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Impa, the Enigmatic Sheikah, Sage of Shadow


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oct 29, 2006
Sydney, Australia
lol ManBearPig

That isn't the F-Zero anime, that's the comic book series
Maybe he should have a gun then? ...Even though things like comic books or anime are rarely given much credibility when choosing move sets and it raises the complicated question as to what is canon.

But that's entirely besides the point of what I was saying about Ganondorf.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
I would find it completely hilarious though if WW Ganondorf was put in as a big/strong/slow clone of dual-wielding Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia.

Realistically speaking, I also think Tingle has more of a chance of getting in than Impa while Ghirahim seems like a pretty distant option. But this sorta talk probably belongs in the Zelda Franchise thread or other character threads?

Anyway, I said I'd throw in a non-Sheik moveset today so I'll do that here. And by "moveset" I pretty much always mean "special moves".

UP, Darting Shadows
Impa fades into a shadowy silhouette which then splits into four shadows that move away in a cross formation. After traveling a bit, Impa will reappear in one of the shadows based off of a direction indicated. and the others will detonate for a small amount of damage.
(example: If you activate it in the air and indicate to the right, the shadows will spread out in a + and Impa reappears on the right. If indicating up and left, the shadows would instead spread out in a X.)

SIDE, Escalating Barrage
A multi-stage projectile assault, essentially a ranged version of Marth's side B.
1. Impa tosses a simple dagger to the side indicated.
2. Side: Tosses two weak daggers, slightly angled up and down.
- Down: Scatters caltrops onto the ground that will make enemies take damage and trip (disappear after a short while).
- Up: Throws up an arcing double-sided sickle at a 45 degree angle that cuts through enemies as it falls back to the ground.
3. Side: A flurry of three weak daggers.
- Down: Drops a bomb in front of her that goes off in a few seconds. Dangerous for those who just tripped on the caltrops and are stunned on top of it.
- Up: Throws a handful of (weak) deku nuts in a 45 degree arc. Does damage on impact, no real launch or stun.
NEUTRAL, Umbral Orb
Impa starts summoning a growing crystal ball into her hand. Once fully grown or interrupted by shielding, she can throw it where it will explode on impact. While it will not explode in her hand, if dropped or thrown without hitting anything it will start to flash and then explode. Similar to a chargeable version of Link's bombs.

DOWN, Mark of the Sheikah
Impa enters a focused pose and deflects the next attack against her; a melee hit is negated and projectiles are just disintegrated. The attacker is then marked by the Sheikah symbol above their head for a few seconds. While marked, the target gets stunned instead of launched when hit allowing a skilled Impa character to quickly rack up damage.

1. Forms a Sheikah meditative pose.
2. Puts two fingers to her mouth and whistles a quick victory anthem.
3. Deftly tosses two knives into the air and then balances them on her fingertips before she puts them away.

FINAL SMASH, Umbral Shroud
The stage and characters take on a strange, shadowy glow as all the enemies are slowed greatly. Impa freely moves about for a few seconds doing as much damage to her foes as she can, as enemies are not launched until the Shroud ends. When it does, each foe is blasted away based off of how much damage was dealt to them during the Shroud.

When the gossip stone spawns on the battlefield, it will simply sit there like terrain that blocks movement and can be stood upon. However, when attacked, it will react differently based off of what hit it.
- Weak attacks will make it shake quickly like JELL-O, hurting and knocking away players near/on it.
- Magical/Energy attacks will make it start spinning and warping, turning it into a temporary trap as it rapidly slaps anything nearby.
- Strong attacks like smash attacks will knock it away, hurting enemies hit by it.
- Explosives will make it start to flash and beep, followed by it launching into the sky like a dangerous rocket that explodes once it's gone high enough.
- A strong attack from above will flatten the stone. The next person/object to land on top of it will then get launched into the air as it springs back into shape.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
The comic booj series made BEFORE Smash 64. Or F-Zero X for that matter.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oct 29, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I would find it completely hilarious though if WW Ganondorf was put in as a big/strong/slow clone of dual-wielding Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia.

Realistically speaking, I also think Tingle has more of a chance of getting in than Impa while Ghirahim seems like a pretty distant option. But this sorta talk probably belongs in the Zelda Franchise thread or other character threads?

