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Is Samus that easy?


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
Why is Samus considered an easy match for Olimar? I think she is one hell of a match, close to 50/50, maybe 60/40 for Olimar.

· Z air covers pikmin toss range, kills pikmin, blocks horizontal movement and can be used for air combos and gimping. It's hard to pikmin toss her.
· Her air game is better than yours, from range, comboability and as approaches (no lag after landing)
· Olimar is comboed easily by her. He is floaty and her air moves outranges his.
· Samus edge game is amazing and Olimar can't possibly return again: the meteor smash, the Z air gimping, the Z air edge grab and so on. Sometimes a solid hit from the sides of the stage at low % is a stock for Olimar.
· Since Samus will be short jumping a lot with Z airs and missiles, Olimar can't abuse grabs and fsmashes as he should.
· Her meteor smash can beat upsmash and utilt and deals a lot of shieldstun.

I don't think this match it's so one sided as people tend to think. Olimar has a better ground game but Samus still has canceled aerials and other tricks to deal with him, plus amazing recovery and massive gimping skills.

What do you think?


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
The zair shouldn't give you a problem at all, you're short. Just follow her DI after the SH and grab her, chances are if she tries and zairs you it won't hit. Why would you ever be off the stage in the first place? It's not like she can grab you XD You can DI her up b, so it's not like her aerial combos are that great anyway--your aerials are way more powerful. She has trouble killing olimar especially, since if she fails at getting that KO move she gets usmashed and dies fairly early. Just camp outcamp her and force her to approach, then it's like 100-0 in your favor.


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2008
nashua. nh
The zair shouldn't give you a problem at all, you're short. Just follow her DI after the SH and grab her, chances are if she tries and zairs you it won't hit. Why would you ever be off the stage in the first place? It's not like she can grab you XD You can DI her up b, so it's not like her aerial combos are that great anyway--your aerials are way more powerful. She has trouble killing olimar especially, since if she fails at getting that KO move she gets usmashed and dies fairly early. Just camp outcamp her and force her to approach, then it's like 100-0 in your favor.
aren't you a samus main? zair can hit ducking squirtle!


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
Zair can hit Olimar even when he ducks and Samus can follow up with some moves depending on the distance.


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
the vortex
i use my stage ban on battlefield vs samus......... she is too good on this stage.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
This is Samus worst matchup, regardless of whether or not samus chooses to be aggressive or not.

Chances are youre just unfamiliar with the matchup. Any Samus i go even with (in dittos) i can easily 3-stock with Olimar. Mind you; im a fairly good Samus.

Id say 80-20 in an evenly skilled (in the matchup) battle.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
oli just wins... ever heard of spot dodge? or a roll maybe? those stop zair....

uair will go through anything she has. oli won't be getting gimped because he's so floaty and samus just sucks with very little moves that have horizontal knockback (so i think)

plus WAC to stop kill moves :/

it's GG for us


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
I feel dirty helping Olimars out on her worst matchup BUT;

If Z-air is giving you issues, its because the samus realized that olimar shut down EVERY other long range attack. His Pikmin throw blocks super/homing missiles, and even FULLY charged shots.(LOL!)

To get around this, WALK forward. Samus' rising Z-air doesnt work on short opponents. So there is only ONE point where a z-air can hit Olimar, which is right before samus hits the ground. It should be obvious when its coming. Powershield/shield, and continue walking. Most samus' will retreat with Z-airs until they hit the edge, and then edge camp. Others will reach the edge and try double jumping over Olimar. Others will try and be stupid enough to just try to attack Olimar head-on. Each senerio = Samus' death.

Edge Camp- Space, and foward smash. Even gimping a Samus with a pikmin thats falling off the edge after a forward smash means there will be a window to edgehod, and get an easy kill.

Double Jump- Throw a pikmin. Bait her to try and airdodge or throw out an attack to get the pikmin off her. Putting her in a vunerable spot to be punished. An Aerial Samus THAT high, should be a walk in the park to juggle.

Close Combat Samus- Samus w/o super missiles, homin missiles, Z-air, charged shots? LMAO! Just the thought man me cringe.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2007
-doesn't read anything-
FB long distance.
Nairs to jab/uptilt close up.
Follow uptilt with rising upair, not upsmash.


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2007
In that ruined tower, atop a mountain.
The biggest thing that gives me trouble against Olimar is probably the fact his Pikmin act as a "barrier" so to speak protecting him from all of her projectiles, including a fully charged shot. I highly doubt it's possible for Samus to rack up 130% damage with Zair alone dealing only 4% (7% tipper) a piece. That leaves pretty much CQC, of which Samus is slightly lacking in.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2008
Green Tooth Gorge
Samus is going to try and sit outside grab range like anyone sensible, then mess with spacing - is she going to approach with d-air/fair/nair/uair or retreat with zair? Or she will SHAD to a tilt. Half-length zair is handy instead of the SHAD as well. FF or not to mix up timing. She's not going to range spam since she will lose, and she's not going to stay in grab range since that is death.

I don't have experience with the match-up but just the same you can't assume the samus player is going to be stupid.
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