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Items in Brawl discussion (WARNING: LONG)


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
Hello. I created this thread after a debate I had with others in a local tourney thread. I think the idea of items in Brawl tourneys has not been sufficiently explored, and the more I consider it, the more I really think it is something that demands attention and testing.

NOTE TO MODS, et al: I put this in the Pac West Forum because we have a similar thread in the SBR, and I wanted feedback specifically from regional people. Also Brawl discussion is an abomination.

So, I personally think that we should have items ON in tourneys for now, or at least TO's should seriously consider it and not wave it off, so I'm going to start by listing my arguments, listing the arguments against items, and then my response to the arguments.

But first, just so it's clear what I mean by "items," this is the list of items that I have come up with that I think are reasonable. Open to change:

Beam sword (still not sure on this one)
Lip's Stick
Star Rod
Super Scope
Fire Flower
Mr. Saturn
Green Shell
Banana Peel
Team Healer
Franklin Badge

1: Items can make the game faster. You have more approach options. Picking up items is easy and can be done in the middle of a move. You can be a ****ing ninja with items. If we let ourselves run with items maybe we'll see things like this in tourneys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2ggN9xBvAI

2: Items allow more edgeguarding. As we're all well aware, the edgeguarding game is not as deep as most people would like it to be. You CAN still edgeguard sure, but with items you have so many more options possible.

2.5: This is kind of a combination of 1 and 2, but a lot of people's gripes with Brawl is that you're just trading hits back and forth until one guy dies. The fact that we have to work so long to get a KO through reiterating the process of mindgaming/strategizing/whatever for 1 or 2 hits at a time makes it TEDIOUS, and not interesting, as you would seem to have it. Trading hits for 4 minutes is not fun. It is anathema to the concept of momentum in the game, which was I think probably the most enjoyable aspect of Melee for me; figuring out how to make one correct move extend into maintaining pressure/dominance over a long period of time. If we have to mindgame each and every hit, there is no momentum, there is no long-term strategy (by long-term I mean like 10 seconds or however long runs last) beyond thinking about hit decay. Items most definitely introduce a greater emphasis on momentum. When you knock someone off the stage, items are all yours for that time. You can build on your advantage instead of just waiting for the opponent to come back and autograb the edge (I'm oversimplifying here but the wording is meant to appeal to people who find the edgeguarding game lacking).

3: Items are ANTI-CAMPING. I notice that campiness is another common complaint. Camping is sacrificing control of the stage for defense and safety. If you give up stage control with items on, your opponent is going to get more items and you'll be punished for it.

4: There are NO EXPLODING CONTAINERS. This was the one thing that pro- and anti-items people agreed upon was just too much back in the day when the decision to ban items was finally decided.

Arguments against:

1: Items imbalance the game. In Melee, Fox was even better with items, and he was already top of top.

2: Items are random. If you introduce randomness, you increase the variance in the game, and you give lesser skilled people more of a chance to win.

3: Items prevent us from advancing Brawl's metagame. They aren't a true test of skill.

4: The new way of picking up items is inconvenient. Sometimes you pick up items when you don't mean to, or it gets in the wat of what you were trying to do.

5: Items were off in Melee. Turning on items changes the fundamentals of the game and we shouldn't mess with it.

6: Items change the game in a way that is unappealing.


1: No argument can be made about balance in Brawl yet. We all have some predispositions as to what we think the tier list is, but we are all so ignorant of what the metaknight...I mean....metagame...is at this point that it doesn't even make sense to ask whether balance is better or worse with or without items. All you have is outright theorycraft right now. Hell, items could make it MORE BALANCED for all we know. In fact this is not just true for items. I think at this point balance is not an excuse to ban ANYTHING in Brawl. Not items, not tactics, and not stages. Bans must come from other reasoning. One of them is randomness:

2: I don't deny that item spawn time and places are basically random. Maybe the spawn points are fixed but the pattern that they appear in those points, if there is one, is so obfuscated at this point that it's random to us. However clearly we don't just ban ANYTHING random. Peach can get zero stitches or ****ing 3 stitches and a bob-omb in one match. That's a pretty **** big variance. None of the items I would propose to be in are as powerful as stitches or bob-ombs. So why didn't we ban Peach, who's already the 5th (or so) best character? We didn't ban because although yes her ****e was random, it was simply not worth removing a character to solve this problem. That is to say, if we remover her, we lose depth, and that loss of depth outweighs what we have to put up with from the randomness of her items. I say that taking out items altogether removes MUCH more depth than removing a single character. And for what? Like I said none of the items I propose can swing a match more than a stitchface can, so removing items is because of randomness is overreacting. If you say something like "I don't care what, anytime there's randomness it's a horrible thing," then either you're forced to ban Peach, or reconsider my argument.

Smash balls and assist trophies, to address them separately, are too powerful, on average. A one SB difference in a match...is basically the match. Getting one more item than your opponent is hardly anything. Please realize this has nothing to do with any FS being more overpowered than any others. It's about FSs in general. There is another argument against them I'll come to in the next point.

3: The argument that "items don't test skill." This is a loaded phrase, because it presumes a definition of "skill" already. That is to say, "without items" is the Status Quo of Brawl and the "true test of skill." But of course there is no reason to automatically assume that should be the case. You can't just declare by absolute fiat that this is the way it is, unless you demand that we should transfer the Status Quo of Melee over to Brawl as much as possible, which is clearly a silly thing to do. What defines a game? Well, a game is defined by what skills are tested. Coin matches are a perfectly legitimate game that DO take skill. They just don't take the SAME kind of skill that is in stock matches. The getting and the use of items is clearly a skill, and it's not a simple and shallow skill like running around and collecting coins in a coin match. You have to evaluate whether it's worth it to stop what you're doing to go and try to get the item. You have to fight your opponent over the item. I think that is the greatest part. All of a sudden that one hit means so much more. It's not just one unremarkable hit in your 4 minutes of trading hits with one another. And once you get the item you have to know what to do with it. The fan in particular has a lot of potential for comboability, etc.

