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It's 2 A.M on Spring Break...


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
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......and I'm going to write my first blog. It's mostly going to be whatever comes to my mind as I start writing. I'm not tired so it's probably not going to affect my writing. So I'm looking at getting a car. You would think the salespeople would be reasonable? No! The thing has 300 miles on it and they still don't consider it a used car. Well, it's not used by another person, but I think the salespeople have been driving it too much. My parents are hesitant, and I don't like that. They said if I earned great grades (Like, I'm not joking, I had to get all A's) then I could get the car of my choice. Here I am, choosing this car, and they won't get it. What....? That doesn't make sense to me...

You know what else doesn't make too much sense? I seem to focus in on my music (listening to my Ipod after diving practice in the car) late at night. I feel so...into it. Everytime I hear a great song at night, I just wanna picture myself in my own music video or...incorporate it into a combo video or something! I really like techno/video game music. I don't know where this comes from, though. Oh! And it really annoys me when I fall in love with a song, THEN it hits mainstream. Like, wtf. Then I just become another mainstreamer. Ehh, whatever I digress.

Custom Pokemon Shop! I work there, or, I did work there. I still do, but we are on Spring Break XD There was some conflict, but nothing too extraordinarily devastating. Does anyone here like working with art? We have a couple contests going on at the Poke Center. We have a spriting contest and a battling tournament run by Pink Reaper. If you are interested in art or battling, the Poke Center is great.

Please come =O I jailbroke my Ipod the other day! The best thing I've ever done ever. Playing Pokemon on my Ipod? Hell yes! I love it now! Well, I always loved it, but then my friend jailbroke his Iphone so I wanted to jailbreak mine.

I'm a springboard and platform diver. OMG a diver, yes, I dive. It's not swimming, hell, I spend like...14 seconds in the water then I get out again. It's not as easy as you think. It's freaking scary sometimes. Especially when you don't EXPECT to belly/backflop then you do. I recently landed flat on my back doing a dive of the 3 meter board. Knocks the wind out of you. You can't breathe but you start crying, and every time you try to breathe you just get choked up with tears. My back turned a very weird purple color. Yay for battle scars >_>

Ohh, relationships. Not my cup of tea, but hey, what the hell do I know? Relationships are great when they work out, but terrifyingly stupid when they obviously don't. Also, people who HAVE to be attached to someone really annoy me. I have this friend that, I'm not joking, meets a girl and then says "Hey, do you think we could go out??". It's like "uhhh, no, *******, you just freaking met her". He has had like...48 pity girlfriends that all break up within 2 weeks. At lunch the other day he sat with her for all of 45 seconds before coming back to our table and leeching off my Natural Cheddar Cheetos. <_< Fail.

I like when I can talk to people and relate to them. It's almost like a temporary brotherly relationship. Especially when people reveal things to me that they withhold. It makes me feel like I'm helping them in some way. I use to have this friend I talked to over a game called Combat Arms. He was a great guy, but then our clan started talking about school. We kept saying "Hey Nokii, what do you think of school?!". Then he said "I don't go to school, I have a social disorder". Naturally, awkward, but ****, it takes GUTS to say that! I mean, if you can talk to people online then why can't you talk to them in public? I don't know how that works but, ehh, I felt like I would only complicate things.

Exercise is uber kawaii. I could spend 4 weeks on an elliptical if I had to. I just like the feeling you get after working out. I may not be the fittest person ever but, who cares, I'm definetly not unhealthy. I work hard at cardio, I eat relatively well, and...I guess I'm happy with myself. It'd be great if I could lose a little weight, though. Have you noticed that each paragraph starts a new subject? I hate making threads that nobody reads, and proally nobody will read this, but oh...oh well. I don't really care unless I put alot of thought into it. I'm hosting a spriting tournament in the Poke Center. I hope that everyone who participates will show some good work. It's always hard to let people go if they worked so hard on a piece of art =/.

