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Kinzer's Ike's metagame thread.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Okay so I find myself having to come to the Ike thread frequently for help, so instead of making multiple threads for different questions, I'll just update a lot with this one.

Uhm...well, I want to go over the previous questions I have covered in my threads...Call it a battle log if you will, I will constantly update this thread with mostly advice request from others...other times I might just be here to post anything I will consider useful information

"I have had trouble with jigglypuff, please help me"

"Pikmin and annoying = one slavedriver I can kill to liberate the slaves"

let's see now I have a lot of people I seem to be having a bit of trouble with, but I figure maybe I ain't the only Ike out there but even so...

My biggest problem as of when this post was made... is Link/TL, R.O.B. and Snake.

Jigglypuff- For Jigglypuff people have told me to wait for Jigglypuff, play a patient game, groundstalk, predict where and when jiggly will land/attack, if you have any more advice about this character please post your 2 cents and I will add that information here.

Olimar- People have told me to approach from the air, trying a ground approach is asking for a pimin toss/ranged grab/ ftilt. people have also told me to sometimes lach pikmin onto me on purpose so I can counter whenever I felt so. still could use a little bit mroe advice than that, I have yet to fight another good olimar after I made a request on how to beat the guy, but I still feel limited.

Snake- I seem to have trouble beating Snake (who doesn't?) he will mortar slide to get to me, he plants mines and C4s which make it rather difficult to approach him from the ground, his air attacks are very powerful and so is his ftilt. Not too sure on what else makes it impossible to win but I am pretty sure everybody who doesn't adore Snake hates this guy about as much as I do for the reasons said and others for their own and can still tell me some ways to help me defeat this formidable opponent.

Curtiousy of Tenki, and if I am interpreting him right, you have you play a defensive game vs snake, and try and use his weapons to your advantage.

R.O.B. - If I can't kill this guy early, I have to do it post 175% damage, his recovery is great, and if he doesn't die when I send him flying, he will come back which leads to his survivability. he has his lazer eyes and his beyblade, making me play a somewhat more aggresive game, or at least trying to stale a bad idea. I find myself using eruption more just because it has scored me some kills on this robot, not sure if it could be emphasized more than just on the edge. I dunno how but my grab game is near impossible to do because his rolls are fast and spotdodges are instant to me. compared to Ike, R.O.B.'s smashes come out faster and have a considerable knockback to boot. His airgame is pretty great, does decent damage and has range, I feel the only way to get around this is to read my opponent and predict when he/she will try to hit me in the air and counter it, either that or space my fairs rights.

Ganodorf - I can't shield through his Side-Bs, but yeah that's expected sicne it's kind of a grabbing move. Either in the Air or from the ground, when Ganon does throw me down with his Side-B, it is not recommended to try a "wake-up" attack, and somehow he reads where I am going to roll to and he just Dairs me. He'll powershield my quickdraws and punish me for it. Don't get me started on trying to edgehog the guy, he'll either suicide side-b when he hast he advantage, or just up-b me and damage me, but maybe I am not not getting my dairs out at the right time, or does his up-b have priority over that? Now I am convinced that his uptilt has a use, I was going around one topic discussing what was the most useless move, people were saying it was his uptilt, and now that I have seen it in action those people have never fought this Ganon. It actually pulls you in sort of, it can hit you while you are grabbing the ledge, and has one helluva disjointed hitbox. Oh gosh what else was there when I was brawling this guy? Oh yeah at low percantages his downtilt can juggle me. And I think that's about it, if there was anything else, maybe somebody who has experience fighting Ganon can cover that for me.

Agai thansk to Tenki for telling me that to counter Ganon you have to play him like you are trying to play chess. That is, , read him, attack when you see/know there is going to be an opening, and punish his mistakes just as he can punish you for yours.

