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Social King K. Rool's Kremling Kutthroats: This...Is Our Finest Hour!


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
K. Rool would help complete the evil king quartet of classic Nintendo villains between him, Bowser, Ganondorf, and Dedede. He would be an interesting addition if they combined elements from all 4 of his central game apperances for a moveset.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
K. Rool would help complete the evil king quartet of classic Nintendo villains between him, Bowser, Ganondorf, and Dedede. He would be an interesting addition if they combined elements from all 4 of his central game apperances for a moveset.
Don't forget about Ridley now

Between Bowser, K Rool, and Ridley they can be the Reptilian Terrors (Reptilian Terror Trio)
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 28, 2011
Eugene, Oregon
Had a K. Rool reveal idea that got buried by leak speculation:

Remember that badass Little Mac reveal cartoon? Well, after Mac finishes eating his chocolate bar, he starts sparring in the boxing gym with DK. Most importantly DK is wearing his giant red gloves and some small shorts.

[Alternate costumes for every character!]

So we get that little announcement but them BOOM! The ring is rattling from the footsteps of someone coming. Slow pan to the right and...

It's Soda Popinski! (Glass Joe or Hippo are more likely but I want one of the playfully racist ones.) He bops Mac and DK and starts laughing, arms akimbo. We see him whip out a soda from his invisible cartoon pockets, snap it open on his pec, raise it up, and immediately get his face buried by a cannonball.

Quick pan to the side and it's Krusha K. Rool, who comically tries to stuff his blunderbuss in his boxing shorts. Even Mac and DK look up, who are still on their backs reeling. DK looks at Mac as if to say "Let's do this..." and Mac gets it.

Splice the cartoon fight with actual gameplay, slap on the Smash logo, and boom, you got a great trailer, I think.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2018
It's a cool idea but I doubt they'd have the majority of a K. Rool trailer be centered around Little Mac, when the only connection they have is DK in Punch-Out Wii (and K. Rool's boxing outfit in DK64).

There's a lot of ways they could go with it. You could have Mario fighting Bowser, until DK and Diddy jump in to help, and just as Bowser appears to be defeated K. Rool appears to even things out.

If Dixie's also a character (original or echo), you could have Dixie have her trailer, but then do a fake-out ending to it where K. Rool arrives, sorta similar to the Lucina/Robin trailer.

Or, if they want to get really cheeky with it, it could start out as what would appear like a Tropical Freeze cinematic, where the Kongs are fighting Tiki Tong and/or Fredrik, only for K. Rool to show up and knock them out and fight in their place.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Canada BC
Ive always imagined K.rool's trailer would start with toon link on his boat or on a pirate ship of some kind, probably with DK, Diddy or both. An out at sea sorta setting where they get attacked by K.Rool's ship. Alternately if they chose his DKC2 design or ship, it would be attacking MetaKnights Halberd. Though I feel the first one is the more likely scenario.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
It could call back to that scene in Brawl when the Goombas are stealing DK's banana hoard. DK and Diddy start chasing them down. When suddenly cannonballs rain down and Kremling jump in, taking the banana's for themselves. DK and Diddy stand there confused when K Rool steps out


Smash Ace
Sep 29, 2014
Question for y'all. Been thinking about this and wanted other's thoughts on the idea.

Would you rather have K. Rool join the roster in Ultimate, but as a clone of some other character (Bowser, perhaps, with just a handful of impossible moves changed, like the flame breath and some shell-based attacks), or would you rather wait again until the NEXT Smash game (whenever that may happen) for the chance that he'd be unique?

Not a very realistic scenario, I know - if K. Rool ever does get in I'm near certain he'd be unique - but it's a hypothetical. Would you guys rather just take K. Rool as a clone now if it meant you didn't have to keep waiting, or would you take the chances of a reroll, with no certainty that the character would ever make it in at all or increase in relevancy between now and then?

