results now that MikeKirby and Triple R don't play as much anymore, I figured for reference who should give spotlight to Komota.

Frostbite 2017
33rd out 342 entrants
Notes: As we all know, this is the lovely tourney where Komota beat one of his regional threats, Ally. Shame he had to fight Sanic after that. I don't believe there's that many good Sonics around his locals so it doesn't surprise Seagull threw him for a whirl.

Midwest Mayhem 8
25th out of 296 entrants.
Just to further show he's easily on of the best Kirby's right now and can be consistent.


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2015
This isn't really relevant at this point, but it's a great excuse to make a post. For the first time in months, Kirby actually got a half-decent result.

Shine 2017
49th out of 659 entrants

Not the most mindblowing result but at this point in the meta we gotta take what we can get...
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