Anyway, I said I'd throw in a non-Sheik moveset today so I'll do that here. And by "moveset" I pretty much always mean "special moves".

UP, Darting Shadows
Impa fades into a shadowy silhouette which then splits into four shadows that move away in a cross formation. After traveling a bit, Impa will reappear in one of the shadows based off of a direction indicated. and the others will detonate for a small amount of damage.
(example: If you activate it in the air and indicate to the right, the shadows will spread out in a + and Impa reappears on the right. If indicating up and left, the shadows would instead spread out in a X.)

SIDE, Escalating Barrage
A multi-stage projectile assault, essentially a ranged version of Marth's side B.
1. Impa tosses a simple dagger to the side indicated.
2. Side: Tosses two weak daggers, slightly angled up and down.
- Down: Scatters caltrops onto the ground that will make enemies take damage and trip (disappear after a short while).
- Up: Throws up an arcing double-sided sickle at a 45 degree angle that cuts through enemies as it falls back to the ground.
3. Side: A flurry of three weak daggers.
- Down: Drops a bomb in front of her that goes off in a few seconds. Dangerous for those who just tripped on the caltrops and are stunned on top of it.
- Up: Throws a handful of (weak) deku nuts in a 45 degree arc. Does damage on impact, no real launch or stun.
NEUTRAL, Umbral Orb
Impa starts summoning a growing crystal ball into her hand. Once fully grown or interrupted by shielding, she can throw it where it will explode on impact. While it will not explode in her hand, if dropped or thrown without hitting anything it will start to flash and then explode. Similar to a chargeable version of Link's bombs.

DOWN, Mark of the Sheikah
Impa enters a focused pose and deflects the next attack against her; a melee hit is negated and projectiles are just disintegrated. The attacker is then marked by the Sheikah symbol above their head for a few seconds. While marked, the target gets stunned instead of launched when hit allowing a skilled Impa character to quickly rack up damage.

1. Forms a Sheikah meditative pose.
2. Puts two fingers to her mouth and whistles a quick victory anthem.
3. Deftly tosses two knives into the air and then balances them on her fingertips before she puts them away.

FINAL SMASH, Umbral Shroud
The stage and characters take on a strange, shadowy glow as all the enemies are slowed greatly. Impa freely moves about for a few seconds doing as much damage to her foes as she can, as enemies are not launched until the Shroud ends. When it does, each foe is blasted away based off of how much damage was dealt to them during the Shroud.

When the gossip stone spawns on the battlefield, it will simply sit there like terrain that blocks movement and can be stood upon. However, when attacked, it will react differently based off of what hit it.
- Weak attacks will make it shake quickly like JELL-O, hurting and knocking away players near/on it.
- Magical/Energy attacks will make it start spinning and warping, turning it into a temporary trap as it rapidly slaps anything nearby.
- Strong attacks like smash attacks will knock it away, hurting enemies hit by it.
- Explosives will make it start to flash and beep, followed by it launching into the sky like a dangerous rocket that explodes once it's gone high enough.
- A strong attack from above will flatten the stone. The next person/object to land on top of it will then get launched into the air as it springs back into shape.
Actually a very creative moveset.
So the up B is designed so that the opponent gets fooled as to where you will end up? And if they do get fooled they run the risk of taking damage from the false shadow?
Would add some nice mindgames to her play.

The down B causing stun instead of knockback for a period is interesting too. Even if Impa doesn't make it, I'd like to see a character with a similar capability as it could give the character a unique playstyle.

The comic booj series made BEFORE Smash 64. Or F-Zero X for that matter.
Already acknowledged that.


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
The more I consider the idea the more I see Impa actually be included. I mean she is the fourth Zelda character to be reincarnated in each game, so it's not a very far-fetched idea.

But she should be her own separate character and not replace Sheik. I'd imagine her with a playstyle like Golden mentioned on the previous page:
Also, idea with Impa; instead of making her just a semi-clone of Sheik, why not make her a mix of Zelda and Sheik? Like have some of the ninja style Sheik has and some of the mage style Zelda has?
It seems like something that would really fit her.