Link- I am going to seperate link and Toon Link here because they are a bit different but I till have trouble with both nonetheless, however for things that I have trouble with both characters will go with link. For both Link and Toon Link their arrows can go quite a way, so again trying to stale and play defensively is not a good idea, however it could be done due to the loading time for a fully charged arrow. Trying to gimp either in recovery almost never works for me, I am not sure if I am doing it wrong or Link/T.L.'s up-b just outprioritizes most of my aerial attacks...maybe I am not using Eruption enough but I will have to test this when I do get one of them to fight again...I don't know how they do it but a lot of their kills come from their Dsmash, a little bit more from their Fsmash, and a couple of times their Usmash, I am not too sure how to dim this down so any advice here would be appreciated. For Link I can't use the Gale Boomerang to my advantage when I can, Link will always somehow beat me to it, again any advice here would eb appreciated. another thing I want to go over with teh both of them is that their Dair can kill pretty easily, countering this is no good because they can just come back on the recoil and hit me when counter is down. Both their Uairs outprioritize my dair, so I find myself just going over to teh edge just to avoid being star-KOed, need help here as well...

Toon Link- everything has already been mentioned above for T.Link except his Bair, just like Ike's it comes out very fast, and has very good knockback, the difference though is he can spam it again where Ike has a bit of ending lag after his bair, help?

Curtiousy of Ussi, some of Ike's attacks have the same priority, so if you time it especially right, you can eat his boomerang/arrows and a ground approach is now viable again.

Sonic (this is quoted from Tenki on how to fight him for I am of no help in this situation.


Originally Posted by HW_Dark Link
How about Sonic? I believe u would utilize Quick Draw

"Nah, not exactly a good idea. All it would take is for the Sonic player to run forward and bait your QD, shield the hit and you'll be open for a grab, and grabs aren't a fun position to be in when you're against Sonic.

Stick to jabs and your faster moves.

This isn't a matchup to be sloppy with, and I believe it's a disadvantage for Ike because to win, you'll have to take advantage of 'player habits' (universal things like habits from ledge, airdodges, rolls, shield patterns).

In other words, you'll have to be a bit mindgame-intensive and bait certain reactions, as well as play defensively.

For example, if you nail him with retreating F-air a few times, he'll probably start airdodging when he gets in range of your F-air when approaching from the air, and you can switch to a delayed aerial or FF+usmash/u-tilt/etc

Keep in mind that his spindashes are cancellable before he starts them, and he can jump to get out of the roll at any time, so he has very little 'commitment' to the moves. If the Sonic is trying to do grounded spindash to attack you, run away. Yes, use Ike's speed to run away from Sonic's spindash... and pivot grab. It's a very rarely used move, but if the Sonic player really has it in mind to hit you with a grounded spindash, he'll be less mentally prepared to jump if he's trying to chase you. Ike's pivot grab is rather fast, too ;d

Some Sonic players (like myself) are fond of charging down-B in midair. If you can, try to nail Sonic while he's charging it (it looks like a complete circle as it's charging). This is because the Sonic player is holding [down] during the charge. He's essentially doing downwards DI so if you hit him while he's charging, he's essentially making it easier to kill him.

Aether from the edge is good. Sometimes. Other times, it will make you hate Ike's recovery, and this matchup is one of those.
If you do a low Aether, it's not too hard for Sonic to jump over Ragnell's range and drop a spring to knock you under the stage (death if you're playing on levels with lips like FD), or knock you further away so you're forced to go for the edge and get edgehogged. Or just knock you too far to recover. If you're in range for an uncharged quickdraw to land on the stage, try to use it, so you avoid hanging from the edge (or having to land Aether on the stage - landing lag will hurt you).

Overall, watch out for your:
Landing lag (prepare to respond to an attempted grab if you're landing with an aerial)
Roll patterns (don roll)
Ledge patterns"


Yeah as you can see I need a lot of improvement with my Ike, if it helps I play with the Wiimote on its own and I have only played onlnie matches so far, of course with none-minimal lag, if you come here to spam stuff like "you suck, wifi is for noobs, learn to play with the gamecube controller" you are:

1. A jerk

2. An idiot

3. not willing to try GOOD wifi battles, yes you will lag with some people but it is possible to get lagfree matches there

4. A troll

5. an ignorant ***

6 and soforth. anything else you can think of that makes you look like a *****

I come to these forums to seek advice/have fun playing what I do competitively, not to get flamed for my choices, you want to do that crap take it somewhere else.

