I'm replaying Gravity Rush 2 atm and it's just such a great, underrated game.
Just moving around is so much fun!
I was one of the two people who played quite a lot of Playstation All Stars back in the day, and I really enjoyed it for a year or so.
Kat was such a fun, unique character in there, it would be a shame to let her rot in a dead crossover fighter!
With more fighters confirmed coming to the game I say i fully support her! I feel like every video game character ever has a chance at this point, even if her's seems to be slimmer than a hair.
The only things going for her are that she has been in a crossover fighter before, that she would be pretty unique, and that she could bring in a very interesting looking stage (including gravity change mechanic?) with great music.
I'm quite hyped playing this right now, and I was thinking about what characters would be really cool for smash, and she came to mind!
I feel like this thread will die down again quickly, but I just wanted to voice my support for her ^^ Anyone should give Gravity rush a try!