Deleted member

Falcons Anime was created after SSB dude. I wasn't saying anything like that.
Read again. I said DK's Giant Punch, not the Falcon Punch.
That originated in the Donkey Kong Country cartoon (in the first few minutes of the pilot episode, no less), which came before the original Smash Bros.
Then we have the whole Pokéspeak aspect, and taking a step further with a talking Lucario and Mewtwo. The final nail of the coffin in regards to non-media origin: Meowth's Melee trophy being about Team Rocket's Meowth. And to beat the dead horse, Prof. Oak's and Misty's trophies being design after their anime appearances.
Meta Knight uses his Japanese anime voice, and his sword, which was unnamed in the games, is given the anime name of Galaxia.
Ridley is given the backstory about him being the murderer of Samus' parents in Brawl before it was referenced in any game. (It originated in the Metroid manga that was released with Zero Mission in Japan)

Also, you seem to have mistaken the F-Zero comic that came in the instruction manual of the original game for the anime that debuted in 2004. What I posted with him using the gun? From the comic, not the anime.
Though it seems people have already corrected you by the time I finished this response.

It's quite clear that giving Ganondorf a hand to hand combat fighting style is a contradiction of how he fights in his games.
In his games he always fights with a sword or magic (or in Ganon form). In SSB he fights primarily as a hand to hand fighter. I don't have my dictionary with me to clarify the definition of the word contradiction with you, but I'm sure you get it.
That's still not a contradiction. Clearly, you don't know what one is, so yes, go get your dictionary and look up the definition.
A contradiction would be having a character that actively hates guns suddenly having a gun to fight with. (Kind of invoked in Brawl with Sonic, who can use the gun items). Or someone who can't swim suddenly able to swim (invoked with Sonic, again).
Having a character who is known for their strength fight hand to hand instead of using a weapon is not a contradiction. Especially when the weapon is not what he's best known for.

I'm not sure what you're referring to about "showing physical prowess without a weapon". Yes he's an athletic guy... He still only fights with a sword and magic.
You could say that about every sword wielding character on the roster as just as good a justification to make them a hand to hand fighter.
Funny. I seem to remember him beating the **** out of Link in Wind Waker with his bare hands before his boss fight. And kicking and elbowing Link in his boss fight in Twilight Princess. (And even before that, killing one of the Sages with a rushing palm)
I also remember him punching the frigging ground out in Ocarina of Time.

I don't know why you picked this fight. It's a silly argument.
It is quite silly when one does not know what they are talking about as you have shown, yes.

I'd be interested to hear if you think there would be a difference between this and giving Link or Ike a hand to hand based moveset?
Or would that have been okay too?
Your comparison is bad and you should feel bad.
Link and Ike started out as swordsman. Ganondorf did not become one in canon until Wind Waker.
Ganondorf was included in Smash prior to his usage of swords. Not only that, but he was added as a last minute clone to help boost the game's roster.
Ganondorf is known for his strength (he wields the Triforce of Power for a reason) and magic. His moveset, while borrowing from someone else, manages to combine both aspects.

So yes, while a sword is probably a great option to break him out of the Captain Ganon shackles, it isn't the only one that makes sense.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oct 29, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Read again. I said DK's Giant Punch, not the Falcon Punch.
That originated in the Donkey Kong Country cartoon (in the first few minutes of the pilot episode, no less), which came before the original Smash Bros.
Then we have the whole Pokéspeak aspect, and taking a step further with a talking Lucario and Mewtwo. The final nail of the coffin in regards to non-media origin: Meowth's Melee trophy being about Team Rocket's Meowth. And to beat the dead horse, Prof. Oak's and Misty's trophies being design after their anime appearances.
Meta Knight uses his Japanese anime voice, and his sword, which was unnamed in the games, is given the anime name of Galaxia.
Ridley is given the backstory about him being the murderer of Samus' parents in Brawl before it was referenced in any game. (It originated in the Metroid manga that was released with Zero Mission in Japan)
You're arguing with a straw man.
I never said anything to the effect of non video game media never being considered in move sets.

In fact above I said that they are occasionally considered despite precedence being given to the games.

