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Islander Cards & Comics Tournament - ICCT2 - Date TBA


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
Dguy and Islander Cards and Comics presents : ICCT2

The first ICCT was an excellent success. The second one will of course be better. I will be hosting this tournament on a Saturday in August. I have not set a date in stone yet. I am posting the thread early so people can tell me which weekend that they would prefer to have this on. I have had some people tell me they want it back to back with Gigabits, and others who desire the tourneys to be spaced apart. Whichever is more popular will be what happens.

The 4th seems to have no tourneys in FL, the 11th has the Xtreme Play tourney, 18th is Gigabits, and the 25th seems to be open. The 4th is probably too close for me to set up, so it would probably have to be another date. So right now, it looks like the Islander tourney will be either the 25th, or I will hold off until September.

Other info: Things like heat and such will be less of an issue this time due to running the AC more and bringing a couple fans. The owner has also offered to bring in a big screen HDTV that we could use for finals and such. I have not inspected it for lag issues yet, but he has stated that he has used it for fighting game tournaments before and there were no complaints. I will look into it.

The information:


Islander Cards & Comics
2096 North Courtenay Parkway
Merritt Island, FL 32953

The building is in a small shopping plaza near a local church. The building itself is a bit smaller than the Gigabits building, but it is large enough for 20-30 people, so an average sized turnout is expected.

Refreshments are sold in store. There are plenty of places to eat in the area. Mcdonalds, Burger King, Checkers, Wendys, Pizza Hut, ect...


Date TBA
Registration starts at 10AM. Doubles will begin at 11AM. Singles will start one hour after doubles finishes.


The owner only wants to take out 15% of the pot. So it will be 70/20/10 for both singles and doubles of the remainder of the pot.

2v2 $20 per team
1v1 $15 per person


The good rules.

BYOC (Bring Your Own Controller)

-4 stock, 8 mins matches
-2/3 sets; 3/5 for winners, losers, and grand finals
-items off
-team attack on
-life stealing allowed
-Dave's stupid rule: a stage can't be played more than once in a match, either by random select or by picking
-stage banning: Each person/team knocks out one stage for entire set. This stage must be selected at the beginning of the match, after initial characters have been chosen.
-mutual banning: If all players agree to ban a counterpick level, they may ban said level from their set while retaining their original individual bans.
-mutual allowing: If all players agree to play on a certain stage as a random or counterpick, they may play on that stage even though it is otherwise banned.
-advanced slob picks: Losing player(s) choose(s) the next stage or random, winning player(s) choose(s) character(s), then losing player(s) choose(s) character(s).
-double blind pick may be called at the beginning of each set.

neutral stages:
Final destination, Pokemon Stadium, Kirby's dreamland, Yoshi's story, Fountain of dreams, Battlefield

counter pick stages:
Any stage that isn't banned and any of the neutrals

Banned stages: you know what stages are banned


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
Hey hey, this is not a debate about whether my M2 is awesome or not; we all know it is. I will take on challengers who want to question it :cool:

Don't forget the money match with your Marth, Ted. ;)

It looks like August 25th will be the most likely date for it.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2005
Hey hey, this is not a debate about whether my M2 is awesome or not; we all know it is. I will take on challengers who want to question it :cool:

Don't forget the money match with your Marth, Ted. ;)

It looks like August 25th will be the most likely date for it.
Dguy, humble as always ;)


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2006
Dguy once beat my Jigglypuff in a 2/3 tourney set. True story.
Hell, he beat Dark Sonic's Marth in a 2/3 tourny set, and we all know how badly Marth supposedly ***** Mewtwo. Dguy pwns.

As to the tournament, I'm doubtful as to my attendance. The 11th I'm going to a concert, and after the 18th I'll be in Gainesville for college (UF w00t). The 4th would be the best for me, but as you already said that's probably not happening.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
And you say your jiggs is #2 in Florida. Even I can beat Dguy.
And you wonder why people are beginning to dislike you.

Ted has far more smash experience than you do. You cannot decide that you are better than him just because you beat me in one friendly set. Ted has also beaten me in matches before. A player's skill is far more complex than just a single matchup. I could bring up some choice matches of you losing to some people who are far, far below my level, so don't go using one match to decide you are better than someone.

