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Kingdom Hearts Mafia~Day 8~End Game!~Roles revealed!

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Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
well, its that infamous day 1! >_>

I always have a little trouble trying to think of what to discuss, but I guess we can already start by pressuring the inactives?!!?

But I am not sure...what to do for right now, guess i need to think


Smash Rookie
Apr 12, 2006
The world that never was!!!
Good the game has final started!!!! I have played the videogame so... so the charecters of the mafia would probly be ansam, dark riku,oogie boogie,ursala,claton,hades,jafar and there are more...Other then that im dry on ideas.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 10, 2006
The Not-So-Secret Secret Agent
Unrelated Sidenote: They got rid of rep? Finnaly, they don't have to see my measily 1 bar.....

I guess the right thing to do would be pressuring the inactives. We might actually get somewhere then instead of the bandwagoning on day 1. man I love day 1s!


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
Just checking in, but I don't have much to add. A name claim probably would have been flawed anyway, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, in mafia games, bad characters aren't necessarily evil and good characters aren't necessarily good. Secondly, if it were the case that all mafia were bad characters from Kingdom Hearts, the mafia would either fake claim or be given safe claims. That's not to say that they couldn't be caught lying in a fake claim, but wouldn't a name claim also out important power roles? I'm not sure, because I'm not familiar with Kingdom Hearts. If comparable to other RPG's, it seems like it would be a pretty heavy risk. This contrasts a game like Food Court, where no particular restaurant had to be a power role. Sure, some things fit in, we didn't automatically out power roles with a mass claim as we probably would here.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 10, 2006
The Not-So-Secret Secret Agent
Just checking in, but I don't have much to add. A name claim probably would have been flawed anyway, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, in mafia games, bad characters aren't necessarily evil and good characters aren't necessarily good. Secondly, if it were the case that all mafia were bad characters from Kingdom Hearts, the mafia would either fake claim or be given safe claims. That's not to say that they couldn't be caught lying in a fake claim, but wouldn't a name claim also out important power roles? I'm not sure, because I'm not familiar with Kingdom Hearts. If comparable to other RPG's, it seems like it would be a pretty heavy risk. This contrasts a game like Food Court, where no particular restaurant had to be a power role. Sure, some things fit in, we didn't automatically out power roles with a mass claim as we probably would here.
Plus people would purposely try to avoid reapeats to make sure they arent considered to be mafia. They would just want their hands to be washed clean of any kind of suspicion at all.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
Just checking in, but I don't have much to add. A name claim probably would have been flawed anyway, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, in mafia games, bad characters aren't necessarily evil and good characters aren't necessarily good. Secondly, if it were the case that all mafia were bad characters from Kingdom Hearts, the mafia would either fake claim or be given safe claims. That's not to say that they couldn't be caught lying in a fake claim, but wouldn't a name claim also out important power roles? I'm not sure, because I'm not familiar with Kingdom Hearts. If comparable to other RPG's, it seems like it would be a pretty heavy risk. This contrasts a game like Food Court, where no particular restaurant had to be a power role. Sure, some things fit in, we didn't automatically out power roles with a mass claim as we probably would here.
QFT...Exactly, good point doc, a name claim would probably end up going horribly wrong...


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Somewhere, sometime
Well, we started eh? Good. As usual, we don't have anything to do on day 1 (actually we do, but nobody knows what). Good that chill posted that quoting your PM is against the rules, I won't forget that one anymore. And yes, nameclaiming won't do. In the previous game I was for it, but because a lot of people will fake claim in a Kingdom Hearts game it'll be worthless.

Yay, we really did start!


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
hmmm...this is really early for a no lynch because we haven't discussed anything yet...

This smells like mafiascum to me... vote: commonyoshi
Mafia generally want a no lynch and by saying this so early obviously points out that you are probably mafia and that your little cover thing that it is "bound to happen" is just that, a cover, that has failed...


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
im with yoshi. we either no lynch, or lynch ligolski. he seems to want someone gone, and i guess yoshi is his first target. There really isnt a point in voting on day one honestly, no one knows anything, and its too hard to get a good arguement.

Vote: No Lynch


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Somewhere, sometime
This smells like mafiascum to me... vote: commonyoshi
Mafia generally want a no lynch and by saying this so early obviously points out that you are probably mafia and that your little cover thing that it is "bound to happen" is just that, a cover, that has failed...
Or, perhaps you are scum and see this as a good opportunity to immediately lynch somebody. Seeing your reason for this lynch being a little bit... unstable, you should come up with something better. I'm not gonna vote you, but I find your argument for the vote on common not well build.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
im with yoshi. we either no lynch, or lynch ligolski. he seems to want someone gone, and i guess yoshi is his first target. There really isnt a point in voting on day one honestly, no one knows anything, and its too hard to get a good arguement.