Also, you seem to have mistaken the F-Zero comic that came in the instruction manual of the original game for the anime that debuted in 2004. What I posted with him using the gun? From the comic, not the anime.
Though it seems people have already corrected you by the time I finished this response.
It's not really relevant to what I was saying. Maybe he should have a gun because of it? I don't really care.

That's still not a contradiction. Clearly, you don't know what one is, so yes, go get your dictionary and look up the definition.
A contradiction would be having a character that actively hates guns suddenly having a gun to fight with. (Kind of invoked in Brawl with Sonic, who can use the gun items). Or someone who can't swim suddenly able to swim (invoked with Sonic, again).
"A person, thing, or situation in which inconsistent elements are present."
Key word being inconsistent.
His moveset is inconsistent with his in-game fighting.

Sometimes I think you argue just for the sake of arguing Golden..... Another silly argument that you were under no obligation to continue where a simple dictionary lookup shows you to be wrong.

(Although I can understand why you thought that was the meaning since it is the most common colloquial usage).

Having a character who is known for their strength fight hand to hand instead of using a weapon is not a contradiction. Especially when the weapon is not what he's best known for.
I'm sorry I can't understand what you're trying to say here. Could you please clarify?

Funny. I seem to remember him beating the **** out of Link in Wind Waker with his bare hands before his boss fight. And kicking and elbowing Link in his boss fight in Twilight Princess. (And even before that, killing one of the Sages with a rushing palm)
I also remember him punching the frigging ground out in Ocarina of Time.
So punching someone in a cut scene overrules using a sword whenever you actually fight him physically?

I don't remember Ganondorf combat fighting Link in an actual boss fight in Twilight. Unless you mean amidst using his sword? In that case ofcourse giving him some Ike style hits amongst sword moves is perfectly reasonable.

As long as his moves are derived from his games I'm happy. Continuing to omit the largest part of his fighting style is ridiculous and I don't know why you're defending it.

It didn't mean it's okay to make Ike a hand to hand fighter just because he may have used his hands rarely and insignificantly and rarely in his games.
This argument is pitiful.

(punching the ground isn't hand to hand combat).

Your comparison is bad and you should feel bad.
Link and Ike started out as swordsman. Ganondorf did not become one in canon until Wind Waker.
Ganondorf was included in Smash prior to his usage of swords. Not only that, but he was added as a last minute clone to help boost the game's roster.
Ganondorf is known for his strength (he wields the Triforce of Power for a reason) and magic. His moveset, while borrowing from someone else, manages to combine both aspects.

So yes, while a sword is probably a great option to break him out of the Captain Ganon shackles, it isn't the only one that makes sense.
I couldn't agree more that part of the reason they must've initially saw it justifiable to put Ganondorf in as a hand to hand fighter was due to his physical fighting style in humanoid form being a blank canvas due to only fighting with magic so far (this is no longer the case).

For the record even with a semi-blank canvas I don't agree with their choice to go with hand to hand. A trident or his E3 sword would have made alot more sense at this point.
It's just unfortunate that they negligently rushed him in as a clone and didn't make it priority to fix in Brawl by which stage the sword was his humanoid forms' established weapon of choice.

(Your statement about him never using a sword before Melee isn't entirely true either. He has his E3 sword in his taunt afterall.)

I also couldn't agree more that it could be something other than a sword. Like dusting off the ol' trident.
It really doesn't bother me.
What bothered me is keeping him as a combat fighter with zero moves resembling his games which you bizarrely tried to defend.
(although a sword would make the most sense since it's the only weapon he has used in humanoid form).

I like that bit of stretched logic about the triforce of power.
He wields the triforce of power... therefore he has strength... therefore combat fighting makes sense. :laugh:
Power is not a synonym for physical strength in this case, nor does having strength mean he should be a combat fighter.

Congratulations on picking a fight with me for no reason where you assumed many things about what I thought which were wrong... and making a number of goofy statements in the process.


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
Ah, once again my comment is overshadowed by an argument between Golden and ManBearPig.

It was worth a try though.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oct 29, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Ah, once again my comment is overshadowed by an argument between Golden and ManBearPig.

It was worth a try though.