**** I wish I could draw. Like, totally. It'd be so freaking cool. I have all these awesome ideas, but my hand can't form it. I knew this girl in my Biology class who could easily draw AMAZING things. She drew one after the End of Course test that I was like "WOW". Seriously, drawing is a GIFT to people who have it!!

I don't like seafood. I just....isn't it nasty that the lobster was ALIVE only 20 minutes ago? It makes me cringe. Especially shrimp, they are like the cockroaches of the water. Gross. I had catfish once, and I thought it was good, but never again >_>

Waking up early on break is so hard. I really WANT to wake up during the AM hours, but whenever I sleep till 1 PM, I feel like I just wasted a day. I tell my parents to wake me up, and they do, but I just roll around in bed for another 3 hours <_< Yay for sleep. Why the hell do we wake up so early for school, anyway? I know I'M not really awake learning at 7:45 AM. Why not send the little kids to school earlier? They are up at the crack of dawn screaming and chasing each other around, anyway. Someone said that we start school earlier just in case older siblings have to get home first if the parents work to babysit the younger siblings. That's what after school programs are for!

On that topic, middle schoolers are so freaking tiny now. I don't even remember being that small in middle school. I also don't remember being so freaking annoying. They are SO annoying and talkative. Sometimes I feel like saying "Do you have to be so loud and obnoxious? The whole state doesn't need to hear you talking about the stupid **** you talk about".

Ehh, let's end it on a positive note. How good are Bagelfuls? Never had 'em? They are like hot pockets, but it's cream cheese inside of a bagel. Heat them up for 30 seconds and...oh, it's heaven. ****, I just realized the SAME song has been playing on Newgrounds for the ENTIRE time I've been writing this blog. It just looped over and over and over....oh well. I guess it helped me think. WOW, no typos. Yay for not-typos. And there is my very first blog. Uber kawaii, sorta fun! Yes, I say uber kawaii alot, no, I'm not Asian, I just like being stereotypical.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
You know what else doesn't make too much sense? I seem to focus in on my music (listening to my Ipod after diving practice in the car) late at night. I feel so...into it. Everytime I hear a great song at night, I just wanna picture myself in my own music video or...incorporate it into a combo video or something! I really like techno/video game music. I don't know where this comes from, though. Oh! And it really annoys me when I fall in love with a song, THEN it hits mainstream. Like, wtf. Then I just become another mainstreamer. Ehh, whatever I digress.
This is why I listen to JRock, that stuff never gets mainstream. Well, certain songs do if they're used in an anime but whatever.

Deleted member

Now that's a good blog. Just some random thoughts for us to read.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I really know what you mean about music. There are sometimes where I just listen to music and, whatever. But other times, like today, I listen to a song and I feel so...empowered by it, and I have a large urge to make a music video for it, or just use it for something. I was listening to Heaven by Angels & Airwaves and I got a HUGE urge to make a Mirror's Edge music video to it, or make a wallpaper with a line from it on there, or something.
But yeah, you've gotta hate when you love a song and then it becomes mainstream -- if only for the fact that you hear it 24/7 and then get sick of a perfectly good song.

I know what you mean, the people who insist on dating people just to date them. I knew one guy whom I don't recall ever being single for more than 2 weeks. >_>

I feel exactly the same way about drawing, too...I've always loved drawing, but I've always sucked at it too. I love having the freedom to form whatever you want, but the best I can do is minor spriting. That and tracing. =P

I'm exactly the same way about sleep, too...except all the time. I love getting up early, and when I wake up at eleven or later I hate myself because by the time you roll out of bed and get moving it's already so late that it feels like you've got no time left in the day -- which in turn causes me to stay up late to compensate, which makes me more tired, which makes it harder to wake up early, and then I go into a consistent cycle of sleep-lacking. Yay.

Now that's a good blog. Just some random thoughts for us to read.
And I second this. THIS is what a blog is supposed to be. Just your thoughts on...life, whatever you feel like talking about at the moment. It doesn't have to be on multiple things, but it certainly can be.


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
I love those Bagefuls! Delicious. ...But a bit nasty. I mean, the way the cream cheese gushes out of the tubular bagel thing...

Great blog, MK.
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