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Kamek for SSBB


Smash Apprentice
Apr 9, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Kamek, Bowser's former guardian and advisor, has a long history in Yoshi and Mario games. Even though he first appeared in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, the Magikoopas (Kamek's race) appeared in Super Mario World. In total he has appeared or been mentioned in a at least 10 games. He is probably Yoshi's greatest enemy.

I think he would be a possible character to star in the upcoming SSBB. He has a lot of potential moves including using his magic, attacking and shooting with his magic wand, teleport and riding his broomstick. I would really like to see a Magikoopa in the game, espescially Kamek.

What do you think about having Kamek or a Magikoopa in the game and what kind of moves do you think he would have?

To learn more about Kamek, click HERE


Smash Cadet
Feb 24, 2006
Kamek or a Magikoopa would be sweet

It would be great to have an all magic character.

I would love to see him tranform one of those yellow blocks into a Koopa or a Goomba as a move. It could be like Peach's turnip and randomly bring out a bomb or something.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Ugh...Not another thread suggesting an obscure character. Look, not many people like Kamek and for good reason too. HE is basically a weird looking witch that can't fight and just summons things to fight for HIM. (Yoshi's Island when HE made those little enemies into bosses) If HE was popular HE would've been included in those mario games like mario party, mario tennis, mario golf but she wasn't.

Boo has a better chance of appearing in this game and I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 9, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Marshigio said:
Ugh...Not another thread suggesting an obscure character. Look, not many people like Kamek and for good reason too. She is basically a weird looking witch that can't fight and just summons things to fight for her. (Yoshi's Island when she made those little enemies into bosses) If she was popular she would've been included in those mario games like mario party, mario tennis, mario golf but she wasn't.

Boo has a better chance of appearing in this game and I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen.
Kamek is a male magikoopa, so you should say he, not she. Magikoopas appeared in Mario Superstar Baseball.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
PZX2DN4F said:
Kamek is a male magikoopa, so you should say he, not she. Magikoopas appeared in Mario Superstar Baseball.
Mario Superstar Baseball included some of the most obscure characters in mario history(those people from delfino island, dry bones) so I really don't see why you're using that as a point.


Smash Lord
Jun 11, 2005
The only problem with Kamek is that there's alot of Mario characters in the game already, plus there are Mario characters that aren't in the game yet that would probably get in before Kamek(Toad, Geno, ...).

I think Kamek could be a good character, but I'd be suprised if he got in. If he does get in, he can shoot those sparkly shapes that Magikoopas shoot in Super Mario World as a projectile attack, & if you hit an item with it the item randomly changes into a different item. So you could shoot it at something like a Mr. Saturn & Mr. Saturn could turn into something like a Pokeball or a Hammer.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 9, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Marshigio said:
Mario Superstar Baseball included some of the most obscure characters in mario history(those people from delfino island, dry bones) so I really don't see why you're using that as a point.
You mentioned some Mario sports and party games and said that if he was popular, then he would've appeared in some of them. I mentioned Mario Superstar Baseball to prove that his race appeared in a Mario sports game. Dry bones is not obscure. He even appeared in Mario Kart DS and he is the most popular character. Kamek was supposed to be in Mario Kart 64, but got replaced by DK. (I mentioned this you seem to think that he is so **** obscure)

freeman123 said:
The only problem with Kamek is that there's alot of Mario characters in the game already, plus there are Mario characters that aren't in the game yet that would probably get in before Kamek(Toad, Geno, ...)
Kamek could be used a Yoshi character, because he has appeared more often in Yoshi games than in Mario games. As far as I know, Yoshi is the only Yoshi character in the game so far.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
PZX2DN4F said:
You mentioned some Mario sports and party games and said that if he was popular, then he would've appeared in some of them. I mentioned Mario Superstar Baseball to prove that his race appeared in a Mario sports game. Dry bones is not obscure. He even appeared in Mario Kart DS and he is the most popular character. Kamek was supposed to be in Mario Kart 64, but got replaced by DK. (I mentioned this you seem to think that he is so **** obscure)

Yes, key words there he got replaced by DK. Why? Because Kamek would've been a terrible choice. He IS obscure and is just a character Nintendo uses to help Bowser.

I know Dry Bones was there in Mario Kart DS but since he appeared as a playable character in one game does that mean he should be a playable character too?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 9, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Marshigio said:
PZX2DN4F said:
You mentioned some Mario sports and party games and said that if he was popular, then he would've appeared in some of them. I mentioned Mario Superstar Baseball to prove that his race appeared in a Mario sports game. Dry bones is not obscure. He even appeared in Mario Kart DS and he is the most popular character. Kamek was supposed to be in Mario Kart 64, but got replaced by DK. (I mentioned this you seem to think that he is so **** obscure)

Yes, key words there he got replaced by DK. Why? Because Kamek would've been a terrible choice. He IS obscure and is just a character Nintendo uses to help Bowser.

I know Dry Bones was there in Mario Kart DS but since he appeared as a playable character in one game does that mean he should be a playable character too?
Dry bones should not be a playable character because:
1) He is not a unique character.
2) He would have a terrible moveset.