Now of course you might say, "well ****, I could make you have to juggle every time you took a stock off me. Does that take more skill. Obviously it does. But who cares about juggling? It doesn't complement the skills in Smash at all!" This, I would argue, is valid for Smashballs (we have to address this because getting and using Smashballs is still a skill), but not for items in general (or at least the ones I've listed). The acquisition and use of Smashballs is simply not a very interesting skill to test (subjectivity alert!). Items are deeply ingrained into the nature of Smash. Even with items off, a good number of characters still have "items," and your items skills are still tested, albeit to a smaller degree. Point being, calling ability WITH items "skill" is relevant and justified.

To summarize about SBs to get it out of the way, If we allow SBs, "skill" becomes largely definied by your ability to get and use them, and "balance" becomes largely defined by a character's ability to get SBs, and the strength of their FS. This isn't because they are items, or because they are random. It is because, in general, they are very strong. The validity of this statement is precisely as valid as the strength of the item/tactic/etc in question. Why is what I just said a bad thing? Because the acquisition and use of SBs is not a very interesting skill to test or interesting aspect of game balance, and does not complement the other skills that Smash tests. The alert reader will point out that I've said SBs are too strong, but earlier I said we have no concept of game balance right now, so it would seem to be a contradiction. This is resolved by saying it's that SBs are so powerful compared to everything else in the game, i.e. a relative as opposed to an absolute statement.

To be quite honest, I wouldn't be 100% convinced by that last argument if I were a random (but reasonably intelligent) community newb. Call me crazy, but I think that there should be at least one major tourney WITH SBs and the like just to REALLY have solid evidence about all this stuff in the tourney setting. I don't like playing with SBs and I wouldn't be enthusiastic about going to a tourney where they were on. But as much as I hate them, I detest blatant conjecture and people saying "oh it's just so OBVIOUS" and people using anecdotal evidence as if it were proof even more. The Gamestop tourneys don't count, because the rest of the rules changes completely invalidate everything else. Anyway, you can disagree with me on this point but it has no effect on the points I make about items.

4: This argument just sounds like "We aren't perfect with the mechanics, so we're going to take it out." You're not going to learn the mechanics of items overnight. Items "get in the way" because we're not used to the Brawl system, because the whole point of Brawl is that it's a new game with new mechanics. So personally I disregard any complaints about mechanics. If you're an aware player, you are aware where items are, and know what's going to happen when you come in contact with them.

5: As I have said before, this is just proclaiming by fiat that the status quo of Brawl IS Melee. If that is truly your opinion on how things should be, you're perfectly allowed to think that way. But there is no reason to not just build Brawl up from the foundation; you will bottleneck the community and the growth of the metagame as well. Some say that introducing items interferes with the "true" metagame. I say that removing items just completely because you feel like it is willful ignorance, and you're already writing off a huge potential of what the metagame could be.

6 and Summary:

Well, that's really the bottom line isn't it? All these points, about randomness, balance, blah blah, can really all be summarized by "because it changes the game in a way I don't like." What if Hyrule somehow were perfectly balanced, and you couldn't runaway camp? It would STILL be banned, because it practically ceases to be Smash and becomes the game of the Cave of Life. That is a legitimate game believe it or not. But it's banned because it's so extraordinarily different from they way we play the game anywhere else. Mute City, Brinstar, etc change the game as well, but they aren't banned because we perceive the change to not be great enough. Note this is subjective. We can have objective facts about a game, like some of those that I have presented about Brawl, and come to differing opinions about what's "good" or "imbalanced" or "too much" randomness or game change.

So, all I'm saying is, maybe ITEMS is really the way we're supposed to go to give this game some depth. Maybe we'll find a vast metagame that items will show us. Maybe items will actually BALANCE the game and make it FASTER and more enjoyable. Maybe NONE of those things will happen. I'm saying this is a huge unexplored area that could potentially open up a lot of stuff, and I really think we should give it a shot. Again, this is not ITEMS FOR LIFE! This is "Let's test it to see which way is better."

I ask you to leave your prejudices and keep an open mind before you post.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2006
meridian ID
I've been thinking Brawl would be a better game with items on for a while, for pretty much the same reasons you listed.

My (pitiful, inconsequential, Idaho) Brawl tourneys will certainly try out items.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2007
Austin, Tx
i think you have some good ideas....this may be crazy enough to work lol.....until more of the game is discovered lol.....me and a few others are gunna try this out thursday and friday and ill let you know how we feel about it soon....because i kinda like the idea.....


Smash Champion
Mar 23, 2004
Portland, OR
You wrote off randomness way too soon. Accepting all else, the unpredictability of spawns is still the most frustrating thing to deal with.

Granted, your list of items doesn't include any which explode, they can still get in the way or interrupt you at a crucial time, namely when trying to land a killing move from the ground just before your opponent is out of stun and finding that you've picked up a fan instead.

Peach's turnips are random, but you get fair visual warning before it spawns and you can immediately know what it is as soon as it spawns. Peach can't pull turnips offscreen, so there's also no chance of your character randomly landing on a green shell or something (or having one off-camera slide into them), which might be inconsequential, or lead to your death if you've just upB'd someone out of your shield and need to land before they do (Samus players can sympathise).

Players can't be expected to be aware of things they have no information on. At least for me, items introduce this infrequent, but aggravating element to playing that really shouldn't be there.


