yeah but how do we use brickblocker on a real ssbb game disc???????
I can't confirm this since I haven't tried it myself, but I have read that when a disc 'requests' you to update your console, all this is merely doing is checking to see if your firmware is up to date (i.e. they look to see if your firmware is 3.0 or up).
That being said, if you update your Wii to the latest firmware prior to putting in a legitimate JP Brawl disc, they will request to install an update, but if your firmware is up to date--then nothing virtually happens (testimonials mention this is why sometimes this 'updating period' lasts no more than a second, since the firmware is already up to date).
In conclusion, brickblocker wouldn't be necessary if you have the latest firmware. But if it overly concerns anyone, the next thing you'd have to do is burn a copy of your legit Brawl disc and use Brickblocker + Regionfrii accordingly.
<.< But since it seems Brawl has some nasty obstacles tangled inside the disc, the possibility of bricking Wiis just seems to be rising.
It's precisely this reason why I've held off from modding my Wii at this point, but there are other reasons as well. One can only hope that modchip companies will correct the problem if Brawl presents another obstacle that makes all modchips at present incapable of playing it. But seeing as the makers of Wiikey are having some legal issues at the moment (and their site down due to it), their ability to quickly address this problem if it were to arise is questionable. Brawl hits NA shores about a month after it releases in JP--if Wiikey manages to create a fix in, let's say, 2 weeks time (which seems unlikely given their reputation), that pretty much means anyone in NA or Europe who modded their Wiis for Brawl would've done so for a mere 2 weeks headstart of everyone else outside Japan at the cost of their console warranty and reliability. That's a choice left up to everyone, of course.
In terms of legit copies, I'm sure lots of us are already aware of the massive supply shortages to retailers, and many people who have preordered Brawl won't be getting the game until earliest halfway through February, once again giving only 2 weeks or so advance from everyone else.
I'm totally down for importing Brawl for the sake of getting games early, but for these A-list titles, the modding business is still evidently in its infancy.
Shelling out hundreds of bucks for a JP Wii and Brawl might be not worth it for some, but it's certainly the path that will present the least problems at this point.