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Investigate yoshi tech- grounded horizontal sliding double jump


Tamed Beast
Feb 25, 2006
Boston, Ma
i'm not a yoshi main
i don't read these boards

i made a quick pass but didn't find anything

i found this independently but i do not propose that i discovered it

in the spirit of wavedashing i was essentially trying to dodge durring my double jump so that it would hit the ground and i would get some kind of a wavedash

i don't know if wavedashing or anything similar if possible in this fashion

what i came across was that at a specific time in trying to do this "technique" i managed to lose my dodging frames and scoot across the ground, then to finally rise as if the momentum of the S-shape pulled him off of the ground.

for the short period that i was able to reproduce this i found that i could double jump AGAIN out of it. That and any other sort of aerial move.

what i would like to know is if these can be strung together in a row. As a way of moving differently/faster.

right now i have no recording abilities to show you this though. it would just be nice if you guys looked into it. if you find out the truth i hope it's helpful. Otherwise it was worth a peep.

the whole point of disagreement i can see will be whether or not this littlle hop exists. It happens smoother and overall faster than 2 short hops.

cancel your second jump some how into the ground
automatically slide and lift off of the ground

i understand that yoshi is a slippery character, but he does automtically hop during this.

and the jump is shorter than his regular short hop. it may make a surprising move when used to offset the rhythm of yoshi's normal jumping flow.

check it out post back.

otherwise i apologize for cluttering your boards

Deleted member

I thought of something similar to this when the info from E4All came out, but i wasnt able to make anything happen, but perhaps u really can =/


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
I worked at this for about half an hour on training mode yesterday with no results. Dunno what you did, but if you get it again, try to record it, or save the match and send it to someone who can =)

Scarlet Jile

Smash Lord
Oct 19, 2005
The Woods, Maine
Only thing I found out was that you can pseudo-waveland just by arching your downward momentum to the side by air-dodging and letting the natural physics carry you for a short slide.

Somehow TOTALLY missed this having played Brawl Yoshi since release.

Usefulness rating: 2%

But who knows.
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