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
You wrote off randomness way too soon. Accepting all else, the unpredictability of spawns is still the most frustrating thing to deal with.

Granted, your list of items doesn't include any which explode, they can still get in the way or interrupt you at a crucial time, namely when trying to land a killing move from the ground just before your opponent is out of stun and finding that you've picked up a fan instead.

Peach's turnips are random, but you get fair visual warning before it spawns and you can immediately know what it is as soon as it spawns. Peach can't pull turnips offscreen, so there's also no chance of your character randomly landing on a green shell or something (or having one off-camera slide into them), which might be inconsequential, or lead to your death if you've just upB'd someone out of your shield and need to land before they do (Samus players can sympathise).

Players can't be expected to be aware of things they have no information on. At least for me, items introduce this infrequent, but aggravating element to playing that really shouldn't be there.
Right, this is one aspect of "randomness" that I should comment more on. On Mute City in Melee for example, the cars don't come at random times, but let's suppose they did. You get a few seconds warning before the cars actually come with that noise and the thing popping up. It's almost not really even "random" anymore. But if they came INSTANTLY without warning, obviously that would have more of an influence on the match. I mean if something happens at a random time, but you got 10 second notice, then it's really no different than if it were just a normal part of the level. So the "surprise" factor is something that weights how influential the randomness is.

You're making the case that items can potentially have the maximum surprise factor, by spawning and immediately becoming "part of the game" in front of other people's faces without given time to react, or just being in the middle of something beyond your control. This is a valid concern. Deep Norcal and I tested items in 2v2 for 3-4 hours last weekend, and I didn't notice anything like this happening. There were definitely times that I picked up an item that I didn't want to pick up accidentally though. This of course is not worthy evidence that it can't happen, I'm just saying it didn't happen to me so it didn't even occur to me.

So, let's accept that it is a possible thing that can happen. The money question that I posed in the randomness section is whether the depth offsets the randomness. To answer this we have to have a guess as to how likely the event is to happen, and how much of an influence it has in the game when it does happen. There isn't really a good way to quantify these things so it just comes down to one's opinion of what frequency and how much influence combine to be too much variance from randomness to be worth it. I really think we can best glean this information through testing in tournament settings, because of many people's unfamiliarity with items, not to mention that we have yet to see how much items can improve the depth of the game before we can make a meaningful comparison. You may be completely right about, say, green shells, but it wouldn't apply to food or other items. And while it may be frustrating, surely you agree it's not something that must be eliminated at all costs.

Also, another aspect about Peach's turnips as opposed to random items, is that the opponent has even less control over this than randomly spawning items, because the stitch just appears in her hand, and not somewhere on the stage where we potentially have to fight over it.

Unrelated to your post, but relevant to the topic,

I really hope that people don't look at times when it's say last stock high % and one person happens to get an item advantage and win because of it, I hope people don't simply look at that one brief snapshot of the match when randomness was unfortunate but completely ignore the (perhaps) added depth of the rest of the whole match.

The Game II

Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2004
Northern California
The Gamestop tourneys don't count
I LOLed.

But seriously, I'm glad I saw this. I do agree about how there should be at least 1 tournament that is run with items, just to see what happens. I'm not sold yet, but these points opened my eyes.

Beam sword does 15 percent on a full charge, and it has insane range. What would be the reasoning against it (unless those are the reasons)?


edit: What kind of item frequency are we talking about here?


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
I really hope that people don't look at times when it's say last stock high % and one person happens to get an item advantage and win because of it, I hope people don't simply look at that one brief snapshot of the match when randomness was unfortunate but completely ignore the (perhaps) added depth of the rest of the whole match.
well as long as it does affect even one aspect of the game, thats reason enough.


Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2006
Alhambra, CA
well as long as it does affect even one aspect of the game, thats reason enough.
I completely agree. Even if 99% of the match sees more depth from the use of items, the 1% is what decides who wins or loses the match, and in a close match where money is on the line I think 1% is a little too much.


Smash Cadet
Mar 11, 2008
How about this argument.
Items change the aspect of a character. For example, characters without projectiles were designed specifically so they did not have projectiles. Regardless of balance issues, thrown items change the way a character is played, changing the essence of that character. Ike , marth, bowser, Mk, etc etc don't have projectiles. Even if these character did not get better or worse because of item usage, their intended playstyles change drastically. Even if they pick up something like a pokeball with a 100% chance of a goldeen, you give them a projectile to use now. Without items, a win or loss is determined by how well you play your character with his unique attributes. With items a win or loss is determined by a combination of how well you play your character and how well you use your items, lessening the impact of character skill, but increasing item usage skill. You're homogenizing the characters which is something fighting games in their very essence shy away from. You're no longer winning solely based on your skill with a character. You're now winning with a combination of you skill based on a character, and your overall ability to get items.

So to prevent this what can you do? You would have to remove all items that can be thrown. That leaves you with SB, ATs, Sandbag, Food, Max Tomato, Heart Container, Dragoon, Shrooms, Warp Star, Starman, Metal box, Bunny Hood, Spicy curry, timer, Lightning, Hammer, Golden Hammer, Team Healer, Soccer ball, Screw Attack, Franklin badge.
Of these there are the obvious bans: the hammer, Max Tomato, Heart Container, Timer, Spicy Curry, Soccer Ball, starman.

AT's like you say are much too strong, but smashballs I believe is perfectly fine, as the Final smash was designed with the character's unique attributes in mind.

Furthermore, if you're going to make the argument about explosive containers spawning randomly killing people as justification for ban, then any item that can affect you involuntarily should be banned. Take for example, you charge a smash, and a poison mushroom spawns right next to you, causing you to cancel your attack and now if the opponent so much as touches you, you die. How is that not different than explosive containers spawning right in front of you.
So that gets rid of the shrooms, the metal box, the timer, the lightning bolt.