Vote: No Lynch
Why do n00bs pretend to know anything? No lynch this early is extremely scummy. I can understand the n00 b and pseudo-n00b doing it, but common? Come on! So in yet another game I am in agreement with Ligolski. vote:common
FOS: Arkengate
SFOS: Kuji

And before anyone says it, yes I voted no lynch in IM, but that was after some conversation. He1l, some people prolly haven't even seen this!


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2006
Entertain me........ Im bored..........
unvote: lance
U seem 2 want someone gone right away, not really waiting for something 2 happen so u can make sure.FOS: Common I do agree with ligolski on u however.
Second FOS: Arkengate you agreed right away with common, which seems to me like something the mafia gang members would do.
Kuji and Ronike are fine by me for now.

Uncle Meat

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2005
Don't you want people gone just as early if you're voting for him? Hell, he could just be trying to get **** going, start discussion so that this is actually fun.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Somewhere, sometime
@ Ronike - You probally think I want No Lynch eh? I said that I didn't want to vote yet and that's because making a chaos on Day 1 is not a smart idea imo. But if people like you insist.

Vote - Ligolski for previously said reasons. Ligolski seems more like scum to me than Common since Common almost didn't say or do anything suspicious. If you consider No Lynch voting suspicious... Well, at least we have a start now.

Uncle Meat

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2005
Sorry, forgot to include this. Ligolski is right about the voting 'no lynch' this early. I think it was a good catch. It doesn't have to be malicious.

Vote: Commonyoshi for now, at least. The 'no lynch' thing does come off as suspicious.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Haha. Lame-os. I'm not even sure I should bother to defend myself. A no lynch IS probably going to happen. Dont deny it, and dont say I used it as a cover.

I voted no lynch because I feel it's going to happen anyway, and I wanted to feel superior by voting that way so early in the day. I feel smart by acting on my predicted outcome. (Kinda like betting a lot of money when you've got 4 ace's and a king. You know you're going to win.) Would it make any differnce if I did it now versus a couple of rounds of chatter? Dont get me wrong, the day one bickering is important for the rest of the game, but it really doesn't accomplish anything on the first day... usually. If something does come up, I could easily change me vote.

I'm not sure I follow on the "no lynch on the first day helping mafia's side" thing. The numbers are on the Mafia's side if there is a lynch.

I'm glad my vain vote induced some discussion though. No more "Turn ____ into a chicken" joke votes.

PS to Ronike: This is a completely different game. Why did you bring you aliance with Ligolski into this? Dont let anything cloud your judgement.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Haha. Lame-os. I'm not even sure I should bother to defend myself. A no lynch IS probably going to happen. Dont deny it, and dont say I used it as a cover. I voted no lynch because I feel it's going to happen anyway, and I wanted to feel superior by voting that way so early in the day. I feel smart by acting on my predicted outcome. (Kinda like betting a lot of money when you've got 4 ace's and a king. You know you're going to win.) Would it make any differnce if I did it now versus a couple of rounds of chatter? Dont get me wrong, the day one bickering is important for the rest of the game, but it really doesn't accomplish anything on the first day... usually. If something does come up, I could easily change me vote.

I'm not sure I follow on the "no lynch on the first day helping mafia's side" thing. The numbers are on the Mafia's side if there is a lynch.

I personally am not denying it, as it likely will happen. However, it is usually not the best option to pick immediately going in to a mafia game. Thedocsalive said it best I think:

So if we're truly want to end the day right now with a no lynch, then the only thing left to do is consider why we would do such a stupid thing.

Now, that's not to say that no lynch is stupid all the time. There are situations where it is a mathetmatically correct play later in the game. It's also a very realistic possibility that we could have a good day of discussion, yet still come to no solid conclusions, and therefore vote no lynch. But by voting no lynch so quickly and conceding the point, we have just as little to go on for tomorrow. I suppose we have the no lynch bandwagon to look at (at first glance, it seems like there are a lot of people on here that shouldn't be), but that's not as much as we could have.
And as for why it works better for the mafia think of it this way: the mafia can play the game like a war of attrition (wearing the other side completely down). They simply need to use their night kill to kill everyone. Now its great when the town lynches another townie, but leading the town to do so without a egregious error puts the mafia at risk. So it is safer to get the town to no lynch vote after it looks like no one will make an error. However, doing it this early is just as if a mafia member had comeout and said in serious "Hey this person is inactive, therefore WE MUST LYNCH HIM!!!!". I will believe you if you say you just didnt know and unvote, and then will unvote. Oh and BTW, its best generally not to be the first to vote for something as that makes you look even more suspiscious.