I think it's pretty obvious now that Sakurai's vision is to never fully declone characters, so clone K. Rool would definitely be hard for me to swallow, as whatever moveset he debuts with, he'd largely be stuck with forever, and he deserves so much more than being a clone. On the other hand, now is probably his best chance at getting in, and if trends with the DK series don't change in the near future, this could also be his last chance.
if king k rool turned out to be a clone, that is such an insult to the character and the fans. one of the many reasons why king k rool would be such a fun fighter is because of his move set. if he were to be a clone of anyone, your basically stripping everything away of k rool. I want k rool over Dixie because he would have a completely different move set. he be a unique fighter where as Dixie be similar to diddy. Also I want him to be in this game particularly. I don't want to wait until smash brothers 8 for him to finally be playable. I'm not getting any younger. this should be k rools ultimate return


Smash Ace
Jan 9, 2002
Jalisco, Mexico
I wouldn't be too picky if they made K. Rool a clone. im sure that at least it would be done right and that there would be a good reason for him to end like that. It means that they knew they had to add K. Rool at all costs. Probably because if he is not in Ultimate, there will probably be even a longer period before the next Smash. And who knows what will we get in that game because no doubt it wont be as character filled as Ultimate.

The way I see it, this is probably the last Smash Bros were we can hope for such "fan-servicey" characters like Ridley, Geno or K. Rool.
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Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
The only way I think K. Rool could be a clone would be if Frederik was unique and K. Rool was a clone of him...


Smash Apprentice
Apr 21, 2018
Lanky would be awesome imo. I'm not even being ironic he could have a lot of cool moveset potential. It sucks he was only in one game, though (plus some side game appearances). The character could've been utilized in more ways.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2014

I don't mean it in an ironic way either. I think once we get Dixie, K. Rool, and Cranky, if they really wanted another DK character they shouldn't go for Funky. Lanky has more potential.

And definitely not Lord Frederick.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I have a feeling some people in this thread will appreciate this:

Anyhoo, I've lost my taste for p.issing contests between K. Rool and Dixie in terms of importance when both easily have passed the threshold to where they both should've been in Smash by now. I think a lot of which of the two you think stands out hinges on the importance you place on villains (I'm of the mind that they're key in driving most plots) and also who you prefer as a personality and an envisioned moveset.

Part of why the "DK Rep" argument irritates me is because forcing the two characters into a horse race, as though we can only get one or the other, is settling, plain and simple. That's a statement some people would look at and go "Baww, so insatiable," but that assumes I only want K. Rool to satisfy a series quota. Like, I prefer K. Rool by a wide margin but I'm still going to want Dixie if he makes it in. There's yet to be a Smash game yet where at least one series hasn't gotten two unique newcomers. Why not DK this time, given how long people have been asking for K. Rool and Dixie and what each can bring to the table?
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Smash Ace
Jan 9, 2002
Jalisco, Mexico
Chunky was so likeable and was my favorite Kong in DK64. I wish he was the one contending for the DK echo fighter slot.

And I only want Shovel Knight in Smash so Cranky has a chance to be playable as an echo fighter of him. SK War Horn="Borrowed" Lord Fredrik Horn
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Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
It's such a shame that Lanky and Chunky's verses were clipped from the DK Rap in Smash 4/Ultimate. They'll probably never appear in another game again, so it was nice that they were at least enshrined in that one music track.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2015
K. Rool would help complete the evil king quartet of classic Nintendo villains between him, Bowser, Ganondorf, and Dedede. He would be an interesting addition if they combined elements from all 4 of his central game apperances for a moveset.
King Dedede isn't evil tho. I mean can you look at this happy group of borbs:

And tell me that the one on the top left is evil?
I think that Bowser, Ridley, Ganondorf, and K. Rool would make for a proper quartet of Nintendo villains in Smash myself.
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Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
I have a feeling some people in this thread will appreciate this:
Virgin vs. Chad memes are patrician-tier.
King Dedede isn't evil tho.
He was only "evil" (really selfish) in the first game and has either had good intentions or been possessed every game since. It's kind of funny that people still refer to him as a villain.
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
King Dedede isn't evil tho. I mean can you look at this happy group of borbs:
View attachment 150904
And tell me that the one on the top left is evil?
I think that Bowser, Ridley, Ganondorf, and K. Rool would make for a proper quartet of Nintendo villains myself.
The thing with the Kirby universe is Dedede, like Bowser, will join his enemy if a greater threat happens to come. And the Kirby universe is filled with Eldritch horrors and creations of God's long since past that attempt to destroy the universe. After the first games, it was non stop universal threats. But Dedede and Kirby still go out it from time to time. Return to Dreamland starts with Kirby and Dedede fighting and Squeak Squad actually had a waddle Dee stealing Kirby's cake if you slow it down.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2015
The thing with the Kirby universe is Dedede, like Bowser, will join his enemy if a greater threat happens to come. And the Kirby universe is filled with Eldritch horrors and creations of God's long since past that attempt to destroy the universe. After the first games, it was non stop universal threats. But Dedede and Kirby still go out it from time to time. Return to Dreamland starts with Kirby and Dedede fighting and Squeak Squad actually had a waddle Dee stealing Kirby's cake if you slow it down.
I mean, Kirby and Dedede are rivals for sure, but that doesn't make Dedede evil. You bring up Returns to Dreamland, but in that game, he teamed up with Kirby to help out Magolor at no real benefit to himself, and was even enthusiastic to do so. No Eldritch Abominations there (Well, at first), he just decided to help out just because. Sure he does mean things occasionally, but I think you can only call him an anti-hero or a bully at worst. Stealing food was the worst thing he ever did, and he hasn't done anything that bad again that since then. Even in stuff like Revenge of the King and Battle Royale, where he's the main antagonist, his goal is just to prove that he can beat Kirby, not to make people suffer or anything.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2015
How is it not evil to take ALL of your people's food? Sometimes evil is mundane. And cute.
Thing is, he's only done that once. Since then, he's only ever been a good guy, possessed, or just trying to beat Kirby (Not kill him, just beat him). Until we get a game where he outright terrorizes Dream Land on his own free will by actively stealing their food again to starve them (Or something else on that level), and/or trying to actually kill Kirby, I don't think I can say in good faith that he's evil. Kind of a jerk at times, but it's pretty clear that his heart is in the right place when it counts, as he's been pretty firmly on the side of good in the Main Series since Returns to Dream Land. Certainly not evil at all compared to K. Rool, who's tried to starve the Kongs by stealing the Banana Hoard, and later decides to just blow up the Kongs and their island out of hatred (Was that a half-hearted attempt to keep this from being completely off-topic? Maybe. Though I do think it's funny that both K. Rool and Dedede stole food in their debuts, though K. Rool had significantly more malicious intent, compared to Dedede, who was just greedy and wanted to eat).


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
King Dedede is an iconic Nintendo boss character who shows up in almost every Kirby game to be battled regardless of the circumstances.

But saying he's a villain is just easier.


Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2014
New Jersey
There's different levels to villainy, characters like K. Rool, Ganon, and Ridley are the extremes on the spectrum they actively attempt to kill their protagonist's and will go to great lengths to do it. I would argue that from most Evil to least of the 3 it'd be Ganon, Ridley, K. Rool in that order than you have Bowser who sort of is like the middle ground he tries to harm Mario yet exibits a sort of "friendly" rivalry with him, he clearly dislike's Mario but can and will be civil with him. Than you have the soft villain's they have villainous behavior like being greedy, bullying anyone weaker than them, etc. but in the end their more selfish than anything, like Wario and DeDeDe..

