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Is your marth getting stale (predictable...) ?


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
I personally use three different characters (and find myself playing Ness like Marth or Zelda like Ness, et cetera). I'm also stunned to see the similarity in their movesets.

All have great f-airs that can be used for spacing. All have b-airs that are amazing and can be used for edgeguarding/KOing. All have n-airs that hit on both sides and are very useful edgeguarding tools (Zelda's n-air works wonders at pulling people diagonally downward off the stage). All have great f-smashes (Ness and Marth in particular). And so on.

But having the alternate characters helps a lot because then I realize that I'm in a constant frame of mind when I play the game if I start playing Ness like Marth then I'm playing my Marth only a certain way. You see what I mean?

I'm definitely going to try fighting CPUs without b-moves or aerials.

Also, trying to fight without smashes can help one get used to Marth's tilts and also make Marth's game more fluid. And if you use Dancing Blade like ridiculous--try fighting without it. I personally rarely use it and need to use it more.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
I used to play "blender mode" where I would choose random against a random lv 9 cpu (or a friend). It changed a lot. At one point, I had like 6 mains until I whittled down, then it completely made my approach unorthodox and crazy (it's good to switch it up).


Smash Apprentice
Jul 24, 2007
im not gonna lie. I aint never fought on blender mode (sounds interesting...) There are even some characters that i've never chosen at all! (yoshi, luigi...)

A good thing to do to get better w/ marth (or anyone else for that matter) is to fight some lv 3 cpus using only tilts. Nothing more. Not even aerials, nor smashes. (do what you need to to get back on the stage)
Do this a bit and your spacing game and ground game will improve significantly, imho.

This works wonders for me. Honestly. Try it. ONLY TILTS. (you can even do two lv 3s in a team battle against you...)

what do yall think?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 24, 2007
Guys, what do yall do for inspiration?

Imean, i sit at home watching Youtube vids all day of different smashers, hoping to get some new ideas.

ive been doin this for almost 3 years. Man, do you guys do this too?

Imean, why do i even bother watching all these marth vids.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 24, 2007
oh my god i worship Kizzus marth (honestly)

if anybody wants to get serious with marth, they need to look up kizzu. What a great player.

But hey, im telling you, it pays off to just sit there like a loser and watch brawl vids on youtube all day.

I read somewhere it was proven in a study that watching NBA games actually made ballers improve their overall game. So my thing is: same with video games. Video games are sports too. their mind sports, instead of physical sports (although @ tourneys you may think its BOTH!)

Random wisdom for n00bs:

when you are playing somebody, dont be obstinate and perpetually stick to a certain set of tactics for the whole duration of the match, hoping that eventually something different will happen when your opponent is predicting you like a book.

illustration: we all know smashes are stronger than tilts right? So it makes sense to use smashes more, right? Not. Everything is situational. If someone is running up to you, you dont have tome for a smash, but a tilt has great range and speed. In this case tilt wins.

see what im sayin, dont do something cuz you read it in a book or cuz emblem lord said so (not flaming, emblem lord is uber awesome) BREAK the rules if it means your opp wont predict you.

What good is an advanced tactic if your opponent is expecting it? I'd prefer a tilt that will actually connect than a jump-canceled-hyphen-reverse-wave-shined-smash that will be predicted and get me punished. (but by all means learn the ATs)

I hope yall see what im getting at. The point is not even about moves (thats just an illustration) its about your brain while you play.

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