You're now left with SB's, Sandbag, Food, Dragoon, Warp Star, Bunnyhood, Team Healer, Screw Attack, Franklin Badge. Team healer would only be used in teams. That would be a good item list, although you can make the "change the essence of the character" argument for bunny hoods and screw attacks.

Also, your idea of holding one tournament with SB on is flawed. You must hold multiple tournaments to prove they aren't random. Let's say time and time again Azen, Ken, M2k win tournaments consistently, placing in the top 3 everytime. Then, a tournament with SB is held, and none of those 3 are seen in the top 8 even. Instead random person A, random person B, and random person C are the top winners now. That doesn't prove that SB's are flawed. It might be the case that A,B, and C are better than those 3 guys when smashballs are turned on. You must hold multiple tournaments with SB's turned on, and see if the results are consistent.

I do not agree with your assertion that Final Smashers are too strong, especially in my suggestion here : http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=152797
(yes self promotion ftl, but i figured it was relevant to your topic of smashballs as allowable items)


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
well as long as it does affect even one aspect of the game, thats reason enough.
It affects all aspects of the game. I argue that they are all potentially positive except in this case.

I completely agree. Even if 99% of the match sees more depth from the use of items, the 1% is what decides who wins or loses the match, and in a close match where money is on the line I think 1% is a little too much.
So why don't you guys want to ban Peach, GW, Dedede, and Luigi? The exact same thing could happen with Peach pulling a stitch or bob-omb. And then it's not like you even get to fight over it! She just has it in her hand automatically. If you seek to eliminate randomness AT ALL COSTS, you cannot go without banning these characters. And I've already stated that banning items is removing more depth than banning a character, so in principle it should be less troubling to have character bans.

In fact you should also ban Yoshi's Story, because shyguys can eat Ness's PK Thunder, and they are basically random. There's that 1% chance that the Ness will just lose a stock for no reason on a recovery, simply because a random shyguy appeared from the side of the screen at the wrong time without warning. How is that fair? You may seek to push this argument aside by saying that's just an aspect of his character, and I push aside yours by saying it is an aspect of the game.

Or ban Dream Land because of the wind. Someone could be standing on the stage for the final edgeguard, and then the wind comes and moves them and messes up their attack.

The point I'm trying to make is you clearly can't believe 1% is too much (though obviously 1% is just a placeholder, there's no way we could actually quantify it), because you put up with it already in multiple scenarios. And by put up with it, I mean put up with FIXABLE things, not like tripping which we can do nothing about. So either you must support the bans I state or acquiesce to items (or show the fallacy of the dichotomy).

Here's something else to think about concerning randomness. You can argue about how much it applies to Brawl or not, but keep it in mind anyway. Randomness is not only good, but it is absolutely necessary in some games. Imagine if you moved in a fixed pattern in Monopoly. Or someone just handed you a fixed set of resources in Settlers of Catan. It would completely destroy the game entirely. Games are built around risk/reward valuation. The entire basis of the depth of the games depends on the risk/reward setup which is based on a random element. I've already introduced an aspect of Brawl that shares this in camping. You are less likely to get items, but you are safer and have a better defensive position. It's a risk/reward valuation. You will have to make quick decisions based on randomly occuring events: should I try to finish the edgeguard or grab the item, etc. The depth of it comes precisely from the fact that you don't know what is going to happen in advance. I think it could be an interesting new dimension to the game. Again this is simply a digression, please do not debate this point, and stick to the main ones at hand.


Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2006
Alhambra, CA
It affects all aspects of the game. I argue that they are all potentially positive except in this case.

So why don't you guys want to ban Peach, GW, Dedede, and Luigi? The exact same thing could happen with Peach pulling a stitch or bob-omb. And then it's not like you even get to fight over it! She just has it in her hand automatically. If you seek to eliminate randomness AT ALL COSTS, you cannot go without banning these characters. And I've already stated that banning items is removing more depth than banning a character, so in principle it should be less troubling to have character bans.
Peach's bob-ombs, game and watch's judgement hammer(I assume this is what you're talking about), Dedede's gordo, and Luigi's misfire are all character specific techniques. They are far too random to rely on as a decent killing move. Whereas with items, once you get a beamsword or even a green shell, you KNOW that the item you have has killing potential and is reliable enough to KO the opponent at a certain percentage. This is where the above techniques and items differ.

Items can spawn at any point at any time, giving another player an instant advantage through no skill of the players themselves. Once the person has said item, they are free to use it at their will. Peach gets a bob-omb very rarely, and when the person does they either save it for a killing opportunity, or they don't realize they have one and throw it immediately. The point is, items are removable luck. 1/300 (or whatever it's been changed to) chance of pulling a bob-omb or whatever chance for luigi's misfire or any of the other two moves are very rarely seen, and if they are the player isn't expecting them to happen and thereby is unable to capitalize on said move. You can't predict when you pull a bob-omb, nor can you predict when you will throw a gordo. You can however predict that there WILL be items, and they WILL be a deciding factor in who wins or loses.

In fact you should also ban Yoshi's Story, because shyguys can eat Ness's PK Thunder, and they are basically random. There's that 1% chance that the Ness will just lose a stock for no reason on a recovery, simply because a random shyguy appeared from the side of the screen at the wrong time without warning. How is that fair? You may seek to push this argument aside by saying that's just an aspect of his character, and I push aside yours by saying it is an aspect of the game.
Ness hardly has to use his third jump as his second jump seems to take him nearly all the way from the very edge of yoshi's island (not story, this is brawl not melee) to the stage. The distance he would gain from simply starting the pk thunder, coupled with his double jump, would be sufficient for him to land on the stage or grab the ledge. And edgeguarding, forcing him to use it? Well if he's ever far enough off the stage to have to use it, I can guarantee you that no shy guy is going to spawn right above him. The point is, it isn't a big enough part of the game to warrant banning the stage. IIRC he had the same disadvantage in Melee.

