One More Notch!
BAM! TakeTwo- Are you and Poon a crew? If so, you need a title so I can address you both at once! Anyways, great seein ya at a biweekly, and I hope you make the Halloweekly! Diet Coke and Mentos FTW! With luck there will be more tvs at the Halloweekly so we can have more friendlies, cause Pichu vs Falco isn't cuttin it! Oh, I'll ask Lance about your memory card!
BAM! PoonLink- It seems like every time you come to a biweekly, S. Link isn't there! Sorry man >< He'll be at the Halloweekly, whether he likes it or not, so be sure to be there, or be a polygon with 4 right angles and 4 equillateral sides!
BAM! DML- Chad, as always, good ****! You and Myz were rockin out in teams, but Myz got killed on MK2, and it hurts my soul. You're MORE than welcome for the Count of Chocula, and we must get some amtches in next time, or I will cry like a wee lass! Myz, we're also gonna get matches in, cause you're too good for me to see and not wanna play! SuperKenshin, YES! Come to more biweeklies! Gentlemen who came with Chad, Myz, and SK, you guys made me happy! You should enter the tourney next time!
Oh....I heard that a "gay pirate" would be entering the Halloweekly! I also heard he's mastered the WINDMILL OF FURY!!! I think that means he's taking first.
BAM! Team STFU- Lvl.9, were you seriously going hunting on Sunday? If so, that scares me...But we didn't get to play at this biweekly, and I was saddened by it >< Chamberlin, if you wear a roadkill fox's pelt, I will...probably say "Ewwwww!" and then spray you with something to make your rotting costume smell more pleasant! Guy of Sabers, I got you next time ^^ I'll just make sure to lose to you in a mm before I play you in tourney again, that way I have to avenge my lost dollar!
Seif, you are TOO awesome! We're going to have to play more often...BMW, I'll address you later!
BAM! Mookie-rizzle and Jodi (if I may address her as so)- You guys make me happy! Mookie, GREAT seeing you again after so long, and good to meet your girlfriend, too! Hopefully you'll both be coming back soon, cause you're too fun to stay gone!
BAM! Fleet Admiral and girlfriend (I assume)- You, sir , are one insanely stylish man! In addition to your kickas$ Admiraly-ness, you play one MEAN Zelda! Always a pleasure hanging with you, sir! *salute!* To whom I assume was the good Admiral's girlfriend, I'm sorry I didn't catch your name, but you absolutely rock!
BAM! Aidite- Finally I didn't face you in a tourney! This relieved me greatly, for your Sheik is highly abusive, and I will not tolerate child abuse!
Always fun hangin with ya, though!
BAM! ZANE!- I hear Moogle is the one person to overcome Zane's Stupid Rule! True story? It's all good, I hear Moogle has an AR built into his controller...
No matter, though! You and me. Friendlies. Halloweekly. BE THERE! Oh, that taco pizza dealie was HEAVENLY! I thank you many, many times! I was telling Fizz of your facial hair, and I swear, if you were a bit malnourished-looking and mounted on a cross, I would confuse you for Jesus! But he may have slightly more facial hair than you do right now...
BAM! BMW- Thanks for rescuing me from the depths of my woodland home! You're too nmad fun to chill with, and more fun to play, haha! Oh...I owe you for gas still! You'll have to come to the Halloweekly for it, though! Pichu a Falco counter? What ever are you talking about? *glance at Moogle*
BAM! Moogle- YOU, sir, rawk! Thanks for driving us to and from the INN, it is not only appreciated, but I will give you some more gas money next time I see you, for I didn't have much by the time we were leaving the INN >< You need to stop abusing Ness with Sheik and Pichu! I need to play that Jigglypoof of yours sometime, too ^^. Snoop makes the most awesome music vids, don't you agree?
BAM! Nite- THANK YOU FOR HOUSING! I wouldn't have been too cheery to have had to sleep outside again...*African comedian voice* It gets my skin shoes dirty, muthafVckaaaaa!
And thanks for proving that if OJ ever played Smash, he'd be killer at it....
BAM! Sandbox- Great times! Thanks for being so nmad awesome, and for killing that scary attack-bug in Nite's room! I swear, the Smash Deer of Awesomeness sent it to kill me...o.O We're taking teams at the Halloweekly! Get ready for fame, fortune, and general crunkness! *throws elbows*
To Those I May Have Forgotten-I'm's been a long day. Keep attending biweeklies, though, becaus not only will it make Lucifer happy, it'll make me happy. Me happy is like.....a basket of kittens in a field of marshmallows! Now who doesn't want that?! I know I do!
That concludes this edition of
ZERO'S OFFICIAL SHOUTOUTS!! I can't believe I managed a biweekly without a yyg! Sources have told me that I can go bat-fvck insane with them at this next biweekly, though, and that makes me feel D@MN good! Jack, you and I are having glitch matches!
And I dunno about you, but where I come from, my chicken don't come seasoned! Zero out!