It's not that it's being overshadowed. It's just one of those comments where it goes without saying that almost everyone agrees.
If you said something more controversial and stupid like "Impa doesn't have enough moves to be playable" or "Ganondorf being a hand to hand fighter is okay" then I guarantee you'd get more responses :laugh:


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007

If you said something more controversial and stupid like "Impa doesn't have enough moves to be playable" or "Ganondorf being a hand to hand fighter is okay" then I guarantee you'd get more responses :laugh:
Ganon doesn't need a sword. I think clones are awesome and every character should have one!


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
"Ganondorf being a hand to hand fighter is okay" then I guarantee you'd get more responses :laugh:
Well Ganondorf being a hand-to-hand fighter hasn't really to be much of an issue in the past two games.

I can understand why people would want him to use his sword but isn't more awesome to play as an evil lord who uses his fists rather than petty weapons?
I mean SURE, people ten fun of him for that. But I'd rather smash people his fists rather than with a sword. I think it makes playing as Ganondorf much more satisfying.

The same could be said for Captain Falcon too, I mean I don't think he'd be as dynamic as he is if he used his Gun.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
To be fair, none of this has to do with Impa and this is an Impa thread... Too bad there isn't another thread on the character boards that is actually about the Zelda Franchise as a whole or even other character specific threads... Ohhhh well.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oct 29, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Now you've done it. :mad:
Well Ganondorf being a hand-to-hand fighter hasn't really to be much of an issue in the past two games.
Maybe not to you but It's been a huge issue for Ganondorf fans.

I can understand why people would want him to use his sword but isn't more awesome to play as an evil lord who uses his fists rather than petty weapons?
No it isn't. Not for me at least.
I just want to fight with Ganondorf from Zelda. Not Captain Falcon with a Ganondorf skin.

I think people are focusing this argument too much on the sword. It's more about the all round moveset being realistic to what he would use.
I actually don't care that much about the sword. I just want to feel like I'm playing with Ganondorf. It has never felt like that in SSB and so I've never mained him despite being an all time favourite video character of mine.

I want him to be able to use his magic moves just as much as a sword/trident so that he is an authentic Ganondorf.
Giving Pikachu an all physical moveset would probably take out the fun of playing with pikachu for fans of his too if you understand what I mean.

I mean SURE, people ten fun of him for that. But I'd rather smash people his fists rather than with a sword. I think it makes playing as Ganondorf much more satisfying.
Would you rather smash people with Ike's fists than his sword?
I just find that a very subjective and odd statement that could be used to justify making any character have any sort of moveset.

If it's satisfying to you to play with Captain Falcons move set. Why not use Captain falcon and let us Ganondorf fans get to play as our favourite character as he is in the games we love?


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
To be fair, none of this has to do with Impa and this is an Impa thread... Too bad there isn't another thread on the character boards that is actually about the Zelda Franchise as a whole or even other character specific threads... Ohhhh well.
You're right.

So....Impa's pretty cool right? She can totally have a magic barrier attack and not afraid of anything. One thing I don't get (I'm all for Impa, whatever man) is how people expect her to show up. Is she just swapping places with Skyward Sword Zelda or something? Or do people think she's going to be her own character?

If it's the first, is it two characters, or...I don't even.

If it's the second, I think that's incredibly unlikely. Don't tell Diddy I said that. Still think Impa's pretty cool and wouldn't mind her, but yeah man.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oct 29, 2006
Sydney, Australia
You're right.

So....Impa's pretty cool right? She can totally have a magic barrier attack and not afraid of anything. One thing I don't get (I'm all for Impa, whatever man) is how people expect her to show up. Is she just swapping places with Skyward Sword Zelda or something? Or do people think she's going to be her own character?

If it's the first, is it two characters, or...I don't even.

If it's the second, I think that's incredibly unlikely. Don't tell Diddy I said that. Still think Impa's pretty cool and wouldn't mind her, but yeah man.
Nah not the first. I don't think Sakurai would want to combine two separate characters into one aside from a Pokemon trainer. Transformations have always been characters changing identities, not tag teaming different ones.

There's a combination of three reasons as to why I give her a chance:

1) Zelda is the highest selling Nintendo series of all time. So naturally adding a new Zelda character is always on the table. Plus we haven't had one since Melee.

2) The first point is great but... the problem with Zelda newcomers is that most characters just appear in one game aside from the guys already in SSB.
Impa is the exception to this appearing in 6 different games.