Kamek is a unique character and could have a reasonable moveset. This makes him a much better and possible character than dry bones.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Kamek isn't unique. He's basically just a witch with a cartoon look to him. I can't see him using many moves but then again I could be wrong(look at fox, captain falcon, game & watch who knew they could fight?) But I just think he would be a boring character to play as, thats all.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 9, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Marshigio said:
Kamek isn't unique. He's basically just a witch with a cartoon look to him. I can't see him using many moves but then again I could be wrong(look at fox, captain falcon, game & watch who knew they could fight?) But I just think he would be a boring character to play as, thats all.
Kamek is unique, as in the single one of his kind. There is only one Kamek, but several magikoopas. Kamek could both use the moves he uses in the different games he has appeared in, and use moves that magikoopas use in Super Mario World.


Smash Ace
Aug 21, 2005
freeman123 said:
The only problem with Kamek is that there's alot of Mario characters in the game already, plus there are Mario characters that aren't in the game yet that would probably get in before Kamek(Toad, Geno, ...).

I think Kamek could be a good character, but I'd be suprised if he got in. If he does get in, he can shoot those sparkly shapes that Magikoopas shoot in Super Mario World as a projectile attack, & if you hit an item with it the item randomly changes into a different item. So you could shoot it at something like a Mr. Saturn & Mr. Saturn could turn into something like a Pokeball or a Hammer.
Yes there are alot of mario characters in the, but look at the difference beetween SSB64 and melee. There was a ton of characters added. There is no saying that not alot of characters will be added.

As for Kamek, I sort of like the idea, but there are just so many other mario characters that(And have caused alot of discussion)at I feel stand out more. Characters like Daisy, Toad, and Waluigi seem more likely to get in . Don't think I don't like him, it's just that it seems very unlikely he will be thrown in.



Smash Lord
May 14, 2006
Walnut Creek, CA.
freeman123 said:
The only problem with Kamek is that there's alot of Mario characters in the game already, plus there are Mario characters that aren't in the game yet that would probably get in before Kamek(Toad, Geno, ...)
Exactly, I would be made if Toad didnt get in because of Kamek.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Besides, how many people would say something like, "Wow Kamek is in this game? I'm definetly going to go play as him over metaknight, pit, or snake" my point is, with all the characters already announced no one would be excited over Kamek being included in this game...except for you.


Smash Rookie
Dec 4, 2005
Kamek would be awesome. Including his character in the game would serve two purposes: it'd be a nod to the koopa/magikoopa race (who would otherwise be too bland to make it in the game themselves), and it would provide a chance to develop a character with a totally unique moveset. Personally, I'd love to see Kamek air-dashing across the stage like a guilty gear character, throwing guile-esque slow speed projectile traps, or smacking people around with his giant broomstick. A unique and interesting character like Kamek should have a spot in this game over a half-hearted clone like Waluigi anyday.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
oh no! not another mario character suggestion thread. all the good mario characters are in smash already. don't you think you should give other franchises a chance (limited space)
Actually, Kamek's more of a Yoshi character, as has already been mentioned. Like Yoshi himself, he could be put under either the Egg or the Mushroom symbol, but he's actually one of the only new Yoshi chracters that could potentially be put in.

Having a new magic-user would be great. Naturally, Kamek is competing with other candidates, some from Fire Emblem, some from Legend of Zelda, but he'd have some unique attacks.

B: He shoots forward a spirally, rainbow-coloured bolt of energy (a magikoopa attack from Paper Mario) that goes straight ahead, doing light damage, but moving on a weird trajectory.
TiltB: He raises his wand and creates a large yellow block in the air in front of him, and it drops, doing heavy damage to anyone it hits. Once it hits the ground, it crumbles away.
UpB: He takes out his broom and shoots diagonally up. Anyone he connects with takes light damage.
DownB: He shakes his wand for a few seconds, than he grows up to about DK's size. His attacks all do slightly more damage for the next ten seconds or so.

(Moveset is mostly based off of Magikoopa attacks in Paper Mario, because I've never played Yoshi's Island)

And that's just a start. Personally, I think Kamek would be a unique and fun-to-use long-range character.


Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2007
This idea deserves a revival because it's one of the best I've ever heard.

He was the main villain of Yoshi's Island, which may be a Mario spin-off, but it was one of the most significant platformers ever made by Nintendo. Not to mention the Yoshi's Island stage we've already seen in Brawl. It seems like all the signs are pointing to Kamek.


Smash Rookie
May 12, 2007
Kamek would be a quite nice character to add, ways better than Toad or Waluigi.
Maybe a character with very strong magic skills, but weak normal attacks.

I also liked the idea of a Kamek stage if he is not implented a charakter.
Kamek flying around and changing a lot of things in the battle with his rainbowcoloured magic - like in the Yoshi Island-Boss fights - would be funny.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2007
Yeah! Kamek not is a bad option, he is a classic character of Nintendo, is a villian and he has a various move set


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Kamek should be added to represent the yoshi series, it need more rep, and theres only a few characters that can do it...

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
Yes I agree Kamek would be a great character for Brawl

Not to many Yoshi Characters you could really add, unless you wanted to go crazy and add Baby Mario, but who want another Mario?
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