Thank you in advance for any aid you bring to help me improve my Ike and maybe someday I will be good enough to be the best Ike anybody has ever seen.

this is just a roguh draft of how to beat the specified character, if you want the real deal from the people who posted look around in this thread, what I am giving you here is just a quickway to gain an edge.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
we have a match up guide for both snake and Link. Please try looking for that cause other people that had trouble got their answers told. Also read in the 2nd last page of the match up guide (its stickyed) my advice on how to deal with Olimar.

TL is a hard match up when they decide to rain projectiles on you. Which a SMART TL will do when he realized that you out range him badly and that your jab is annoying. Aether is great against TL when he takes to the air. It'll stop his dair as well. His kill moves are Usmash, fsmash, and fair. Usmash and fsmash will kill at 100%...if he isn't an idoit that used them to damage you. Fair kills you at 150%, its basically a slower bair but much more stronger. Watch for his bair though, its comboable, and that spells bad for you. TL will take to the air once you make his ground game useless by always out ranging it. then after the air he goes to raining projectiles on you. Which you jump over and fair/nair his face. But remember, if TL is smart he'll bait you into moves so he can counter attack. Your best kill moves are ftilt, utilt, usmash/dsmash (roll spammers or anticipation, and your aerials. avoid fsmash unless you can afford to take punishment for using it.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Thanks Ussi, Like I said this is just a combat log IO am keeping so I won't have to make constant threads when I brawl a new opponent I never fight and have trouble with...you know for xample I have yet to fight a dedicated Luigi/Bowser/Sonic...you know forget it, the list could go on forever, I have also yet to find a good Meta Knight Ironically, and everybody complains about him, but I could see ways around the short, stubby little man. Anyway glad to see I am not the only Ike with this kind of trouble. :(


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
TBH I just read the general description you made of your thread and well, it sounds like the stickies would suffice for this. If you want to make a battle log you could just copy and paste the things into your note pad or computer.

First off like Ussi said you should be checking the guide on match up's and for the questions you want to update this with well you can be posting them in the General Q&A thats what it is for after all.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Well but doing this gives people a chance to look at what I need to work on if they are curious. O.o


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
I don't think people would be to interested in what you need to work on. It isn't very fun to read 500 words on how you fight people instead show some videos and when you have a problem just ask a question in the stickies. (general Q&A for small ones, Guide for the big ones like match ups and stuff)


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
You're absolutely right...still this could be a nice reference for basic troubles Ike mainers fight with certain characters. That is if I remember to update this a lot, it can't be too much of a problem, just have to go out getting in trouble and egtting in fights (I am kidding, I mean go around the forums looking for Online Brawls, and keep track of what I find easy/hard about the opponent. Anyway thanks for the reference Burrito, I don't really want to be a burden and ask small questions when the answer might already be in there, I just have to look.

I also really have to get some recording device, but it sucks that I can't legally work until I turn 16 *grinds teeth*.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
You know I asked thats same question put a lot of thought into it, I think a quickdraw approach is not the best thing to do.

Most TLs are gonig to boomerang/arrow spam to keep you at a distance, so fullhops is probably the only way around this. I guess counter is great for an approach and when you expect them to hit you. Lastly for me eruption is good for edgegaurding, I have trouble dairing TL so I use that instead, if he hits me with his up-b for recovery, meh what good will that do if I still send you flying?

Other than that I am not too sure on how to gain an advantage on TLs, somebody else going to have to tell me.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Which AAA attacks, I am well aware that the last A strike is with his sword so of course it is logical that could eat the boomerang/arrow, but can his first two AA strikes have the same prioritization and cancel each other out? I would like to know because in real life try and block a projectile with an arm/leg and usually you end up bruised, but this is Brawl so I will be waiting for an answer...