3) She's easy to implement as a last minute character since she would share a moveset with Sheik and be a clone.

But yes, people expecting anything more than a last minute clone addition are probably being a little unrealistic.
(Unless she has another prominent role in the next Zelda game in which case her chances skyrocket).


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
There's a combination of three reasons as to why I give her a chance:

Impa is the exception to this appearing in 6 different games.

3) She's easy to implement as a last minute character since she would share a moveset with Sheik and be a clone.

But yes, people expecting anything more than a last minute clone addition are probably being a little unrealistic.
(Unless she has another prominent role in the next Zelda game in which case her chances skyrocket).
True enough points I didn't consider. I still consider Ghira to be the more interesting choice, but hell, I did the same thing for Midna/Skull Kid too.

I think it all boils down to whether Sakurai feels Sheik is overdone at this point, because Impa sure isn't winning a popularity contest. (I somehow imagine a mob consisting of Mega Man, K. Rool, Mewtwo, Ridley and Little Mac ganging up on Impa and beating her up. Sad, but I chuckled...I don't know why. Gang violence must be hilarious.)

I mean, Sheik is relatively relevant, having appeared in Brawl and in OoT 3D. I don't quite think Sakurai shares the opinion we do that Zelda needs to change her moveset, but I guess we'll see, won't we?

We're still bros, right Diddy? :cool:


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
Now you've done it. :mad:
Oh boy.
Maybe not to you but It's been a huge issue for Ganondorf fans.
I can imagine, especially from somebody with a WW Ganondorf as there avatar. Where he has TWO SWORDS!1!1!1 (I'm sorry I just had to make that comment)

No it isn't. Not for me at least.
I just want to fight with Ganondorf from Zelda. Not Captain Falcon with a Ganondorf skin.
Even though he isn't Captain Falcon with a Ganondorf Skin in Brawl.
I still can't believe people are still calling other characters clones. The only Clone is Toon Link guys.
Luigi, Falco, Wolf, Lucas, and Ganondorf are all Semi-Clones.

While similar they are still different. Why is this hard to understand?

I think people are focusing this argument too much on the sword. It's more about the all round moveset being realistic to what he would use.
Dark Magic, check.
Overwhelming Power, check.
But is there anything else he needs? He represents the Triforce of Power. Shouldn't he feel the way he does? Perhaps you could try to enlighten me about what you think he should be more like.

I actually don't care that much about the sword. I just want to feel like I'm playing with Ganondorf. It has never felt like that in SSB and so I've never mained him despite being an all time favourite video character of mine.I want him to be able to use his magic moves just as much as a sword/trident so that he is an authentic Ganondorf.
To each his own I suppose.

Giving Pikachu an all physical moveset would probably take out the fun of playing with pikachu for fans of his too if you understand what I mean.
However giving Pikachu a physical only moveset wouldn't represent Pokemon correctly. Because of the variety of moves a Pokemon can learn wouldn't be represented correctly. Ganondorf doesn't really need anything other than his Power and Dark Magic to symbolize that is the Dark Ruler who wields the Triforce of Power. Besides, I don't think OoT Ganondorf needed any weapons to take on Link. He just needed his fists and magic. (and swords after he became a pigman but that is besides the point)

Would you rather smash people with Ike's fists than his sword?
I just find that a very subjective and odd statement that could be used to justify making any character have any sort of moveset.
Ike wouldn't make sense using his fists. He uses a Sword at all times. Ganondorf does not.

1) Zelda is the highest selling Nintendo series of all time. So naturally adding a new Zelda character is always on the table. Plus we haven't had one since Melee.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oct 29, 2006
Sydney, Australia
True enough points I didn't consider. I still consider Ghira to be the more interesting choice, but hell, I did the same thing for Midna/Skull Kid too.

I think it all boils down to whether Sakurai feels Sheik is overdone at this point, because Impa sure isn't winning a popularity contest. (I somehow imagine a mob consisting of Mega Man, K. Rool, Mewtwo, Ridley and Little Mac ganging up on Impa and beating her up. Sad, but I chuckled...I don't know why. Gang violence must be hilarious.)