A character who is miserly, greedy, or selfish can be just as much a bad guy as a killer. It's just they have different motives and have different limits on how far theyll go to thwart their enemies.

DeDeDe is greedy and selfish which are villainous traits


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2015
At this point, figuring out what makes a character like Dedede considered evil/a villain/etc has gotten my brain in a jumble. I'll just say that from my perspective that Dedede has been given more heroic depictions than villainous, so I'm choosing to believe that he is aligned more so with good than evil, but I'll concede that "small-scale villain" isn't necessarily an inaccurate descriptor for Triple D. I just don't think he fits in well with Ganondorf, Bowser (to a much lesser extent), Ridley, and K. Rool. It's kind of funny though. He's a cartoony penguin in a robe but there are far more layers to his alignment than you'd think. Because if you try to consider whether he's a Hero, Anti-Hero, Neutral, Villain, or Anti-Villain, you could really make a case for him being any one of these labels. I personally believe that he fits best as an anti-hero myself though.

...But I really should stop talking about the wrong obese king here.

Mr Gentleman

Smash Journeyman
Feb 9, 2014
There's different levels to villainy, characters like K. Rool, Ganon, and Ridley are the extremes on the spectrum they actively attempt to kill their protagonist's and will go to great lengths to do it. I would argue that from most Evil to least of the 3 it'd be Ganon, Ridley, K. Rool in that order
I've actually been curious about how Ridley's villainy compares to Ganon. there is that part of me knowing Ridley would think he is the worst. but I'm not actually that familar with Ganon and all his various evil deeds so I can't really say one way or the other.

I just know Ridley enslaves children. enjoys murder simply for the pleasure of causing others suffering. and has commited genocide against at least one planet's population of sentient life. if not several.
also things like this just put's him on a whole new tier of jerk.

granted with the sheer number of zelda games and the being the literal embodiment of evil. Ganon still probably has him beat.

but either way I'd agree that 3rd is a good place for K. Rool. quite clearly Evil. but not quite to the degree to compare with a demon king or a sadistic purple pterodactyl Pirate
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 28, 2011
Eugene, Oregon
There was a way that dude could have written the 4chan post that described those characters realistically but he took a hard left.


The Nintendo Villain main!
Sep 5, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Switch FC
SW 5604 9250 9133
Man these "leaks" are embarrassing. People don't even go through the effort anymore to make them seem semi-believable. No pics, footage, docs, anything just straight text. Granted even if they had pics/footage it would probably still be fake. We've been through this rodeo many times before. But at least putting effort into your fake "leaks" makes it more fun. Also has there been a single Smash Ultimate leak that doesn't have K.Rool on it? Don't get me wrong I'm glad most people (whether they like K.Rool or not) deep down know he's long overdue and that Ultimate can't be "Ultimate" with no K.Rool or hell even no Dixie (she has been appearing on more leaks as well. Granted not to the extent of K.Rool).


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2018
Man these "leaks" are embarrassing. People don't even go through the effort anymore to make them seem semi-believable. No pics, footage, docs, anything just straight text. Granted even if they had pics/footage it would probably still be fake. We've been through this rodeo many times before. But at least putting effort into your fake "leaks" makes it more fun. Also has there been a single Smash Ultimate leak that doesn't have K.Rool on it? Don't get me wrong I'm glad most people (whether they like K.Rool or not) deep down know he's long overdue and that Ultimate can't be "Ultimate" with no K.Rool or hell even no Dixie (she has been appearing on more leaks as well. Granted not to the extent of K.Rool).
I feel you, but i think we can all agree we'll hope to god anything pro- K. Rool to be real anyway~


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2018
Sora Ltd.
Switch FC
I'd put Lanky before K. Rool or Dixie. Lanky is like my #1 most wanted Smash character... Unironically
Neutral Special - Funny face
Down Special - Does a handstand when he needs to
Side Special - Stretches his arms out, just for you
Up Special - Inflates himself just like a balloon
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