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Snake- I seem to have trouble beating Snake (who doesn't?) he will mortar slide to get to me, he plants mines and C4s which make it rather difficult to approach him from the ground, his air attacks are very powerful and so is his ftilt. Not too sure on what else makes it impossible to win but I am pretty sure everybody who doesn't adore Snake hates this guy about as much as I do for the reasons said and others for their own and can still tell me some ways to help me defeat this formidable opponent.
Beyond a certain range, Snake's actual mortar doesn't have a hitbox, so you can hit him out of it. If you're close and you predict it coming, face away and after shielding the mortar slam, grab him as he passes you. I guess counter and eruption could work too.

I'm going to assume you don't fight good Snake players, so here are some things to take advantage of against subpar Snakes:

Mines can be used against Snake. And not just throwing/hitting him into mines, but using the mines to control his dodges and jumps. You can assume that if the mine is behind him, that he will jump or roll towards you, and that can nail you some hits.

Thankfully, Ike's F-air can compete with Snake's tilts. If you shield the first hit of an F-tilt, be ready to spotdodge and punish the second hit or a grab. If you're daring, you can shield as you enter Snake's range and possibly even get a pshield grab in on him.

Snake has landing lag on almost all his aerials (or at least, on almost all executions of aerials done under a certain height. If you can, try to time your attacks correctly, to hit him as he lands. For example, a predictable B-air coming out of a high Cypher, you can move out of range and hit him with something hard (tilt, F-air, eruption, maybe even counter or a fsmash)

I'm not sure, but you may be able to F-air-tip Snake even when he's trying to grenade counter and not get hit.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
How about Sonic? I believe u would utilize Quick Draw
Nah, not exactly a good idea. All it would take is for the Sonic player to run forward and bait your QD, shield the hit and you'll be open for a grab, and grabs aren't a fun position to be in when you're against Sonic.

Stick to jabs and your faster moves.

This isn't a matchup to be sloppy with, and I believe it's a disadvantage for Ike because to win, you'll have to take advantage of 'player habits' (universal things like habits from ledge, airdodges, rolls, shield patterns).

In other words, you'll have to be a bit mindgame-intensive and bait certain reactions, as well as play defensively.

For example, if you nail him with retreating F-air a few times, he'll probably start airdodging when he gets in range of your F-air when approaching from the air, and you can switch to a delayed aerial or FF+usmash/u-tilt/etc

Keep in mind that his spindashes are cancellable before he starts them, and he can jump to get out of the roll at any time, so he has very little 'commitment' to the moves. If the Sonic is trying to do grounded spindash to attack you, run away. Yes, use Ike's speed to run away from Sonic's spindash... and pivot grab. It's a very rarely used move, but if the Sonic player really has it in mind to hit you with a grounded spindash, he'll be less mentally prepared to jump if he's trying to chase you. Ike's pivot grab is rather fast, too ;d

Some Sonic players (like myself) are fond of charging down-B in midair. If you can, try to nail Sonic while he's charging it (it looks like a complete circle as it's charging). This is because the Sonic player is holding [down] during the charge. He's essentially doing downwards DI so if you hit him while he's charging, he's essentially making it easier to kill him.

Aether from the edge is good. Sometimes. Other times, it will make you hate Ike's recovery, and this matchup is one of those.
If you do a low Aether, it's not too hard for Sonic to jump over Ragnell's range and drop a spring to knock you under the stage (death if you're playing on levels with lips like FD), or knock you further away so you're forced to go for the edge and get edgehogged. Or just knock you too far to recover. If you're in range for an uncharged quickdraw to land on the stage, try to use it, so you avoid hanging from the edge (or having to land Aether on the stage - landing lag will hurt you).

Overall, watch out for your:
Landing lag (prepare to respond to an attempted grab if you're landing with an aerial)
Roll patterns (don roll)
Ledge patterns


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Thanks :D
But I meant use QD when he uses his chargable B`s
He can just jump and make you miss quickdraw. And if he jumps out of the ground roll, he travels through the air much as well, so you can kiss hitting quickdraw good bye xD

If he's doing an aerial down-B, he can just shieldcancel it when he lands and you're up against 'idle' Sonic (can shield/whatever if you release) and if he's charging his side-B, he can shieldcancel it before it's fully charged as well.


