Funny, you didn't say that at any of the events I've outplaced you at
Oh wait that's all (...two) of them
Realistically, it should probably be clarified that the "titans" of Irish Smash 4 are like Mint, EOE, myself, maXy, Arikado and Adam Aplz - I haven't played Adam yet but I've heard nothing but great things and tight games. There's also Zangrief but he lives in London so it's harder to gauge that. I felt bad being lumped as one of the "top players" at the last XGC while maXy was ignored due to his lesser interactions with our online community or whatever, him and Arikado are definitely as good if not better than me. Not sure about Adam yet but he's probably as good too. The top Irish playres are all extremely close in skill and anyone can take basically any tournament - a lot of it I'd imagine comes down to player matchups and how everyone feels on the day. Mint's brother, Way, is extremely good but struggles an unbelievable amount against maXy for whatever reason. maXy generally struggles against EOE and so on.
So yeah basically Ireland is actually really strong. I don't think Dublin this weekend will be very stacked, though - Mike and S00N/Purple Toaster are both very strong but I can't see them beating any of me/EOE/maXy. I'd imagine we'll be top three at any rate... although I have an amazing john in that I left my controller at maXy's house last Friday and haven't played Smash 4 since last XGC so if I lose that's what happened :^)
I mean all that said I would love it if some new talent popped up that I haven't seen yet at Dublin. Looking forward to playing Snook, Formaldehyde and Moydow. Also interested in seeing how Hackle does at his first (afaik) proper Smash 4 tourney.
uh yeah saturday will be hype ramble over k