PS to Ronike: This is a completely different game. Why did you bring you aliance with Ligolski into this? Dont let anything cloud your judgement.


jk, in all seriousness, his opinion and mine happened to be the same in this situation. I know full well to trust people even less in mafia games. I learned that one after FE.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
GOD **** SIGS!!~!!! Im seriously not doing that on purpose, its a complete accident and I constantly forget when I dont do a quick reply. can I possibly fix it chill?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Well, in any case, we can do w/e we want, but i figure that MOST the time it gets us no where to lynch the first day. MOST the time it seems we kill off a townie, which isnt what we wanna do. its a blind vote, but, at least now we have suspicions and accusations to make the game start goin, as uncle said.
I will wait it out and see what else happens from these accusations to make my final vote
unvote: no lynch
FOS: Ligolski

Yes, common jumped the gun, but ligolski was fast to point a finger, which common didnt do.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
Wow, you guys have really over blown this whole thing on me voting commonyoshi...

No lynch is beneficial to the mafia as ronike has stated...and because we have yet to have any real discussion, until now that is, this is what makes this so suspicious...Its even more beneficial to the mafia to leave the town running around without knowing absolutely ANYTHING (due to lack of discussion). Meaning they would have the upper hand on day 2 because discussion would be limited due to the lack of discussion to reference and check back upon to gain peoples stances and opinions on topics and compare them to that days occurances...

I hope you noobies see how this logic works out because IT'S TRUE!!! Common is the one who is suspicious not me. I am not aiming to kill someone right off the bat but pressuring with a vote to get reactions and because his reason was total crap...Discussion is needed (like now) so views can be established so then we can compare future stances for inaccuracies and weed out the mafia...

Now, one thing I do need to clarify is that I am not totally against no lynch, its just that so early on a no lynch is such a bad idea, as stated before, no lynch is ok when nothing can be discussed anymore and we are stuck with inactivity and/or no mafia being rooted out after a large amount of time...but I don't even think some people have visited this thread yet and therefore this no lynch is just not right...

and for the said above reasons my vote stays because I am justified in doing so...

oh and fyi: one vote on a guy is worth next to nothing so far because we need like around 8 or something to lynch...

vote:ligolski, U seem 2 want someone gone right away, not really waiting for something 2 happen so u can make
um...well the same could be said about common for jumping so early with the no lynch...did you ever think about it that way...

Yes, common jumped the gun, but ligolski was fast to point a finger, which common didnt do.
Wow...How was I "fast to point a finger," I was just the first person to look into the thread when this suspcious act occurred...

thats all for now...


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
If you accidently posted your sig do not edit it out. It's ok if it was an accident.

Official vote count:

ligolski: 2

Commonyoshi: 3
ligolski, Ronike, Uncle Meat

No lynch: 1
The group begins discussing the best option to begin with.

"Maybe we should just find a way off this world", commonyoshi suggest.

This doesn't sit well with everyone. A few of you have become suspicous of commonyoshi and consider his ideas simple-minded.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
^What the heck?>_< lol

Ronike, about you saying you'll believe I was ignorant and unvote me if I unvote the no lynch... Yeah, I'm declining your offer. My votes are neither for bribing nor threatening. I'll vote however I want, but thanks anyway.

I never said anything about no discussion. I even encouraged it in my last post.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Somewhere, sometime
No lynch is beneficial to the mafia as ronike has stated...and because we have yet to have any real discussion, until now that is, this is what makes this so suspicious...Its even more beneficial to the mafia to leave the town running around without knowing absolutely ANYTHING (due to lack of discussion). Meaning they would have the upper hand on day 2 because discussion would be limited due to the lack of discussion to reference and check back upon to gain peoples stances and opinions on topics and compare them to that days occurances...
Maybe your right, but I look at it this way. A townie says something that might consider him being scum. The mafia sees this as an opportunity to vote on him and eventually lynch him. That means there is 1 townie gone at Night 1. Then the mafia kill another townie in Night 1, giving them a good lead with 2 townies gone when Day 2 starts. That's why I don't trust you, ligolski, you immediately jumped on common because he was the first one saying something that may be considered 'suspicious'.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2006
Memphis/Millington --- Runaway 7 till I die.
Chill said:
The group begins discussing the best option to begin with.

"Maybe we should just find a way off this world", commonyoshi suggest.

This doesn't sit well with everyone. A few of you have become suspicous of commonyoshi and consider his ideas simple-minded.
That's awesome that he's doing narration in the middle of the day. I would like everyone to make a little memory peg of this statement because I have a feeling it's an important clue but we won't be sure until later I guess....especially because he bolded it.

Uncle Meat

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2005
Or, Kuji, townie see's suspicious ****, wants to win the game and votes for the suspicious player. It doesn't have to be malicious.

That's not to say that you aren't necessarily right about ligolski. It just seems a bit dumb to draw that kind of conclusion immediately. I would definitely say that ligolski is suspicious, but not nearly as suspicious as commonyoshi. The votes aren't set in stone, obviously. It could have just been a pressuring vote.
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