I always find Dixie's facial expressions in the show humourous bordering on horrendous.
This question is unrelated to that Twitter post btw..
Say that Dixie is revealed as a DLC character, not pre planned, but as a pick from the ballot, do you think her inclusion will have a positive or negative effect on K. Rools chances? Or perhaps none at all? I know it's hard to say given the position we are in, but if we're getting the exact number of rumoured DLC spots I'm not sure if we'd get 2 from the same franchise and looking at the other options.
But a K.Rool/Dixie trailer would be epic.
Would it be feasible for Nintendo tomake a trailer where the costume is seemingly "trashed" by DK/Diddy/Dixie/Whoever by means of showing off the real thing? Don't get me wrong I'd love to see K.Rool revealed like that

It just seems a bit...odd how they'd discard the costume in a potential reveal trailer with Rool considering people have spent money on the costume Eh, maybe just me, but do you know what I'm getting at?