Suppor Spirit: Noel Vermillion
Type: Defense
Class: Ace ★★★☆
Slots: 1
Stage: Monorail
Music: Bullet Dance II
Conditions: The enemy favors neutral attacks, the projectiles of the enemy are stronger, the enemy has a enhaced Ray Gun
Ability: Shooting Attack ↑
The Ray Gun and the own Samus Gun are a reference to Bolverk, the Noel's guns.
Primary Spirit: Jin Kisaragi
Type: Attack
Class: Advanced ★★☆☆
Slots: 3
Stage: Iceberg (Battlefield)
Music: Lust SIN
Conditions: The enemy sword attacks are increased, the floor is frozen.
Ability: Ice-Floor Inmmunity
The frozen floor and the stage represents Jin's ice abilities
Primary Spirit: Iron Tager

(red palette)
Type: Grab
Class: Novice ★☆☆☆
Slots: 3
Stage: Monorail
Conditions: The enemy favors side special, the floor is electrified.
Ability: None
The Bowser's Side Special represent Iron Tager's command grabs, the zap floor represent Tager's electric powers.
Support Spirit: Hibiki Kohaku

(x3) (black palette)
Type: Defense
Class: Novice ★☆☆☆
Slots: 1
Stage: Pirate Ship
Music: In the Shadows
Conditions: Reinforcement will appear after an enemy is KO'd
Ability: Down Special ↑
The stage reference Hibiki's stage: Airship. The black Sheiks reference Hibiki's shadow abilities.
Support Spirit: Rachel Alucard

(dark palette)
Type: Attack
Class: Ace ★★★☆
Slots: 2
Stage: Dracula's Castle
Music: Queen of Roses
Conditions: Certain items will appear in large number (Hotheads), dangerously high winds are in effect, hostile assist trophies will appear (Alucard)
Ability: Electric Attacks ↑
The Hotheads represents Rachel's electric powers and Alucard is a reference to the Rachel's last name.
Support Spirit: Hazama

(green/yellow palette)
Type: Grab
Class: Advanced ★★☆☆
Slots: 1
Stage: Fourside (Omega)
Music: Glutonny Fang
Conditions: The enemy specials are increased.
Ability: Strong Throw
Min Min's arms represents Hazama's chains.
Primary Spirit: Tsubaki Yayoi
Type: Neutral
Class: Advanced ★★☆☆
Slots: 3
Stage: Monorail
Music: in JUSTICE
Conditions: The enemy has increased power
Ability: Evolves in Lvl 99.
Palutena resembles the "angelical" theme in Tsubaki
Primary Spirit: Izayoi
Type: Attack
Class: Ace ★★★☆
Slots: 3
Ability: Critical Hit ↑ ↑
Support Spirit: 
(Steampunk Outfit/Top hat)

(purple palette)
Type: Defense
Class: Novice ★☆☆☆
Slots: 2
Stage: WarioWare
Music: X-Matic II
Conditions: The enemy is metal (Daisy)
Ability: Undamaged Attack ↑
Primary Spirit: Kagura Mutsuki

(Advent Children)
Type: Attack
Class: Advanced ★★☆☆
Slots: 3
Stage: Yggdrassil's Altar
Music: Dark Aggresion
Conditions: The enenmy sword attacks are increased, the enemy has reduced speed.
Ability: Sword Attacks ↑
Support Spirit: Naoto Kurogane

(red/dark blue palette)
Type: Attack
Class: Advanced ★★☆☆
Slots: 2
Stage: Coliseum
Music: Jaeger
Conditions: Enemy's physical attacks are increased, the enemy favors specials.
Ability: Physical Attacks ↑
Naoto and Mac are quick and stronger fighters.
Primary Spirit: Azrael

(dark brown palette)
Type: Attack
Class: Ace ★★★☆
Slots: 1
Stage: Arena Ferox
Music: The Tyrant
Conditions: The enemy has increased power, stamina battle (200hp), the gravity is increased.
Ability: Unflinching Charged Smashes
Support Spirit: Relius Clover

(red palette)
Type: Neutral
Class: Advanced ★★☆☆
Slots: 2
Stage: Shadow Mosses Island
Music: Plastic Night II
Conditions: The enemy is metal (Samus), the enemy physical attacks are increased (Samus)
Ability: Made of Metal
Zero Suit Samus reference Ignis, the Relius's Doll.
Primary Spirit: Platinum the Trinity

(blue palette) (small)
Type: Defense
Class: Advanced ★★☆☆
Slots: 2
Stage: Magicant
Music: Active Angel II
Conditions: Random items will appear during the battle, Magic and PSI unleashed.
Ability: Magic Resist ↑
Primary Spirit: Hakumen

(white palette)
Type: Neutral
Class: Ace ★★★☆
Slots: 3
Stage: Eldin Bridge
Conditions: The enemy sword attacks are increased, the enemy starts the battle with a enhanced Killing Edge, the enemy perfect shields often.
Ability: Easier Perfect Shield
The spirit ability reference Hakumen's counter abilities.
Primary Spirit: Yuuki Terumi

(green palette)
Type: Grab
Class: Legend ★★★★
Slots: 2
Stage: Northern Cave
Music: Endless Despair II
Conditions: Magic and PSI unleashed, the enemy's grabs are increased, the enemy's specials are increased.
Ability: Magic Attack ↑ ↑
Yuuki and Robin has magic abilities, also They both have coats.
Primary Spirit: Susano'o
Type: Grab
Class: Legend ★★★★
Slots: 0
Conditions: Needs to be summoned using a Yuuki Terumi spirit, a Hakumen spirit and a random Neutral Spirit.
Ability: Critical Hit ↑↑↑
Support Spirit: The Six Heroes

(black palette),

(shiny palette),



(white palette),

(green palette)
Type: Neutral
Class: Legend ★★★★
Slots: 3
Stage: Final Destination
Conditions: (the conditions of Meta Knight/Hakumen and Robin/Yuuki Terumi remains), reinforcements will appear during the battle, the enemy's physical attacks are stronger (Wolf), the enemy has a Killing Edge (Incineroar), the enemy speed increase (Incineroar), Magic and PSI unleashed, the enemy favors Smash Attacks (Bayonetta)
Ability: Critical Stats ↑↑
Wolf reference Valkenhayn, Incineroar reference Jubei, Palutena reference Trinity Glassfield, Bayonetta reference Konoe Mercury/Nine the Phantom, and Meta Knight and Robin still reference Hakumen and Yuuki Terumi respectly