Or ban Dream Land because of the wind. Someone could be standing on the stage for the final edgeguard, and then the wind comes and moves them and messes up their attack.
So now you want items on in Melee?

The point I'm trying to make is you clearly can't believe 1% is too much (though obviously 1% is just a placeholder, there's no way we could actually quantify it), because you put up with it already in multiple scenarios. And by put up with it, I mean put up with FIXABLE things, not like tripping which we can do nothing about. So either you must support the bans I state or acquiesce to items (or show the fallacy of the dichotomy).
Nobody's going to ban characters because of a very, very tiny chance that something will happen, and like I've stated before, most of the time the player isn't expecting the extra effect and will thereby be unable to capitalize. Peach having a bob-omb is a double edged sword. She needs to be careful not to throw it when the opponent is near, as well as be unpredictable with where she will throw it. It becomes extremely predictable what will happen, and Peach's hardly get Bob-ombs enough to the point where they can strategize what they will do when they get one. And I might say that it would be foolish to practice such strategies because the occurence is so very low that it is completely useless.

Here's something else to think about concerning randomness. You can argue about how much it applies to Brawl or not, but keep it in mind anyway. Randomness is not only good, but it is absolutely necessary in some games. Imagine if you moved in a fixed pattern in Monopoly. Or someone just handed you a fixed set of resources in Settlers of Catan. It would completely destroy the game entirely. Games are built around risk/reward valuation. The entire basis of the depth of the games depends on the risk/reward setup which is based on a random element. I've already introduced an aspect of Brawl that shares this in camping. You are less likely to get items, but you are safer and have a better defensive position. It's a risk/reward valuation. You will have to make quick decisions based on randomly occuring events: should I try to finish the edgeguard or grab the item, etc. The depth of it comes precisely from the fact that you don't know what is going to happen in advance. I think it could be an interesting new dimension to the game. Again this is simply a digression, please do not debate this point, and stick to the main ones at hand.
I won't debate it, except for the fact that you can't compare a fighting game such as Brawl to Monopoly, a game that is mostly all luck-based. People don't play Monopoly for money, nor do they travel to tournaments to play Monopoly.


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
sheridan.. you can rant as much as you like, but the fact of the matter is, no one will/is willing to play with items. period. i know i dont. why not? because they suck. there are better reasons other than "they suck" but you can say the same thing. " they dont suck" ok great. youre entitled to your opinion.. as are we.

if i had enough energy i could make the same post you made about having items OFF.. it all just boils down to a majority. you like items, i dont. you want to play with them on, i dont. i hate items, you dont. its just this or that. the majority of the things you posts about having items on and why they should be on, can be played exactly the same way for having items off. itll just go back and forth.

ive already discussed this with you, and im sure the majority of the tournament scene, and the tournament metagame will not agree with you..

as far as character bans go, thats why there are counter pick stages. i believe if any item comes from the character no matter what it is, is far. links projectiles, peaches items, dedede's waddle things, zamus' suit pieces. these are all known factors that play into the game its self.

just leave it be sheridan. there really is no point. its bad enough that there is already a split between melee and brawl, theres no need for a split between brawl, and brawl with items.

im sorry, but there will never be a popular smash tournament scene with items on.


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
How about this argument.
Items change the aspect of a character.
Change it from what? Obviously you mean without items. But that's still just arbitrarily imposing a status quo! We can't make any assumptions about what "Natural Brawl" is. You might argue that I'm putting coin matches on the same level as stock matches. I considered that point in my first post.

For example, characters without projectiles were designed specifically so they did not have projectiles.
There is no possible way you could hope to prove this. Not to mention that "creator's intent" is totally 100% irrelevant.

You're homogenizing the characters which is something fighting games in their very essence shy away from.
This is an interesting point. It may homogenize the cast in the sense that they all now have projectiles if they get an item, but this doesn't mean that we have made the game more shallow. I think this is a little bit more complex than just that, I may come back to this idea later.

You're no longer winning solely based on your skill with a character. You're now winning with a combination of you skill based on a character, and your overall ability to get items.
And your skill in using items once you get them. I don't want to be rude but are you sure you read my post carefully? I definitely addressed this very point.

AT's like you say are much too strong, but smashballs I believe is perfectly fine, as the Final smash was designed with the character's unique attributes in mind.
And the character's ability to get and use items wasn't? Not that it matters (creator's intent).

Furthermore, if you're going to make the argument about explosive containers spawning randomly killing people as justification for ban, then any item that can affect you involuntarily should be banned. Take for example, you charge a smash, and a poison mushroom spawns right next to you, causing you to cancel your attack and now if the opponent so much as touches you, you die. How is that not different than explosive containers spawning right in front of you. So that gets rid of the shrooms, the metal box, the timer, the lightning bolt.
I already banned those and came up with my own item list, didn't you see? Maybe I'm not understanding you and you're just trying to build a list from scratch.

Also, your idea of holding one tournament with SB on is flawed. You must hold multiple tournaments to prove they aren't random.
Well I believe I actually said "I think we should hold at least one" which doesn't preclude there from being held more. And strictly speaking you can't EVER prove it. You can only provide an arbitrarily large amount of evidence. I'm definitely on the liberal end of the spectrum for even wanting ONE of these tourneys to happen. And really who wins is not of interest to me, it's the correlation between how many Smashballs people get in one match and winning/losing. Since there are a huge number of matches in a 128 man tourney (at least 508), one tourney would probably be enough if we could actually take that much data.

