It's Time Once Again For...
Zane- # 10 for the win! Man, that Nin-Jiggs-su is some vicious stuph! I'm glad we had some rockin battles, and thanks a million for "the goods!"

For having weird names ("Cain" brand?!), it's REALLY good! I'm also oddly proud to say that I fell to Zane's Stupid Rule, cause it makes me sad when people manage to beat it.
BMW- You gotta believe, gotta believe, gotta believe in yourself! I have ****ty nights all the time, and you'll get out of your funk soon enough. Now go, and watch Soul Train!
Chamberlin- YES! God vs Sin matches for the win! In retrospect, that was kinda an unbalanced fight...God wins each time. God's broken! Heavenly tier and whatnot. And I had to cheat and let Zane play my Jiggs for me, too...I also had Clefairy help out with some Metronome action! We're going to have to play some friendlies sometime.
Chad- The one time reflecting something with the bat worked to effectively screw me over! Great matches, sir, and we're gonna have to do more friendlies (or I will weep).
Myz- Team Expressionless for the win! You guys may not have done flawlessly in teams, but you took freakin 3rd in singles! Hot poop, I say! And you're not fooling me any, I've seen you smile and make other expressions sometimes! I think that if you and Nite team again, you should be Team Nearly Expressionless ^^ I dunno about you, but I always have a blast when playing you, so hopefully we can do friendlies next timesies!
Ambix- So you don't play DK, but you were rockin out with him in Random Tourney....hmmmmmm...Anyways, I know what to ban against ya if we ever meet in a tourney ^^
Cory- Come to more biweeklies! It's fun, and potentially lucrative! Had a blast in Random, by the way. I should never play DK...ever...><
Bloodline- Where were you guys?! It was weird not having you there. You were missed ;__ ;
Run7 (except Nite)- It was so sad without you...

What's a crew without all it's members? I really hope there's less schedule conflict so we all can make it to this next one
Lvl9- Zangief said he was going to come stay at your house for a few days...Good matches in friendlies ^^ Oh, I'm going to rob you of your hat next time I see it...
Sarg- Woo! Young Link dittos for the win! We're going to have to get some more matches in, cause I wanna fight your Peach, haha!
Saberguy- I may not have faced you in friendlies or tournament, but THANK YOU for giving Nite and I a ride. That Eclipse is sexy as a mofo, and it would have been even better had my direction-finding skills been better. We shoulda gone through Frayser on the way out instead of just on the return trip
TakeTwo- I dunno where you were, or why you didn't come to the INN, but know that you were with me in spirit! And that's what really counts!
His Viewtifulness- Didn't get to play you, but it makes me glad to know that other people know how important a trip to Walgreen's before a tourney is
Nite- Man, I'm glad you convinced me to come for this. Please thank your mom for picking me up so Saberguy wouldn't have to venture into the deep forest which I call home. "Wait, is that T.I.?" "Yea, it's actually T.I. and Tupac..." "What the?!" *Starts singing "I Wrote This Song in '94"*
To Those I May Have Forgotten- I am certain you rock. How do I know this? Well obviously, you came to the INN to play Smash with the coolest people on the face of the planet. In fact, they're SO badas$ that I won't bother telling you that you need to come back for the next biweekly. You already know that. DO IT NOW!!!