I mean, Sheik is relatively relevant, having appeared in Brawl and in OoT 3D. I don't quite think Sakurai shares the opinion we do that Zelda needs to change her moveset, but I guess we'll see, won't we?

We're still bros, right Diddy? :cool:
Yeah I found Ghira a really creepy interesting character. But just going by Zant, Midna and Skull kid never even making it as assist trophies, it shows how much Sakurai values characters with one appearance.

I think Diddy likes her enough on his own to make up for any world wide lack of popularity. :laugh:


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oct 29, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Oh boy.

I can imagine, especially from somebody with a WW Ganondorf as there avatar. Where he has TWO SWORDS!1!1!1 (I'm sorry I just had to make that comment)

Even though he isn't Captain Falcon with a Ganondorf Skin in Brawl.
I still can't believe people are still calling other characters clones. The only Clone is Toon Link guys.
Luigi, Falco, Wolf, Lucas, and Ganondorf are all Semi-Clones.

While similar they are still different. Why is this hard to understand?
Totally get the difference.
I always refer to them as luigified clones.
Still makes him a clone.

Dark Magic, check.
Overwhelming Power, check.
But is there anything else he needs? He represents the Triforce of Power. Shouldn't he feel the way he does? Perhaps you could try to enlighten me about what you think he should be more like.
Making him kick someone and putting purple smoke around his foot doesn't check the magic box for me :laugh:
I'd like to see magic moves from his games like his infamous electric ball attack from Oot.

I just want his moves to be from his games but I think I said that already.

It's not a Falcon like situation where there's very little to choose from. There's a vast array of authentic Ganondorf moves that make him who he is in the Zelda games.

However giving Pikachu a physical only moveset wouldn't represent Pokemon correctly. Because of the variety of moves a Pokemon can learn wouldn't be represented correctly. Ganondorf doesn't really need anything other than his Power and Dark Magic to symbolize that is the Dark Ruler who wields the Triforce of Power. Besides, I don't think OoT Ganondorf needed any weapons to take on Link. He just needed his fists and magic. (and swords after he became a pigman but that is besides the point)
I don't really see any logic used here.

Pikachu not having his authentic moves would fail to represent him properly because.... he can learn lots of moves? but Ganondorf not having his authentic moves would still represent him properly because.... he is still powerful?

Very all over the place reasoning without anything to back it up.

It should be no more complicated than the idea that a characters moves should be derived from their games as best as possible to do them justice and please the fans of the franchise.

This is the wrong thread and I don't feel like arguing about it anymore so lets drop it.


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
Totally get the difference.
I always refer to them as luigified clones.
Still makes him a clone.[/clone]
Fair enough.

Making him kick someone and putting purple smoke around his foot doesn't check the magic box for me :laugh:
I'd like to see magic moves from his games like his infamous electric ball attack from Oot.

I just want his moves to be from his games but I think I said that already.

It's not a Falcon like situation where there's very little to choose from. There's a vast array of authentic Ganondorf moves that make him who he is in the Zelda games.
Well I can see your point here. But what are you gonna do?
People do actually like the way Ganondorf plays. They just won't completely remove his moveset. (Unless it's moved onto another character like Black Shadow or customizable movesets end up being a thing).

I don't really see any logic used here.
Pikachu not having his authentic moves would fail to represent him properly because.... he can learn lots of moves? but Ganondorf not having his authentic moves would still represent him properly because.... he is still powerful?

Very all over the place reasoning without anything to back it up.
I'm not going to continue this part of the argument because I can only see the result being both of us calling the other one stupid in some way / shape / or form.

It should be no more complicated than the idea that a characters moves should be derived from their games as best as possible to do them justice and please the fans of the franchise.

This is the wrong thread and I don't feel like arguing about it anymore so lets drop it.
Fair enough, we can continue this in Ganondorf's topic if we really wanted to.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I want Toon Ganondorf to be the only Ganondorf in SSB4. OOT Ganondorf and TP Ganondorf had their turn in Melee and Brawl. It's TWW Ganondorf's turn to come out and play. I want to play as a Ganondorf who isn't a Captain Falcon clone and I hope Toon Ganondorf fights with those two swords like in TWW.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I want Impa to play as Impa so I can beat up people as Impa.