It would do you much credit to be a bit more humble.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2006
And you wonder why people are beginning to dislike you.

Ted has far more smash experience than you do. You cannot decide that you are better than him just because you beat me in one friendly set. Ted has also beaten me in matches before. A player's skill is far more complex than just a single matchup. I could bring up some choice matches of you losing to some people who are far, far below my level, so don't go using one match to decide you are better than someone.

It would do you much credit to be a bit more humble.
ZOMG Pwned. Well said, Dguy.

And hungrybox. Man, in person, I like you, you're cool. I only wish that your coolness was reflected on the boards, but it seems like you're either annoying people or starting **** :(

Rep the Jiggs honorably, my brother.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
The internet is out at my place, so I will not be able to update too regularly until it is back on. I have not spoken with the tourney host yet about the date, so it is still not set in stone. I plan on speaking with him in the upcoming days to see if the 25th is alright.



Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL
i should be able to attend,
lets see if the rest of TNT wanna go.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Kissimmee (Central Florida)
If this lands on the 25th its the same day as TS6. Uh oh. . .

Edit-if the 25th is the only day you can hold this then I'm pretty sure WATO will go to this one since it's closer.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
Perhaps I should just wait until September then? I wouldn't want to take any attendance away from Linguini's tourney.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
I would have to ask the guy, they do not have a website. It is not a huge place, so it doesn't have web stuff. But when I talk to him next, I will ask him about the cards and such for ya.

Looks like September 8th will be the date of this one.


Smash Champion
Nov 24, 2006
Orlando, FL(UCF) truuuu
And you wonder why people are beginning to dislike you.

Ted has far more smash experience than you do. You cannot decide that you are better than him just because you beat me in one friendly set. Ted has also beaten me in matches before. A player's skill is far more complex than just a single matchup. I could bring up some choice matches of you losing to some people who are far, far below my level, so don't go using one match to decide you are better than someone.

It would do you much credit to be a bit more humble.

**** i really hope i play this kid on a tourney match, my zelda/sheik r gonna have to ****.

I dont understand why certain people have to brag about matches that dont even matter, hungrycock ill respect you until you stop talking **** on the boards, you came into the whole orlando scene recently as a **** talker, nobody respects that, ill say this **** to your face if necessary i dont need to hide behind a ***** monitor to tell you what i think about you.

C@sH Mooney

Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
Probably playing TF2.
whuts with the hate on the 14 yr old kid? O-o

come on i mean chill.its a just a game.let em **** talk if it makes him feel better.u dont HAVE to degrade him.unless ur that kind of person =P


Smash Legend
May 28, 2007
Orlando, FL (walking distance from the Loop)
Wow i just read my post that i did last month......

****, i was such a ****ing **** back than....


Im am incredibly sorry to anyone i have degraded or offended or bragged about beating.

Of these categories include
Dguy (what a lame ****ing post i did)
and i know i forgot some others....
Cash Mooney
Green Mario/Fenrir
My partner, Luis
Cash Mooney (**** me i am so mean)
Ted Boosley

Sorry to all, and Dguy, great ****ing tourney.

I play smash to smash, not to rub it in other peoples faces IF, not WHEN, i win.

I have been getting 3rd place consistantly, i can't help but excited whenever someone guarantees me money.
Sorry about that, too.

James 3 v 6-12
A big forest fire can be started with only a little flame. And the tongue is like a fire. It is a whole world of evil among the parts of our bodies. The tongue spreads its evil through the whole body. The tongue is set on fire by hell, and it starts a fire that influences all of life. People can tame every kind of wild animal, bird, reptile, and fish, and they have tamed them, but no one can tame the tongue. It is wild and evil and full of deadly poison. We use our tongues to praise our Lord and Father, but then we curse people, whom God made like himself. Praises and curses come from the same mouth! My brothers and sisters, this should not happen. Do good and bad water flow from the same spring? My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree make olives, or can a grapevine make figs? No! And a well full of salty water cannot give good water.

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