Also, I haven't fought Wolves with Ike.

I main Sonic. haha..hah.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Good stuff Tenki, I will quote you on your advice for fighting Sonics, however I can neither confirm or deny them sicne I have yet to fight a dediacted Sonic, I am sure if and when I do I can do what I can to try and help putting the game more into Ike's favor.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Well, I am back, and this time it's Ganandorf who is giving me problems. Let's see... I can't shield through his Side-Bs, but yeah that's expected sicne it's kind of a grabbing move. Either in the Air or from the ground, when Ganon does throw me down with his Side-B, it is not recommended to try a "wake-up" attack, and somehow he reads where I am going to roll to and he just Dairs me. He'll powershield my quickdraws and punish me for it. Don't get me started on trying to edgehog the guy, he'll either suicide side-b when he hast he advantage, or just up-b me and damage me, but maybe I am not not getting my dairs out at the right time, or does his up-b have priority over that? Now i am convinced that his uptilt has a use, I was going around one topic discussing what was the most useless move, people were saying it was his uptilt, and now that I have seen it in action those people have never fought this Ganon. It actually pulls you in sort of, it can hit you while you are grabbing the ledge, and has one helluva disjointed hitbox. Oh gosh what else was there when I was brawling this guy? Oh yeah at low percantages his downtilt can juggle me. And I think that's about it, if there was anything else, maybe somebody who has experience fighting Ganon can cover that for me. Somebody help me on this!


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
I used to play Ganondorf ;o

If you're up against a smart Ganondorf, keep this in mind:

first side-B is a test of your reaction.
second side-B will most likely be done to catch the opponent if he uses the same reaction. Sometimes, the side-B's will take level in mind. Like if you're standing near the edge and you get side-B'd and want to roll, you're more likely to roll inwards.

What you can do is try to delay getting up (avoids his more dangerous followups from side-B), and if you get up, just tap up (normal get-up) and be ready to shield, jab, grab, or whatever on his next move. You have to counter-predict his movement. Also, if you do a reflexive roll, roll away from him. If you're rolling towards Ganondorf, you're begging to eat a D-air.

If Ike is trying to edgeguard you with U-tilt and you're hanging, you can do a ledgehopped quickdraw to hit him before he pulls it down, or use the ledge jump + double jump to get over it, or even better, ledgehop counter/eruption. Be aware that he doesn't have as much ending lag as you would think. Also, try ledgehopping and re-grabbing the ledge to renew your invincibility frames for a proper countermovement. A good habit to pick up is an 'idle' getup from ledge (tap toward stage, ledgehop back to edge) since it makes it so you can sidestep or shield his attack)

Now if you're being Ganoncided, you're being sloppy. Ike's F-air outranges it, and if you REALLY want to spike him, try jumping out so you're at the end of his side-B range (bait), then double jump D-air. Or be safer and jump-bait > edgehog.

As for up-B, it 'queues' landing lag for his next jump, so watch out for his next jump and be ready to punish it.

Also, it seems like you're using QD as an attack (because ANYONE can powershield+punish it)- avoid this unless you've got your opponent in check/checkmate (laggy landing vs charged QD at a high %).

Basically, you'll want to be the better player. Read his movements while trying to be hard to read yourself. Fighting a good Ganondorf (or Ike) will iron out bad habits like rolling (don roll.) and easier-to-predict things like ledge and dodge habits.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
So fighting a ganondorf is like playing a game of chess, just try and predict/read him and keep as safe as possible?


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
So fighting a ganondorf is like playing a game of chess, just try and predict/read him and keep as safe as possible?
Sort of, yeah.

However, that's a general tip that all players should be following anyway, which is why matchup knowledge helps alot in Brawl.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Well, the guy who posted above me never did respond, anyway I am back after a good while and now R.O.B.s the one being a...well, shall I say, Robotic Operating B****?

