Hey guys, this is Ben (guy who brought the Melty Blood setup; played Arc).
Just wanted to say I had a good time, even though I didn't enter anything. Good games to everyone I played in MB/GG/BB/anything. Also, I've met some of the smash players there and they seem like good people. Even though we play different games, we still play fighters. I can still watch Smash at a competitive standpoint and even attempted to play it at some point in time (I played Metaknight) but I personally couldn't get into it, but everyone else could and did. Nothing against the community or anything like that, it was of my personal journey with that game.
I understand what Zero_Gamer tried to do last night and it worked to a certain extent. More Smash tournaments trying to bring in something different for a change. I honestly don't see the problem in it. If people had extra setups for the games they played, they would for sure be playing it, granted they had people who played it a little or knew very little about it. This is how you grow a community, keep representing what you play anywhere and everywhere you are. Someone's gonna see it.
Are we really gonna wait until Final Round or some other "big tournament" to put multiple communities together? I want to see you guys prosper like any other community out there now. I really would like to chill and play you guys multiple times at multiple tournaments. And yes, Smash is your main game and you represent it to the fullest, but don't think that Smash is the only scene here. I think Zero_Gamer wanted to see what else was out there. That's all.
I bet the next tourney he has is probably gonna be a little more camp on the games list, since some had little to no entrants and little scene (like Melty), but I'd still bring mines for me and my buds to play on. And of course, I'd still spit commentary for Smash matches. It's fun period.
Will_: I wanted to play you in Blazblue but forgot to when I was about to leave. Sooooo wanted to.