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Is lack of cash an excuse for quitting Smash?


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
Link to original post: [drupal=1159]Is lack of cash an excuse for quitting Smash?[/drupal]

That rhyme was unintentional--but seriously, let's get on to the situation at hand.

So, basically everything decided to go wrong at once. My Wii is making a weird buzzing noise every time a CD is put in there, and my Melee disc is almost dead. In fact, it's by the grace of God that it even somewhat works. Right now I'll get error messages every now and then. I think I can get the Melee disc working if I keep polishing it, though. It's been working so far. It got it from not working at all to giving occasional error messages that are solved by either popping it out and cleaning it, or a simple restart--and it never happens during matches. But still, if it doesn't get fixed I'll need to get a new one. That's like $30 right there.

On top of that, I also found out that my control stick rotates. And I don't mean rotating in the sense of going around, but if I grabbed the sides of the stick, I could spin it around. It's hard to explain, but I think you get it. It's not supposed to do that (Suddenly my lack of tech skill makes sense--So don't judge controller johns ><;
. So buying another controller (would probably get a white one) that would be around another $30 (including shipping).

And with Mass Madness a week away, if I want to do singles and doubles--that's another $15.

So we're totalling around $75 right now.

No problem, I've got $130 that I can spend freely.

But here is the problem: I'm currently trying to see where things go between me and a girl at my church. Now, dating in my church is a little bit different. I don't have time to explain all of the whys, so I'll just tell you the plain facts. Dating is -very- casual in my church. In fact, it's expected for the guys to be taking the girls out regularly. But they don't want you focusing on just one girl (There's reason behind that, if you're really interested I could tell you, but I don't want to make this longer than it needs to be). So I'd need to be taking at least two other girls from my church during the other weeks--not that it's that formulaic, I'm just trying to avoid suspicion at first. I don't want her to know my feelings just yet. So let's be -really- conservative here and say I'm spending $10 a date, which isn't even realistic. That'd be 3 dates per month, 9 dates total. That's $90 right there.

That leaves me with $40 to support me continuing to play Melee. $15 would go to Mass Madness, and I'd be left with $25 that I couldn't get a new copy of Melee with OR get a new controller.

Now, the question would be: Which is more worth it to me? This girl is practically my dream girl--and from what I've heard is currently deliberating over whether or not she has feelings for me. So not only is she worth it--but the relationship is also realistic.

And Melee, while I love it, is only a hobby.

But let's look at possible options to avoid making a choice at all:

I do have another controller I could use, but I'm not sure if it's really in good enough condition to be using regularly. The control stick doesn't rotate, sure enough--but I feel like it's naturally more stiff. I also got that controller used (but it was in great quality). But it doesn't have that cool NES Link sticker ;~; Not that it matters, but it's still unfortunate.

If I continue polishing Melee, it might continue to work fine. That would solve me getting a new copy.

Also, one of my friends (I think) has two copies. I could borrow one of his until I could afford to buy a new one.

I could...get a job x_x;; But there are problems in that, too. I don't have the time to dedicate to a steady job. My activity in the church, my schoolwork, and my life are all too random to commit to a solid schedule. However, I do have a talent for editing (writing, not video editing). I could seek out freelance editing opportunities which would give me the time flexibility I need, and also help me start on my career as a writer. This would supply me with the money I needed to keep this girl interested, as well as to keep playing smash.

However, choosing which is the best course of action is not always easiest. And, furthermore, it brings me to question: Is continuing to play Smash really worth it?

It's a tough question to answer. I love it, but am I really accomplishing anything?

I'm open to suggestions from everyone about what I should do next. But if none of these options work out, I'll need to quit Melee. This girl's too amazing for me to give her up.



Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
I recently bought a brand new GC controller at a local game story for $15, they're not that expensive anymore.

And if something must be sacrificed to have another, drop melee. If this girl truly is the girl of your dreams, then go for it. But remember, everything has a price.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
From what you've said, making that stuff with editing work sounds like the ideal, though perhaps a bit idealistic. But if you can make it work, it sounds like it could give you both options. Of course, the first reaction I had reading this was that Girl > Melee. But if you have friends on the tournament scene, what's more important. Friends, or a girl who might not even go for you (fingers crossed, though!). I say look for a source of income.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
If your Wii makes a horrid buzzing noise, call Nintendo. The exact same thing happened to me. I called Nintendo. Their service is excellent. After listening to the Zelda theme for half a minute (their hold music lawl), someone told me that they'd fix it for free. It came back in about 2 days. Nintendo seems to be pretty on top of the department of customer service.

