Hey guys! Just thought I'd pop in with a little info (good and bad news).
So, all of you remember that "Smash-Fest" thing that happened at Best Buy, right? Well, at mine, I met someone from Nintendo who was a relations worker or whatever (he goes back and forth between the US and Japan). Anyway, being one of the first ones there on June 11th (I think that was the date), I had an awesome conversation with him. I asked him if he knew of any other characters that weren't announced yet, and he said that Captain Falcon, Ness, and Jigglypuff were all returning (which was confirmed), and I asked him if Mewtwo, Ghirahim (can't spell his name), and Dixie Kong were in, but he said they weren't (either he didn't know the full roster or that proves Mewtwo wasn't held back from the final game). Now, why am I saying all this now? Because it didn't seem appropriate before. I mean, Captain Falcon, Ness, and Jigglypuff were all pretty safe bets. So...
Anyway, the guy gave me his business card, and additionally, his cellphone number. I still have them to this day. I won't disclose his name as I don't want to get him into legal trouble (and he's also a really nice guy). There are a large group of people like him working for Nintendo, so they won't figure out who it is.
So last night, I decided to call him for the first time in forever. I reminded him that we talked at the Smash-Fest and asked if he knew what Nintendo is saying about the ballot. And... so... apparently, nothing about King K.Rool is floating around Nintendo at ALL.
Everyone is talking about Shovel Knight, if ANYTHING. Not even Rayman, not even Shantae, not even Banjo-Kazooie. Shovel Knight.
Due to it's incredible success, Nintendo wants to try and "secure" Yacht Club Games for some exclusive titles by making Shovel Knight a character in Smash. Now, don't take this the wrong way. He's not confirmed AT ALL right now, but everyone seems to be talking about him and discussing move-sets. Of course, this is just in the US. He doesn't know what's going on in Japan right now.
We continued talking a little bit more, and he said Roy and Ryu are DEFINITELY on their way (and a lot of people at Nintendo of Japan are PISSED right now). Mario's mascot may be a plumber, but the company sure has a lot of leaks...
I swear though, this guy is AWESOME. He gave some pretty sick Pikmin merch at Smash-Fest and let me hang around for several matches (on the 3DS and Wii U versions). Blow-off all this if you want, but there's one thing we know for sure now, and that's either Nintendo REALLY doesn't care about the ballot, or K.Rool's chances aren't as good as we initially thought.
So, good news, Shovel Knight has a good chance of being a character, and Roy/Ryu are on their way. When? He didn't know.
Bad news though, K.Rool isn't being brought up at all (except for Retro and that Twitter thing, but apparently, they're being REALLY overshadowed).