I do not agree with your assertion that Final Smashers are too strong, especially in my suggestion here : http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=152797
(yes self promotion ftl, but i figured it was relevant to your topic of smashballs as allowable items)
I understand the motive behind your idea, and I actually thought it might be interesting to see what people think about having matches be events like in Halo. I personally don't think it is worthwhile, because Smash has a clear "main event" whereas I don't know that Halo ever did. I don't know what the Halo pros considered to be the main event if they had one, but I watched a lot of Halo at MLG's I went to and CTF was my favorite.

However, your thread doesn't really do much to show that Smashballs aren't powerful. The fact that they are powerful means that they redefine what "balance" and "skill" are to a large degree. I have seen people make the point that Smashballs represent the "critical point" that is ubiquitous in sport. The key difference is that the "critical points" of the game naturally manifest themselves in the mechanics of the game. This is not so with Smash Balls. I and others of my opinion see them as a contrived way to force critical moments into the game at arbitrary times.

actually, monopoly prizes are greater than any smash bro tournament ever.
But thats beside that point :p
You beat me to it =P

Peach's bob-ombs, game and watch's judgement hammer(I assume this is what you're talking about), Dedede's gordo, and Luigi's misfire are all character specific techniques. They are far too random to rely on as a decent killing move.

Whereas with items, once you get a beamsword or even a green shell, you KNOW that the item you have has killing potential and is reliable enough to KO the opponent at a certain percentage. This is where the above techniques and items differ.

Items can spawn at any point at any time, giving another player an instant advantage through no skill of the players themselves. Once the person has said item, they are free to use it at their will. Peach gets a bob-omb very rarely, and when the person does they either save it for a killing opportunity, or they don't realize they have one and throw it immediately. The point is, items are removable luck. 1/300 (or whatever it's been changed to) chance of pulling a bob-omb or whatever chance for luigi's misfire or any of the other two moves are very rarely seen, and if they are the player isn't expecting them to happen and thereby is unable to capitalize on said move. You can't predict when you pull a bob-omb, nor can you predict when you will throw a gordo. You can however predict that there WILL be items, and they WILL be a deciding factor in who wins or loses.

But isn't that the whole POINT you're trying to make FOR banning them? If you can't rely on them, they can come at virtually any time, which makes it even blinder dumber luck. If you COULD rely on it slightly, you get the risk/reward thing I mentioned. The fact that when you get off the edge, your opponent is very likely to get the next item makes it MORE deterministic. If it were a 1/200 chance that he got an item, the one time it happened, it would just be stupid and have nothing to do with skill. If it's a 1/2 chance, then it is not difficult at all to merge that chance that it's going to happen with your definition of "part of the game"

And I don't see why the fact that they are character specific means that we shouldn't ban them.

Ness hardly has to use his third jump as his second jump seems to take him nearly all the way from the very edge of yoshi's island (not story, this is brawl not melee) to the stage.
I'm sorry I should have been more clear. I meant Yoshi's Story in Melee. That is I wanted to say that based on your logic, we should have banned Yoshi's Story in Melee. They can interfere in other ways too, through hitlag, etc.

So now you want items on in Melee?
I don't want items on in Melee because exploding capsules which are inseparable from items are 1/8 which is way too frequent, so the variance it adds to the game is simply too much to pay for an increase in depth (although I don't think we necessarily know it would have been there in Melee. And we don't know what it will be in Brawl).

Peach's hardly get Bob-ombs enough to the point where they can strategize what they will do when they get one. And I might say that it would be foolish to practice such strategies because the occurence is so very low that it is completely useless.
Wife has practiced this and shown clear success in utilizing strategies with bob-ombs. In Melee.

sheridan.. you can rant as much as you like, but the fact of the matter is, no one will/is willing to play with items. period. i know i dont. why not? because they suck. there are better reasons other than "they suck" but you can say the same thing. " they dont suck" ok great. youre entitled to your opinion.. as are we.
Well why should I even take your opinion seriously if you don't have an open mind? I mean if you put things to a vote, and you know there's a guy in the corner who says "no" to absolutely everything, do you take his vote seriously? Look, you're allowed to not like items. I'm not telling you to. But you won't even give them a chance, which is all I've ever asked. Don't even act like you have. And I'm not asking YOU personally, I'm asking people in general, esp. TO's.

ive already discussed this with you, and im sure the majority of the tournament scene, and the tournament metagame will not agree with you..
I'd be careful with this statement...what if the majority turns out to think otherwise, because of the influx of new people? What happens then? Do you submit unquestioningly to the majority like you ask me to?

as far as character bans go, thats why there are counter pick stages. i believe if any item comes from the character no matter what it is, is far. links projectiles, peaches items, dedede's waddle things, zamus' suit pieces. these are all known factors that play into the game its self.
This isn't really any different from my reasoning why I think items should be in :/

just leave it be sheridan. there really is no point. its bad enough that there is already a split between melee and brawl, theres no need for a split between brawl, and brawl with items.

im sorry, but there will never be a popular smash tournament scene with items on.
If you say so.

I think people are forgetting I'm not saying we should split the community into item and non-item. I'm saying there is no reason we should not give items in tourneys serious testing.


Smash Cadet
Mar 11, 2008
A character's essence is its unique attributes. It's based on what the character has and doesn't have compared to another character. All characters have the attribute of picking up and throwing an item. All characters have the attribute of being able to shorthop, shield, air dodge, etc etc. Remove all that stuff.

