Smash Ace
1. I think he's render will look like a sort of HD version of the art that I'm going to put in the spoilers.Time for Some questions:
1.What do you think Isaac's render in Smash 4 is gonna look like?
2.Do you think Isaac is going to competitively viable?
3.What is your favorite comic that i posted so far?
4.What stage do you think he is gonna get?
5.Do you have any fond memories from this thread? if so what are they?
6.What is your favorite Djinni?
7.What brought your attention to Golden Sun?
8.Favorite part of Golden Sun?
9.Do you hate me?
2. That's kinda of a tricky question, but if they give him a good frame data and try to make him play like in Golden Sun (solid on all stats, but with good speed and a powerful moves, sort of like Roy, but with Psynergy instead). Also, I hope that just because he's a Earth Adept, Sakurai doesn't give him the s***ty air game that Lil' Mac has.
3. There have been so many, that it's hard to decide.
4. I would say Venus Lighthouse, but I can see Vale being a good choice as well.
5. I've got nothing but good memories from this thread, so it's hard to tell.
6. Flint
7. I remember when I was 12 year old and a friend of mine was playing Golden Sun on his GBA. We were at the Vault part and I helped him defeat the thieves and though, wow, those characters and their powers look awesome. Since he wasn't that much of a RPG fan, he lent me his Golden Sun copy, which I loved clearing the entire game.
8. Probably Colosso.
9. Yes. Just kidding we all like you and your comics.