Falco's illusion has invincibility at the beginning though, you can't f-smash it except for in the middle or at the end (which he'll be too far away from Kirby unless he's Illusioning into Kirby which is ********).
Kirby will never be that close to Falco if he's planning on punishing Falco, which is something Kirby always does. Only time Kirby will be up close to Falco is if Falco's committed to an action, like an attack, freefall, recovering (Kirby on the stage while Falco recovering), etc. Otherwise, it's just Kirby taunting Falco with safe bairs or simple jumps around his maximum range.
I know what you're talking about at the sitting distance, but a good Falco won't fall for it unless they have bad reaction time and try to Illusion because they overpredict and get scared.
Well, why can't the good Kirby not fall for Illusion? Why is Falco the only "good player" in your scenario? A good Kirby will know where to stand so that when Falco does Illusion he can bair, and at the same time stay in close-enough range so that he has time to punish Falco if he whiffs something.
Even when you just stand in a spaced position, it's a gimmick honestly, if a Falco has good reaction time, they won't do anything UNTIL you attack then get the safe illusion (unless you have the lead and the Falco's scared, but if the Falco plays right, Kirby should never get the lead).
This is hardcore theorycrafting right there. Saying "I believe Falco is 100-0 vs Kirby because of blablabla", while there are Kirbies out there beating Falcos in the real world
regularly, shows how your argument holds no water. No disrespect meant, of course! It's just that for an argument to actually be true, it has to fit with what's going on in actuality. I mean I could make an argument about how Falco 100-0 almost the whole cast with illusion as well! But it will never fly in the game, because it's not true. If it was, there would at LEAST be a bigger group of people complaining about his sideB than just you, and at most there'd be people asking for Falco to get banned for having 100-0 on a majority of the cast... Which even the word "false" is an understatement to how wrong that is.
I guess maybe if you powershield then buffer a roll back you'll be close enough to pressure them and if you read a back-to-back illusion or if they roll back, spotdodge or something... I GUESS you can get a punish. But the Falco won't fall for it much if they're good. Besides it's too situational and that situation can be downloaded/not fallen for after just one time.
Also more hardcore theorycraft. Situational doesn't mean it won't work, it means that it WILL work under certain situations guaranteed, and under others it may not. However, I'm pretty sure powershield>roll>utilt is too slow to punish a Falco that cancels his sideB properly to get the smallest amount of landing lag possible. He'd either jab or grab Kirby before he even begins his utilt, our roll isn't exactly stellar, and the chances of you being in the right spot to powershield>roll>utilt, even more considering you HAVE to powershield, are o slim you might not even want to depend on it for punishes. If I had time to powershield it, why couldn't I just bair him or something? If I'm at rolling distance of Falco's landing spot, then that means that his sideB is vulnerable to my bair as well, right?
It's hard to explain, but those Illusion punishes you're talking about will only work on someone with bad reaction time or someone who doesn't know Kirby's hitboxes, otherwise they WILL only Illusion when it's safe (which isn't hard). Falco can still do other things than Illusion when you're at that sitting distance.
Thing is, Falco knows you can hit him out of Illusion with ease. If he sees you're one of those players who sucks at punishing it, he'll be more liberal with it, using it whenever he feels like it. If he sees you know what to do, he'll be very conservative and try to avoid taking damage from something as silly as sideB'ing into Kirby's bair. And finding a "safe" time to sideB against a good Kirby is about as hard as Kirby properly punishing Falco's sideB... You could go either way with that argument, to tell you the truth. Reason why falcos don't complain that "Kirby has the ability to bair us out of sideB or dair our recovery every time" is because they know it's not entirely true, else they'd see lots more Falcos raging around the world when fighting Kirbies. I'm not saying it's a 50/50 chance, but that it depends on how well each player knows how to fight their opponent. You might have a Kirby mainer who loves walking around, and he may have some trouble vs Falco. But bring in an aerial Kirby and things will start looking brighter, Falco won't be able to do as much as he could to the grounded Kirby mainer on the aerial one.
Also, I think Falco has a 100-0 match-up on any character who can't punish Illusion, but I don't know who all those are. Obviously Ganon is one of them, I dunno the rest, I don't play many characters, but I think Illusion is underrated and possibly the best move in the game. Kirby would beat Falco 60-40 if not for Illusion, IMO.
When discussing MUs, we made it a mission to not go with the "best possible scenario for everything and assuming perfect computer-like execution of ATs" due to the human factor. For example, we don't see people going around talking about how Diddy's BDACUS makes retreating from MK a walk in the park, right? Instead, we get people talking about how Diddy's shield is pretty reliable for waiting out MK's tornado, because it's actually achievable for people. BDACUS is pretty hard to pull off, and if you slip up MK'll be all over you in a second flat while you wait for whatever animation you ended up doing out of the many timed inputs you have to do in a split second.
And that same thing applies to Falco's Illusion. We can't assume the opponent will always be ready to sideB across the stage out of Kirby's reach while also assuming Kirby can't bair Illusion, that's just not true. Kirby can punish Falco's sideB just as well as Falco can successfully perform a sideB and zip across the stage untouched. What if Kirby feints an approach to Falco that seems real enough for the player to decide a sideB is safe? Kirby'll now punish Falco for it and it won't be a 100-0 MU anymore, now, would it? I mean, why must Falco be the only one baiting Kirby and sideB'ing perfectly, why can't Kirby bait Falco into thinking he successfully baited Kirby, and sideB'ing into a trap?
Chu also says Kirby vs Diddy is 50-50, but he also is really good with naners (back in 2009 when he used to not know how to use the naners, he did suck vs Diddy and now he's great vs Diddy), so I agree having item mastery is important, but I don't think a Kirby will have have mastery of items good as let's say... ADHD with his naners or Salem with his armor pieces. I do agree Kirby's should DEFINITELY learn how to use items to help them in those MUs, but they're not bad players if they aren't ADHD level with their naners or Salem level with their armor pieces, that's ridiculous. -_-
I'm absolutely sure a Kirby can have item mastery as good as ADHD or Salem. "Skill" in a videogame isn't something you can keep increasing nonstop, there's bound to be a ceiling somewhere where even the best players in the world can't surpass. The game has limitations, and you can't breach those limitations; it's a fact for pretty much every single game ever created. If ADHD could get good with items, someone else has the ability to get just as good with items, maybe even surpass him. If it were impossible to catch up to the best of the best, how did ADHD catch up to M2K? I mean, M2K's been playing Smash for longer than ADHD, was the first to be called the world champion, and this all happened before ADHD was a top player (before Japan came into the picture, since world champion is no longer true for him). Same as Ally. Same as Armada. Same as Hungrybox, Mango, PC Chris, Ken, Isai, DEHF, Rain, Otori, Nietono, you name it. The game's limitations come back to bite people in the butt when other, newer players catch up to them and become actual competition.
Mastering items isn't too hard, either. It's all a matter of knowing when to input commands, how close items need to be and having good enough reaction time. Z-catching is easy as hell, catching with attacks is doable, and ADCIT is also quite possible (although I personally prefer z-catching myself, I find it easier to do on-the-spot without having to commit to an attack animation if I mess up, and the window for catching items is quite huge). I may have learned from using ZSS extensively, but that doesn't mean people can't achieve better item control by other means.
Sounds like you're in a slump to me, Poyo.