What you're left with are attributes such as movement speed, fall speed, weight, b attacks, a attacks, size, size of the would-be shield, swing speed of a would be item, etc. Once reduced that is what makes that character that character. That is what he has or doesnt have over other characters. When you play a fighting game, you want your mastery of those aspects of your character and your opponents mastery of those aspects of their character to be the deciding factor of a game. If this was not the deciding factor of the game, it would feel as if all the characters were the same and thats no fun. If you're going to add items you have to make sure the items don't affect those aspect of the character. There is no imposing of a status quo here, it is the aspect of a character found to be empirically different than another character.

When I said "You're now winning with a combination of your skill based on a character, and your overall ability to get items."
You skill in how you use items would be included in your skill based on a character. Samus for example uses the home run bat better than any other character, but thats usage, I understood that. Thats an unique attribute. But the picking up of an item changes your character. You can have used amazing spacing, your unique attacks, to create a situation where you had a high chance of picking up an item, but when you win or kill with that item, you didn't do it with your character alone. And there lies the point that you didn't win solely based on your skill with a character.

This isn't an argument against items. This is an argument saying if you are going to put in items, you have to be very very careful about the item selection such that they do not change the point of a fighting game: that is a character vs a character.


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
I'm going to bed. And getting up immediately to proctor an exam, and then correcting exams for 5 hours, so I probably won't be in to post until tomorrow evening. I hope everyone continues to post and debate amongst themselves. Thanks to those of you who take this seriously enough to post even though you may disagree with me. Wunpee (1P?) I think you make a point that definitely needs to be addressed that I hadn't thought of, so thanks for that. BAIIIIIII

P.S. Name change coming soon WATCH OUT.


Smash Hero
Dec 10, 2005
St Louis, Missouri/Fremont, CA
I read through all that

I respect your posts a lot sheridan :p
Though I doubt many people here will understand accepting by fiat :p, as I think that is exclusively used in debates, and not colloquially.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2006
Sacramento / Berkeley
Hyuga, I can't tell if you're just exercising or if you're really doing what I think you are.

I completely agree with Boback. What is the point arguing logic if you don't WANT SOMETHING? wtf? The logical aspects of all this really don't matter, and they're quite boring when you sit here and argue them back and forth (at least for me).

But here is my question. Why would you let logic and reasoning convince you of your own desires? It's not like there is any consequence of taking either choice - why can't we just pick the one we want?

Sheridan, I'm surprised that you of all people would not see this. Unless you are, like I said, just flexing.

I will enter an items tournament when you decide to run it. Items are fun. Yeah, they are kinda dumb sometimes but that doesn't change the fact. ^_^

The Game II

Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2004
Northern California
Sheridan, I'm not sold on the guns as allowed.

I tried playing with all of the items you mentioned for a couple hours, and the guns were the ones that got to me. I'd shoot them like crazy and then ... no ammo. Now what? I'm ****ed the moment my opponent realizes this, because in the time it takes to get rid of it, my opponent has a free shot. I could do a bair to create separation; I'm just not certain how long that would last.

Also, some of the items really hurt chars like T.L.

If I'm T.L., let's say I accidentally grab a fan when I really wanted to get the food; now I can't grab my own bomb until I get rid of the fan. Now I'm ****ed because I have to get rid of the fan, thus a free shot if my opponent rushes me down while I'm throwing the fan away.

I'll keep playing under these circumstances for a little while longer because I'm not going to say no without testing, but there are a lot of self-item characters that would get hurt IMO.



Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2006
Sacramento / Berkeley
Counting works. Also I think that when you throw an item away or drop it, it loses ammo too. Not sure about that though in Brawl.

Also, perhaps looking at thing generally instead of specifically will yield better arguments. I don't see the point of saying 'such and such can happen' without pointing out the overall effect on the match.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
the amount of "ammo" you have isn't random... whether you take the time and effort to learn how much you start with and count how much you have left is really up to you, but it's perfectly do-able and therefore not a valid complaint

i personally dislike items but i can't come up with a logical reason not to try them except that nobody likes them, and nobody wants to shell out money to enter a tournament with rules they don't like :) (and this is a legitimate reason to keep them off imo)


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
what are you changing it too...? better be El Ragadieu
I'll ban crowley.
i ban aleister
Haha. I reg'd on SRK as "Aleister Crowley," and I got a Max + rep with the comment: "I didn't know if I should neg you for being a lame smash player, or pos you for your name. I picked pos. Enjoy full bars."

"You have 26230 Reputation point(s)."

I'm pretty sure I'm the only SWF random to join SRK that has pos rep at all.

But I'm almost certain I'm changing it to Subgenius.

i personally dislike items but i can't come up with a logical reason not to try them except that nobody likes them, and nobody wants to shell out money to enter a tournament with rules they don't like :) (and this is a legitimate reason to keep them off imo)
Yes it is legitimate. As I've said before, almost every single argument can really be boiled down to "because I do/don't want to play that kind of game." But how can you know you don't really like something if you don't try it? And don't act like you've really given items a shot. Nobody has. Deep Norcal came over and played with them for about 3-4 hours, and that's still not enough IMO. Tourney tests are necessary. And I also don't think the Melee vets automatically should get to decide what Brawl is. A bunch of old farts getting together shouldn't tell other people what they are supposed to like. They can ban levels like 75m because it's clear to see that gameplay on that stage would be radically different from other stages, and there's no point in testing such a different skillset (but see that still requires a notion of what Brawl is "supposed" to be ^_^).

Sheridan, I'm not sold on the guns as allowed.

I tried playing with all of the items you mentioned for a couple hours, and the guns were the ones that got to me. I'd shoot them like crazy and then ... no ammo. Now what? I'm ****ed the moment my opponent realizes this, because in the time it takes to get rid of it, my opponent has a free shot. I could do a bair to create separation; I'm just not certain how long that would last.

