I WANT to agree with this sentiment; however, part of me believes that they do not have to say anything and that if they intended to, they would have. The ballot did not even close on time, I just sort of feel as though it was a big attempt at creating smoke and mirrors, the illusion that we, as fans, were contributing to the future of the game.
That's a concern of mine. I have a krazy konspiracy theory that its just an excuse to get people to stop pestering Sakurai by giving people the ilusion of influence.
I have similar fears. The way I see it, the ballot is like a big test to determine if Sakurai is truly biased or not. If he doesn't add characters like Wolf or Krool, he is 100% biased and will receive proper punishment for such actions. This isn't the base roster, its DLC, and Sakurai can't use the same excuses he used with the base game, aka time restraints. I really do hope we get Wolf and Krool as DLC characters otherwise its game over for Sakurai. I really hope he's not biased against Wolf and Krool.
What ballot conspiracies do you guys have?
I'm just curious as to what you guys make of the other polls before this one - the ones that got us the likes of Ganondorf, Wario, Dedede, and Sonic.
What does this third one being international actually change about the whole thing, really?
The only difference I can see at all, is forms being available in various languages, plus the use of the words "ballot" and "consider" so that they have a nice, polite way of saying "
Goku and Shrek don't stand a snowball's chance on Hotbeat!" to folks who don't understand that it's a poll about video game characters (a concept distinct from non-video game characters receiving tie-in video games alongside their other tie-in merchandise like lunchboxes and t-shirts), without actually saying it.
I think everyone's konspiracy theories about the ballot are totally unfounded and ridiculous, just worthless pessimism.
It does feel like worry for the sake of worry, given the fifteen years of precedent from the other polls...
Technically Mr Game & Watch was a fan creation. Ostensibly somebody suggested the Game & Watch man as a character in Melee and Sakurai ran with it.
You know, I always did find it odd how Mr. Game & Watch has very little in common with the characters from the Game & Watch games, who were always notable for being extremely expressive...
So here's something I always forget to ask-
How do you guys even pronounce King K.Rool?
Is it "King Kay Rule"
or "King Kuh-Rule"?
I've always pronounced it "kay rule" but I've heard it the other way too.
"King Kay Rule", here, since that's how such name puns are supposed to be pronounced - like real names.
The "Kuh-Rule" thing was always something that I disliked about the TV show, because nobody pronounces names like that. For the sake of example, we'll use Barney Gumble from The Simpsons; If you were to write it as "B. Gumble", you'd say it as "Bee Gumble", not "Buh Gumble" - the same as for
anyone's name.