For the longest time from about 7th grade to senior in HS, I would mostly play by myself because there was no one I could play with due to my lack of transportation. During that time I would only play with CPUs and solidify my tech skill. It took me about a few weeks to get consistent with all my basic tech skill and then a couple months to get my character specific tech skill. Something I really enjoyed doing was watching tournaments videos and trying to emulate what people like Mango and M2K were doing. This was the time period where tournaments were rarely streamed or recorded, only the big tournaments like Genesis and Pound. So I was super excited when the next tournament came. My skills pretty much plateau'd around 10th grade, my sophomore year of high school. But there was nothing I could do about that because I was limited to playing with CPUs and maybe one of my friends casually (who I absolutely destroy now).
Then this past January, I transferred to UMass Amherst and suddenly, I was playing people all the time. People were telling me how they couldn't believe someone who had been playing CPUs for years could be so good at the game already. It really all came from watching videos and reading some threads here and there. But really, I think that playing a variety of people completely changes the way you play and rockets your skill forward compared to playing alone all the time. I started going out to tournaments with some buddies here and met people like @
MattDotZeb and @
-Darc- . I can't stress enough how much playing people better than you improves your game. It helps if your tech skill is already solid so you don't really have to focus on it while you play. Instead, you think about option coverage and reacting to what your opponent does, etc. So I think that really speaks to how important it is to have your tech skill down. Like people have said, make sure you know the basic techs (wavedashing, SHFFLs, etc). Every time you sit down to practice, you should have a goal in mind. It helps to pick a main so that you can focus solely on one character at a time. Then once you have a firm grasp of that character's tech skill, i.e. Falco's SHL, pillaring, sweetspotting the ledge, etc.., you can play other characters for fun in friendlies so you don't bore yourself too much.
Trust me, when you get into the competitive scene, you won't be bored. The moment people told me that I had so much potential and that I would get a lot better when I started playing more people? It just increased my motivation to practice and become better. So that's the shorter version of my story, hope you enjoyed lol