Your warranty probably expired though, hmm? They'll probably be able to help you still, though it may cost something.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
The Wii noise isn't my main concern--unless it causes a real problem. The buzzing isn't as loud as it was before. It just added to the problems on the list. And my warranty did expire.

As for what Scott! said, I have a few friends who play Melee. But the ones who are real friends won't stop being my friends just because I stop playing Melee. And even so, I won't stop playing entirely, I'm just not going to try to get better. I only have a few real friends through Smash.

But yeah, the girl is definitely worth it. A hundred times over. She's the type of girl I could be amazingly good friends with, or something more--but I'm really fine with either result. The friendship I'd get from this girl would even be worth it. And, although it may sound it, I'm not infatuated with the girl. I'm not about to say "It's not infatuation--it's love." That's ridiculous. I still need to get to know this girl.

It's just, from what I can see, this girl is a realistic match for me on multiple levels. And I'm really interested in her. Before I became a Christian I dated a lot of girls--and I hated that. From the beginning I always just wanted one girl, that was it. And so, I plan for the next girlfriend I have to be the one I marry. Not to say that I'm bent on marrying this girl--or even my next girlfriend. But that's the sort of thought I'm putting into a girl I'd be interested in. So, the fact that I'm even interested in her says a good deal.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2008
Boston, MA or Miami, FL
for some reason I have two Copies of Melee.

I'm moving to Boston in the fall for Berklee College of music

I could send you my extra copy and you can give it to me later


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
Uh..sure. Sounds good to me. How would you send that to me? Er, I'll send you a PM. This conversation would be better done there.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2005
Magnolia, Tx

We seriously need to talk about your life!

Plan and simple... If you do not have a job get one.
come on man! your name is proverbs! You have all the wisdom you need right in front of you!

Proverbs 1:1-7

Proverbs 1
The Beginning of Knowledge
1 The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel:
2To know wisdom and instruction,
to understand words of insight,
3to receive instruction in wise dealing,
in righteousness, justice, and equity;
4to give prudence to the simple,
knowledge and discretion to the youth—
5Let the wise hear and increase in learning,
and the one who understands obtain guidance,
6to understand a proverb and a saying,
the words of the wise and their riddles.

7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and instruction. (English Standard Version)


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
I'm pretty sure we had an homeless smasher for a week in Montreal.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
The stiffness of the control stick will wear down as you use it. Unless it's the sticky kind of stiff, which is no good at all.

As far as the games go, I think figuring out if the control stick is new(good) or sticky(needs to be taken apart and cleaned) and then, getting a new one depending on which it is, comes first. It's not fun playing with a broken controller.

If she really is the girl of your dreams, then if it were me, I'd put her first above all else. Though I don't really get why if you have feelings for one that you have to date another, unless they aren't dates at all in which case why not just have everyone go as a group to do stuff and each pitch in something?

If you're looking to get a job, I'd only get a part time one where you could go afternoons after school or whenever your schedule isn't full.

Concerning the Wii, if it you got it within a year of now the repairs for it are still free. Also last I checked, Nintendo also repairs the console for free if the problem was caused by the Brawl disc.

Xiahou Dun

Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
Month old thread dudes. I'm sure he's made his decision by now.

His church sounds more like a swingers club...


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
Month old thread dudes. I'm sure he's made his decision by now.

His church sounds more like a swingers club...
Uh, my church isn't a swinger's club <.<;; Dating's just very casual there. *shrug*

And yeah, I think I've got it figured out for the most part.

Xiahou Dun

Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
Uh, my church isn't a swinger's club <.<;; Dating's just very casual there. *shrug*

And yeah, I think I've got it figured out for the most part.
It's not casual if you're being "expected" to take out Girls rather then them just being okay with it. And being "expected" to take out multiple Girls at a time is just a bit odd. Maybe they're looking to start up a convent. :p

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
You can buy Melee used at Game Stop for around 19.99$. Used GameCube controllers should be around the same price. You should really try to do some bargin shopping
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