Also, some of the items really hurt chars like T.L.

If I'm T.L., let's say I accidentally grab a fan when I really wanted to get the food; now I can't grab my own bomb until I get rid of the fan. Now I'm ****ed because I have to get rid of the fan, thus a free shot if my opponent rushes me down while I'm throwing the fan away.

I'll keep playing under these circumstances for a little while longer because I'm not going to say no without testing, but there are a lot of self-item characters that would get hurt IMO.

Well, there's no question that items will affect the balance of the game. But we can't say whether this will be a good or bad thing besides pure theory.

As for the guns, I really wanted the Ray Gun, but I think it's too strong. You can like combo your opponent off the stage to death with it and you get a lot of ammo; you're almost unapproachable. I'd still LIKE to test it but....

Super scope not as powerful. Best thing that could possibly happen is you get time to do a full charge shot on someone recovering, but it's not like you can't air dodge it. And yeah one should be able to keep track of the ammo. If someone just goes to town on you with the little shots, it's not really that much %, and they can mess up the ammo and just keep shooting blanks.

Beam sword...still don't know about. Its range is pretty massive.

I completely agree with Boback. What is the point arguing logic if you don't WANT SOMETHING? wtf? The logical aspects of all this really don't matter, and they're quite boring when you sit here and argue them back and forth (at least for me).
I think I see where I might have been unclear. The arguments I listed aren't coming from me personally. Unless, you're using "you" to mean "one." Then I'm not sure.

But here is my question. Why would you let logic and reasoning convince you of your own desires? It's not like there is any consequence of taking either choice - why can't we just pick the one we want?
If we're talking about me personally, I would say "what I want" is as deep and interesting a game as possible. I don't know if this means items or not. To be honest I think it is a bit more likely than not that it won't. But I'm not willing (and I think it's unreasonable for anyone else too) to just reject even TESTING it because of a hunch.

I will enter an items tournament when you decide to run it. Items are fun. Yeah, they are kinda dumb sometimes but that doesn't change the fact. ^_^


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2006
Sacramento / Berkeley
I'd say that issue is dealt with, then. FYI in that sentence I meant you as "a person". Although it kind of works both ways.

What about items that are really weak? I don't know which is worse: getting a Banana peel or an opponent getting a Star Rod. That is the only example I see in your list, I can't remember all of the items offhand.

Also, what do you think about having items a higher number of stock? If they speed up the game, the change should equal to about the same as less stocks, no items. Also it would reduce the impact of overpowered items. I think even as many as five would be ok. Maybe.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
Yes it is legitimate. As I've said before, almost every single argument can really be boiled down to "because I do/don't want to play that kind of game." But how can you know you don't really like something if you don't try it? And don't act like you've really given items a shot. Nobody has. Deep Norcal came over and played with them for about 3-4 hours, and that's still not enough IMO. Tourney tests are necessary. And I also don't think the Melee vets automatically should get to decide what Brawl is. A bunch of old farts getting together shouldn't tell other people what they are supposed to like. They can ban levels like 75m because it's clear to see that gameplay on that stage would be radically different from other stages, and there's no point in testing such a different skillset (but see that still requires a notion of what Brawl is "supposed" to be ^_^).
1) if you didn't like items for friendly play in melee, there's very little chance you'll like them in brawl... the mechanics of items are just pretty much the same, exploding capsules or not - brawl is new and all, but it's not as different as everyone seems to be pointing it out to be (once again, i'm not arguing viability/fairness, but i'm arguing that it IS legitimate to "dislike" items in brawl at this point)

2) in a sense, melee vets shouldn't get to decide "what brawl is", but when a melee vet is running a tournament, he/she should be free to decide what rules they want. once again, since there is no universal ruleset, the director of each tournament should set the rules, and if the director is a melee vet (almost always true) that dislikes items (often true), then they should be allowed to disable them. If this leads to items never being tried, well it's unfair to force a director to host what in his/her mind will be a subpar tournament just to humor your "experiment" -_-... if you want to try items, YOU host a tournament :)

i agree that the only way to truly see if they are viable is through tournament testing, but if no one wants to test them, they shouldn't be forced to

The Game II

Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2004
Northern California
Super scope not as powerful. Best thing that could possibly happen is you get time to do a full charge shot on someone recovering, but it's not like you can't air dodge it. And yeah one should be able to keep track of the ammo. If someone just goes to town on you with the little shots, it's not really that much %, and they can mess up the ammo and just keep shooting blanks.

Beam sword...still don't know about. Its range is pretty massive.
I broke down the p shooter cuz I'm about to write about it on Gameriot.

Super scope has 48 bullets.

10 normal shots
Max damage = 48 percent

8 semi-charged shots
Max damage = 83 percent

3 fully charged shots
Max damage = 84 percent

Looking at it from this perspective, I guess it would be OK to leave it because the reward comes in charging, and it would be easier to keep track of ammo. The only other problem I have (and this is the game specs) is that you can't charge and hold it until the time is right. A full charge last 3 seconds.



Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
if evo picks up on items, and smash balls.. then ****. that would suck a lot. i dont think anyone would go to them.

The Game II

Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2004
Northern California
if evo picks up on items, and smash balls.. then ****. that would suck a lot. i dont think anyone would go to them.
They're looking for people to disprove items and show why they're broken before they ban them. Now, I'm still against items (but for FS), but I'm going to at least prove/show why that's the case.



Smash Cadet
Mar 11, 2008
I think smash bros with smash balls will draw more people than without. Its the new shiny thing, people want to see it. Especially with the new influx of smash bros players.
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