Mid-South Power Rankings (AL, AR, MS, TN)
The System:
The Mid-South power ranking thread is created not to envoke rivalries and bitter personal attacks. The purpose of the power ranking thread and the goal of the voting members is to provide the players of the region and anyone interested in such a means to generally compare the skill of players. It is not meant to say that person 4 beats person 6 every time, yet to simply state that on a consistent basis, these players outrank others in tournaments or respected matches (i.e. money matches or rivalry matches).
The Panel - The panel is currently comprised of 2 members in the 4 states that are involved in this thread. Chamberlin and myself will represent Arkansas, MookieRah and Chad will represent Mississippi, Nite and XXXXX will be in charge of Tennessee, and Thief and Moogle are handling Alabama. This is not to say, that the ranking is done on a regional basis, and that each of us gives votes as such. The process simply makes it more reasonable to keep up with how players are doing in individual matches between each other, outside of the major tournament scene.
The List- the list is a current and starting point for the power rankings thread. Because this is the first time (and we may keep this even later) we have decided that a "potentials" list is also neccessary. This isn't to say these are the only good people in the region, but that the people in the "potentials" category are very close to making it to the actual top 20 list. Meaning that they may be reconsidered when the next ranking update comes to pass. This means, that in the time between each convention, if this person beats others on the list, or others simply fall out of tournament placement, it is likely they will be moved up. The panelist list is currently in alphabetical order, as to not hold bias from one region or group of friends to another.
(The afore mentioned paragraphs have been borrowed from GAWes and his awesome writing skills of doom - taken from the GA power rankings thread. Woot!)
How decisions are made:
During a meeting with the panelists, each person will draw up a list of people from 1 - 20, with each person getting points based on their rank (20 for 1st, 19 for 2nd, 18 for 3rd... 2 for 19th, 1 for 20th). Any ties will be discussed among all the panelists to see where rank is set (and possibly even still tied). As mentioned earlier, if an individual falls out of the tournament scene, or consistantly is not performing up to previous attempts, the individual is likely to fall (and vise versa for rise) in ranks.
As discussion has proved, there is no flawless way to create a perfect ranking system, but I feel this is the best way to get the best of both worlds. Each panelist gets their chance to cast their views in their own ballot system, and also discuss if he (or I guess maybe she) has anything to add that other panelists may or may not know about.
(This is open to discussion, I think, but unless anyone has any major things to point out, this is how things will be posted)