I am having trouble with his shoop da whoop lazer eyes, this get's so annoying after a while because I have to play an aggressive game or he will literally not only toy me with that, but he also has his beyblade (I don't know what it's called) which has some decent knockback charged, and I find it really hard to pick it up rushing just because it damages me whenver I get near it to use it against him. If he doesn't die when I send him flying, he is sure to come back thanks to his recovery, and trying to go for a gimp is not hard because it can be countered, but because he can easily avoid it. If I wait for him at the edge he will lazer beam spam and if possible throw that beyblade thingimabob at me, however this is rather easy to dodge when he is over the edge of the stage but anyway... If I do manage to dodge this stuff and charge up an eruption at the edge he just flies up higher and lands on the other side of the stage, rinsing and repeating his range-camp game. I find it impossible to grab R.O.B. becajuse his dodgerolls go a good distance and are relatively fast, yet he has no trouble grabbing me, and this puts me in a very bad situation if I am high up in damage, anything more than 180% if I am lucky to lvie that long is an assured death if I get grabbed, his throws go very long. So yeah, that's all I can think of that really gets me on my nerves....anybody got any advice?


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
Don't be afraid to jump out you might as well use eruption to edge guard MK if your going to use it on ROB. A lot of ROBs use down smash a lot so thats your chance to grab him and once you do you can lead up with another grab or jab if you just bash him till he breaks free. If you do this at high percents it can lead to his death. If you grab him near the edge jab cancels can lead to a D tilt spike.

ROB is very good at the edge so sometimes there a chance that you can mind game him into wasting his up B with aether spikes. If you miss just try some more ledge hops and go for other spikes to make him use it up faster. ofcourse this is very risky.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Hey A.B., thanks for your advice and I appreciate, however I don't understand a lot of what you're saying. To help you help me, I am going to quote what I didn't make any sense, and maybe for somebody like me you can rephrase that whenever you get the chance. :(

"Don't be afraid to jump out you might as well use eruption to edge guard MK if your going to use it on ROB." "A lot of ROBs use down smash a lot so thats your chance to grab him and once you do you can lead up with another grab or jab if you just bash him till he breaks free. If you do this at high percents it can lead to his death." If you grab him near the edge jab cancels can lead to a D tilt spike.
What I really don't understand is the first sentence, either you made a typo and at the moment I have to assume that MK is short for Meta Knight, or that's a term I am not familiar with at all. And doesn't R.O.B.'s Dsmash extend all the way or is there like a void in the middle of the hitbox and him to where you mentioned I could grab him while he is doing this? The last part I get, there it's just me having to improve my grabgame.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
MK = Meat knight, bringer of steaks.

Well, the guy who posted above me never did respond, anyway I am back after a good while and now R.O.B.s the one being a...well, shall I say, Robotic Operating B****?

I am having trouble with his shoop da whoop lazer eyes, this get's so annoying after a while because I have to play an aggressive game or he will literally not only toy me with that, but he also has his beyblade (I don't know what it's called) which has some decent knockback charged, and I find it really hard to pick it up rushing just because it damages me whenver I get near it to use it against him. If he doesn't die when I send him flying, he is sure to come back thanks to his recovery, and trying to go for a gimp is not hard because it can be countered, but because he can easily avoid it. If I wait for him at the edge he will lazer beam spam and if possible throw that beyblade thingimabob at me, however this is rat

>_> I had a really nice entry, but it got eaten when I submitted..??

I think I saidsomething about ROB not being able to airdodge.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
So while I wait for A.B. and Tenki for a reply (I think Tenki wasn't finished editing his post), I'll just make laugh out loud at Meat Knight and his Final Smash, Galaxia porkness. "Behold my E.coli!"


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
yah I just noticed my first sentence sucked as I was going down the page. Pretty much its because of grammatical errors.

Don't be afraid to jump out and edge guard. Using eruption on ROB is as good as using it on metaknight.

the other part if you shield all of ROB's D smash you can jab or grab him after it. ofcourse if your shield is down to crap it will probably poke trough it.
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