Really, why the Ganondorf discussion here? He already takes up all attention in the Zelda Series thread, and he has his own thread. LEAVE IMPA ALONE!! :c

And honestly, I'm not expecting any true newcomer to the Zelda series if it isn't for Impa. Tingle can be as easily disregarded as Balloon Fighter, plus he's quite hated and hasn't made an appearance in a while. And outaide of his own spin-offs, he's hardly worthy being a newcomer. Impa has had a lot more running time in the series, better potential being a fighter (that isn't comical relief) and is overall more important.

Also, wouldn't rule out Sheik being replaced by Impa just yet. I still find Sheik's addition to Brawl a lucky one.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Nice graphic, Diddy. All smokey/shadowed. I would personally not want to see deku nuts simply because I kind of view her up B as already using Deku Nuts the way that we've seen Sheik use them. Also, it just doesn't seem very much like a "down" special. If it was like Link's down B bomb thing where she would just take out a nut to be used it would have to be a much weaker than the deku nut item.

Are you thinking something where she just tosses a nut out in an arc, pulls one out, or slams on on the ground as part of a disappearing/defensive move?

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
haha Impa got that Sisqo cut

I don't think anything new is coming from the Zelda camp, but I wouldn't mind Impa as long as she doesn't replace Sheik

Deleted member

After making jokes about her having a "Rasengan ripoff", she should use her little ball of energy like a Rasengan. :troll:

And possibly use that barrier thing as an expy of the 8 Palms Rotation. :awesome:

(I'm actually being serious. The trolling aspect is that the inspiration of using those attacks come from Naruto.)

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
qdMbp: Yeah was thinking of Impa using it mostly like how she (and Sheik) did it in Ocarina of Time. Throwing the Deku Nut down in an arch, and causing a flash in a fixed motion. Also, I wouldn't think it should be as good as the item in Brawl was. But seriously though, why does the Deku Nut do like 30% damage and so much knockback in Brawl, while it's so weak in the game itself? Needless to say, I wouldn't expect it to do that much damage, let alone knockback. Was thinking 5~7% damage, and no knockback. Stunning features remain the same.

Was also thinking of a 'Ring of Fire' special move. You know, a magical fire attack which we've seen on quite some enemies and others in the Zelda series. Even the Old Man in Zelda NES used it. And to make it fitting, make it purple fire. Cause of Impa being the Sage of Shadow's and all you know. The barrier is a MUST have though. As well as the magical orb attack - which I even had in my Impa moveset as a time-slowing move similar to the Timer item.

Anyways, there are ideas plently for Impa. Her normal attacks don't even have to resemble Sheik's anyway, cause judging from her poses, she seems to fight with her palms a lot. Mostly like kungfu. So that is easy inspiration for a lot of moves as well.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Yeah, the Deku Nut in Brawl is way overpowered... It already stuns, it should never bring a killing blow. In OoT, didn't Link just throw it to the ground right in front of him to stun enemies? Even Sheik just used it to stun Link so s/he could disappear. I dunno. I guess it just isn't the move I'd like to see from Impa, especially because she ISN'T Sheik, so she might as well be giving something original/from her own repertoire.

A more palmy fighting style would be kind of nice to see. OR, or, make Impa a LUCARIO CLONE. And Ganondorf too. Hah. That... would probably make me cry.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
You see Impa use the move before Sheik ever does it thought. To be exact: 7 years before Sheik used it, Impa used it. Right after she teaches you Zelda's Lullaby. And Sheik / Impa didn't stun Link, they just blinded him for unknown reasons. But since the Deku Nuts stun enemies when used by Link, why not make them a stun-based projectile for Impa?

And to be honest, I always pictured Impa as a sort of character with styles similar to Sheik and Lucario. But still different, with own unique abilities of coarse.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Oh, I'd forgotten that Impa actually did use them first. That's cool, then... though Sheik still uses them to escape with Up B, so that's still a bit less unique. But oh well- yeah, if it made nearby enemies flinch and cover their eyes instead of doing the full-blown Deku Nut daze then that'd be pretty reasonably balanced.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
No Sheik doesn't directly use Deku Nuts for Vanish as far as I can tell. She just... vanishes. Lol.
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